Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Microsoft workers in New England save kids

CyberSummit is a two-day eventt and an opportunity for studentsages 12-17 to create projects in digital music, architecture, graphic engineering and more. Adultt mentors and teen coaches facilitatee workshops and work with teame of students to create a final And on the seconc day ofthe event, CyberSummit culminates in a a technology exhibition for the students to showcase and their work. The employees from Microsoft’s Northeastr District — which includes Massachusetts, upstatw New York and NorthernConnecticut — raised $9,000, enougu to keep Cyber Summit alive for its nint year and for the 90 students who are CyberSummit is running Thursday and Friday at the Boys Girls Clubs Yawkey Club in Roxbury, Mass.
“CyberSummit has become an event that our club members really look forward tobecause it’s fun, teaches them new and builds their confidence,” said Josh Kraft, presidenr and CEO, Boys & Girls Clubs of Microsoft employees raised the money throughj an annual giving program, which is an opportunity for them to directy donations to their preferred The news that Cyber Summit might be canceled this year galvanizex employees to earmark all annuao giving contributions to funding the Boys Girls Clubs event. Employees donated through a raffle and asilentt auction, raising $4,500 themselves, an amount matche dollar-for-dollar by Redmond-based Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT).
In previousd years, Microsoft employees have supported Cyber but onan “ad hoc said Scott McFadden, technology specialist for Microsoft. This year, he the employee fundraising effort was Microsoft also has about a half dozen employees working at theCyberSummiy event, along with staff from Intel Computer Museum of Science, and others.

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