Friday, November 30, 2012

Allis-Chalmers to sell shares in rights offering - Houston Business Journal:
million shares of its common stocokat $2.50 through a rights Energy-focused private equity firm has agree to backstop the offering by purchasingv from Allis-Chalmers, at the same price, any shared not purchased by existing shareholders, according to the Lime Rock has agreed to buy up to 34 percenyt of Allis-Chalmers’ outstanding shares in a move that coulsd make Lime Rock the Houston oilfielxd services company’s largest single It also plans to purchase convertibled preferred stock at a price of $1,000 per Allis-Chalmers (NYSE: ALY) expects gross proceeds from the offeringy and the backstop commitment of between $79.9 millio and $89.3 million.
Proceeds of the offeringh will be used to paydown debt. The companyy has 34.7 million sharess outstanding. Following the announcement Thursday, the company’s share price slid nearly 18 percentto $3 a share. Shared closed May 20 at $3.65 a Based on the closing share price, the $2.5 sale price represents a 32 percent premium. The sale and backstoo are movesby Allis-Chalmers to aid in its In late 2008, company chairman and chiecf executive officer Micki Hidayatalla h about half of his direct share holdings in the compant in two separate transactions to covefr a margin loan and margin calls. Hidayatallah still owns about 1 millionj shares inthe company.
In February, the company abouft 20 percent ofits U.S. work forcw in an effort to saveabout $21.7 milliobn annually.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Construction starts on Nemours - Orlando Business Journal:
The 95-bed 630,000-square-foot children’s hospital is expected to openin 2012. The new pediatrixc health care system will also focus on biomedical medical and allied health training andeducational programs, pediatrixc prevention services and child advocacy programs. Nemoursz was facing a state deadlin eof Aug. 19 to start The hospital is located inLake Nona’s medical which also includes the University of Central Florida Collegr of Medicine, , Veterans Affairs M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Institute and University of Floridzresearch facility. The hospital is beingv designedby , and .
is the Nemours, which has more than 4,000 employees and operates one ofthe nation’ largest pediatric health systems, owns and operates the Alfre I. duPont Hospital for Childrehn in Wilmington, Del., and clinicd in Jacksonville, Orlando and Pensacola in Florida.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Report: Red Wings' Riley Sheahan was wearing 'Teletubbies' costume, carrying ... - Detroit Free Press


Report: Red Wings' Riley Sheahan was wearing 'Teletubbies' costume, carrying ...

Detroit Free Press

The 20-year old, playing for the Grand Rapids Griffins, also was carrying teammate Brendan Smith's Michigan driver's license and wearing a purple Teletubby costume when he was pulled over shortly before midnight in downtown Grand Rapids, ac cording to ...

Drunk hockey player was wearing Teletubbie costume


Report: Red Wings Prospect Was 'Super Drunk,' Wearing Teletubby Costume at ...

Red Wings Prospect Caught Drunk In Teletubbies Costume

CBS Local

The Detroit News -SB Nation -Deadspin


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Red Sox TV viewership off 14 percent - Phoenix Business Journal:
The Sox still dominate the localp airwaves duringgame broadcasts, logging the highesg local viewer ratings amongt all teams, according to a recenf analysis by Street & Smith’e Sports Business Journal. The Sports Business Journal is owned by American CityBusinesss Journals, the parent of the Boston Business Sox games on New Englansd Sports Network (NESN) were broadcasted into an averagre of 209,000 households during the period down 12 percent from the year-earlied span. As a percentage of the loca l television audience, the Sox’sz average rating of 8.67 was down 14 percent on a year-over-yeart basis.
The team’s local market-share average is still the highest amongh allMLB teams. MLB has registeredx relativelyflat year-to-date ratings on its FOX and TBS broadcasts and a 15.4 percenr decline in ESPN-affiliated broadcasts. The Sportd Business Journal calculated the ratings and viewership averages byanalyzingh data. As of June 5, the Sox were tied with the for firstf place atop the American League EastDivisioh standings.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Husband wants answers over wife whose death sparked abortion debate - CNN

Husband wants answers over wife whose death sparked abortion debate


Galway, Ireland (CNN) -- One fateful day in October, life changed forever for Praveen Halappanavar. The engineer from India, who had settled in Ireland four years earlier with his wife, Savita, found himself suddenly a widower. Savita, a 31-year-old ...

and more »

Thursday, November 22, 2012

bizjournals: Search Results
has formed The IGS Group a Dallas...... by on Octobere 18, 2004 ...that vision. Ybarra previously served as executive vice presidentof Dallas-based . Prior to that, he worked for Grubb & Ellis Inc. by on September 6, 2004 on the 545,000-square-foot Park Towers officer buildingsfor ., and a structured financing on the condol conversion of the...... by on March 31, 2003 the new space by the end ofthe year. Dallas-baserd . paid more than $9 million for the formerd Raytheon facility...... by on July 26, 2002 DOWNTOWj DALLAS -- After a heated two-month search, the Greaterd Dallas Chamber of Commerce has selected Plaza of the a two-building, 1-million-square-foot office......
by on May 17, 2002 ...Weinre has promoted three key executivesz at his commercial realestate . Stacey Davis, a 10-year veteran at TPMC, has by on March 4, 2002 DOWNTOWNN DALLAS -- More than 20 downtown officre properties are vying to becom e the new home of the Greater Dallasa Chamberof Commerce. The...... by on March 1, 2002 In the as the bottom was beginning to drop out of the locao realestate market, a group of 12 men formec a......
by on September 18, 2000

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Green insurance exists, but it
It’s easy to let the imagination run policies designed for hybrid for people who use publi c transportation or bikes andseldonm drive; for houses with living roofs, geothermal systemws or rainwater catchment systems. The policiews are out there. But not all are proving popular. “The way most people buy insurance is basexdon price,” said Mark Strauss, an insurance adviserd and agent with in Portland. “Travelerw has a discount for hybrids, but if I can get someonwe a better deal through Oregon Mutual withouty thehybrid discount, they’ll buy that.
” A few peopled are, however, buying insurance for vehiclees that run on alternative , which says it was the firstg to introduce insurance for hybrids, offers a 10 percen discount on policies for vehicles that run on compressef natural gas, ethanol, methanol, propane or Cars that run on a blend of electricithy and traditional gas also qualify under thess policies. Farmers, which is basedc in Los Angeles, first introduced thesd policies almost three years agoin California. Sales of thesee policies are growing quickly, up 75 percentg nationwide by the end of Butthe 52,500 alternative auto policies sold so far are stillk just 0.
65 percent of all the company’s auto policies, said Michelle Dornfeld, a senioer product development manager for Farmers. The percentagd of alternative policies is higherdin Oregon, Colorado, Arizona and California than in othef states where Farmer sells, but it’es still small. Farmers doesn’t know yet if thesw policies aremore profitable, less profitable or aboug the same as regular auto policies. There’s discussioh in the insurance industry about whether drivers who are conscientious enougjh to buy hybrids are also generally more saferdrivers — and therefore represent a lower risk but there’s not really enoug h data to tell the story.
That’s about to though. With three years and a growinbg number of policiesout there, “It’s realistic to expect we’ll know by year end,” Dornfeld said. Auto insurances that is priced by how much one drivess has been around a bit longer than insurances for hybridand alternative-fuel Traditionally, it’s been pitched as a way to lower the cost of rather than as insurance for greener — that is, less frequeny — drivers. This kind of insurancre has historically facedsome obstacles, said Tiffany a senior product manager for Farmers, whicu is now looking seriously at pay-as-you-driv e insurance.
People who want this kind of policy have to buy a deviced that tracksmiles driven. The drivef must periodically plug the device into the computetr so the information on miles driven can be sent to theinsurancse company. “The cost of the device and the required changew in behavior are barriers toconsumefr acceptance,” said Figoni. Nevertheless, Farmers and othee companies are trying todesign usage-based programsa that are easier to use and that will be more attractivd to consumers. If these policies become popular, they’re likely to lower cost not justfor drivers, but for insurance companies.
It’s well known in the industr that a 10 percent drop in drivinh reduces accidents by17 percent. A recent change in Orego law also means insurance companies can get a tax breakk if theysell reduced-driving auto policies in the state.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Who's Hiring - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Are you starting to see any impact of stimulusz spending onengineering jobs? might be a little strong. The first round of so-callefd stimulus money went to what are beingcalled shovel-readt projects. That generally means there no longerr is any engineeringwork needed. A lot of monegy is going for asphalt overlays orhighwaty repairs. In terms of providing for new jobs or throwing any moneyu into theprivate sector, it doesn’t do You seem a little frustrated. The frustratingb part is not having an easy way to get answers from thefederapl government. That’s the nature of the There is noinfrastructure Yet. Are there any bright spots?
I am starting to hear a littles bit about water projectstrickling out. The retail sector shed nearluy 16,000 jobs in the past 12 months statewide, accordinb to the most recent data from the Washingtonj State EmploymentSecurity Department. But there are some smalp glimmers of hopeamong retailers. Just this California-based announced plans to open its first hamburger restauranr in this market in in new retail spac ein Ballard. The franchise is owned by Orcas Island residenrDrew Reed, who plans to hire 20 to 25 full-time workerws and about 30 more part-timers.
Reed said he planws to open four more burger restaurantz in the area in the next five The new burger joint in the Ballarfd Blocks development just north of the Ballard Bridge coul d spark a hamburger war of with other popular restaurants like Red Mill Burgers and Ballard BrothersBurgers & Seafood nearby. Reed’e new venture into the local market also is helping the developer s of the Ballard Blocks slowly but steadily fill up the new which opened earlierthis year. Ballard Blockss is anchored by Trader Joe’s and LA Fitness and already has achieved a local landmark status of sorts.
One landowner — Edith Macefield — held out and didn’t sell, forcinv the developer to build arounf hermodest home. According to an email from Mari Royer at Real Retail in who is handling the retail leasingf forBallard Blocks, the new retail development has leasec 74 percent of its space, with several deale in the works. Meanwhile, Kimberly Carney, who owns Jaxx Boutiik in Seattle’s Eastlake neighborhood, is expanding next door with a men’s clothing store. Carney plans to open the new store, later in June. The store will offet everything from jeansand T-shirtds to designer suits.
Because the new store, like her old one, is a it will employ three tofour people, which won’r cause a blip in region’s unemployment rate. But it does show that some retailerd are seeingopportunities — and willing to take some risksz — even during a severe recession. In Carney’s that means eyeballing a long-vacanty space next door and finallyg striking a favorable deal with aneage landlord.
It also meands looking for new ways to markether She’s throwing a cigar and martini party as an And she says Aficionado will have a bar and big-screen TV, wherse customers can sip on a complimentary beer while they look She got an opportunity to have a clothing booth during the Emeralds City Classic Invitational volleyball tournament May 23-2r at the University of Washington, and Carnehy said she had one of her better weekendse of sales. “We have to keep working; we have to keep reinventinbg ourselves,” Carney said. Firing, yet hiring Oftebn companies are hiring and laying off Such is the case with several local notablyand , which both announceed layoffs this year.
But as largw companies like Boeing and Microsofy shed jobs tocut costs, they also have specifi needs to fill and are hiring. In Boeing’ds case, just in the montjh of May the aerospace gianr has posted several dozen job including several openingsdemanding high-tech experience, including IT, systemss engineering and systems and data analysis (See story page 5) Outside the Puget Sound area, the unmanned spy plane maker recently acquired by also is hiring. Based in Bingen, Wash., Insitj recently landed big government contracts to build morespy planes, including a U.S. militar contract announced May 22 that coulxd be worth upto $250 million.
In late Insitu also won a $30 million contract for spy planes to supporgt Canadian military operationsin Afghanistan.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rendell proposes personal income tax hike - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The increase would bring the taxto 3.57 percent, but states law would require it to return to 3.07 percent afterr three years, according to a releaswe from the governor's office. Rendelll said the temporary increase would raisreapproximately $1.5 billion per year in new A temporary tax has been implemented successfullg to address a fiscal crisis in Pennsylvaniz on three prior occasions, the governor'sx office said. Even with the , the state is more than $1 billio n short of balancing its budget by the endof June, the governor Raising the income tax would be preferabled to the alternatives, Rendell said. “The simpl e truth is we have nogood choices,” he said.
“Therew are no shortcuts out ofthis crisis, no magif bullets, no painless path out of this morass. We can do the easy thinyg for the moment or the righf thingfor Pennsylvania’s The fairest plan is to spreax the pain across the and let our economic recovery begin.”

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Highwoods sells retail centers for $62.1M - Triangle Business Journal:
for $62.1 million, the Raleigh-based real estatew investment trustsaid Friday. The three centers are, on 94.5 percent leased and 55 yearsx old. They generate a combined net operating incomeof $5.4 millioj a year, Highwoods (NYSE: HIW) said. “Our focus remains on continuinyg to improve the overall quality of our portfoliio through the dispositionof older, non-corw assets,” said Ed Fritsch, president and chief executive officer of Highwoods. “Inj addition, by selling these older, capital intensiv e retail centers, we are avoidint over $3 million in building improvements that would have been incurredr over the nexttwo years.” Our 2.
3 millionm square feet of office and retail propertiexs in Kansas City are now exclusively locateds in and around the Country Club a unique, upscale retail center that includes many high-enx national retailers.” As of March 31, Highwoodas owned or had an interest in 382 in-service office, industrial and retaill properties encompassing about 35.4 million square

Monday, November 12, 2012

Foresight Architects relocates from Clifton Park to Sch'dy - The Business Review (Albany):
has moved to downtown Schenectady and expanded its focus beyond designint churches and otherreligious , formerly known as James Hund t Architect, opened its new office May 1 on the thir floor of 426 State St. Hundt and partner Ted Lutz are principald inthe firm. They employ one full-timr interior decorator and a part-tim support staffer. “Our firm has traditionally done solelg religious architecture for the last16 years,” Hundt said. “We wantedd to expand and felt we could betterd do that if we were in an urbanj rather than asuburban environment.
” Among the buildingz the firm has designe d are the Church of Corpusd Christi in Clifton Park, Christ the King Churchj in Guilderland and the Interfaith Chapel at the College of St. The firm also designed renovationsfor St. James Churcb in Albany. Lutz and Hundt picked Schenectady for theitr new location because they like therevitalization that’s happening “A lot of our work has been renovationxs in historic buildings,” Hundt “We think we have a lot to offerr to this community.” The firm shares spacee on the third floor with , , and .
The firmss work in an open office environment that encourages the exchangewof ideas, according to the Chambeer of Schenectady County.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

ABC Mechanics owner builds following during storied career -

ABC Mechanics owner builds following during storied career

Williams is the owner and only full-time employee of ABC Mechanics, a place of rejuvenation for cars of all makes and models just down from Dollar General on Castle Hayne Road. He loves to work on classic cars, and especially cherishes getting under ...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

World's Rarest Whale Found on New Zealand Beach - ABC News (blog)

ABC News (blog)

World's Rarest Whale Found on New Zealand Beach

ABC News (blog)

New Zealand Department of Conservation/AP Photo. It is safe to c »

Monday, November 5, 2012

AHA: Mortality Odds Upped by Cardiac Re-Arrest - MedPage Today

MedPage Today

AHA: Mortality Odds Upped by Cardiac Re-Arrest

MedPage Today

This study was published as an abstract and presented at a conference. These data and conclusions should be considered to be preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal. Patients who experienced the loss of pulses after the successful return ...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

ePharmacy plan broadens care for Saint Luke
Using the ePharmacy system, two pharmacists at in Lee’ Summit provide overnight coverage to sixSaint Luke’s Prescriptions are scanned so they can be revieweed electronically in Lee’s Summit, and by entering the informatio n into the computer system, pharmacists allos for medications to be dispensed by automate cabinets at the hospitals. The initial phasre has been in place for abouta month, and Seniorr Pharmacy Director Doug DeJong said it paid dividendsx almost immediately when a pharmacis t dispensed a customized dose of antibiotics in the middlwe of the night.
Before pharmacists at Saint Luke’s South handled overnighft requests at four facilitiesin Lee’s Summit, Kansas City and Rising demand made that and the ePharmacy plan was more economical than adding pharmacistds at each site. Meanwhile, after-hours coveragde at Saint Luke’s facilities outside the metropolitajn area was limitedto on-call pharmacistas for emergencies. By developing the systemk in-house, Saint Luke’s is spending a quarter of what it woulfd have to pay to contract for the Saint Luke’s eventually may offer the servicwe for facilities outside its system to generate revenue.
The growing use of telepharmacies is beintg closely watched by thein Bethesda, Md., said Anthea Francis, a director with the group. A nationwide shortage of pharmacistd is making the practicemore common, she as are accreditation rules aimed at more pharmacisrt oversight of drug dispensing. Adequate staffing of telepharmacy sitesis crucial, she said, because pharmacistx do more than simply fill orders. “It’s not just as simple as peoplw seemto think,” she said.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

HBO Latino takes rights to 'Habana Eva,' 'Stone's Throw' - Variety

HBO Latino takes rights to 'Habana Eva,' 'Stone's Throw'


HBO Latino, HBO's U.S. Spanish-language service, has closed U.S. pay TV rights on two magic realist movies: Fina Torres' flamboyant tale in contempo Cuba, "Habana Eva," and Sebastian Hiriart's Mexican/U.S. immigration odyssey, "A Stone's Throw Away.