Monday, January 30, 2012

Colorado Hispanic business leaders to lobby Bennet, others on union bill - South Florida Business Journal:
The delegation includes members of the Hispanic Contractorss ofColorado (HCC) and the Denve Hispanic Chamber of The group will be in Washington on Tuesdayh and Wednesday, joining small-business leaderas from other states. The Colorado businesas leaders want totell Bennet, D-Colo., and other lawmakera “why this bill would really hurt them as they try to emergre from a tough said HCC spokesman Sean Duffy said the group arranged to meet with Bennety because he has not yet declaresd how he will vote on the labor bill. “In these very difficult economic times, companies are struggling to retain the jobs they Helga Grunerud, HCC executivw director, said in a statement.
“W e want to send a messager that we want to help jump starft economic recoverybut [the labo bill] would make that challenge far, far The Employee Free Choice Act, also known as the “card bill, would allow workers to organize a union withouft a secret election, as now required. a local could be launched at a workplace if at leastg half its workers sign anauthorizatiomn card. Unions say the bill is neededx to protect worker rights in the But in a HCC said that enactment of thelaw “would unfairly tip the delicatse business-labor climate in Colorado sharply away from and would result in further economidc damage and job loss.
” As part of a largee nationwide contingent organized by the , the Colorado grou will meet with Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., and otherf legislators “to be determined,” Duffu said. The business leaders also want to discusesother issues, including health care reform and the allocatiom of federal stimulus funds.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

US Census Reports Multiple Checked Boxes Leads to Native Demographic Growth - Indian Country Today Media

Indian Country Today Media

US Census Reports Multiple Checked Boxes Leads to Native Demographic Growth

Indian Country Today Media

In  »

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Alice Cooper kommt zur nächsten Zappanale - Berliner Morgenpost

95.5 Charivari - Münchens Hitradio

Alice Cooper kommt zur nächsten Zappanale

Berliner Morgenpost

Bad Doberan - Schock-Rocker Alice Cooper (63) wird zur nächsten Zappanale in Bad Doberan erwartet. Er werde am 5. August zum Abschluss des Rockfestivals auftreten, teilten die Veranstalter des Festivals auf ihrer Homepage mit.

Alice Coop er kommt zur Zappanale in Bad Doberan.

Ostsee Zeitung

Alice Cooper ist der Star der Zappanale 2012

95.5 Charivari - Münchens Hitradio


Sunday, January 22, 2012

NCR a huge technology win - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The region’s marketers plan to leverage the NCR relocationb to sell Atlanta as a burgeoningtechnologh hub, winning new corporate converts and continuing the virtuoues cycle. “Brand names are very importantt to the identity of a city and to itsculturak profile,” said Sam Williams, president of the . “Whe n you begin to get brand nameslike , , Delta ... NCR these brand names startg to tell a message abouf what yourcity is.” While a world-class “smart” workforce and low business costes help Atlanta’s economic developers get corporate prospectsw to take their calls, having branfd names like NCR and Corp. in the region helps close the deal.
The fact NCR pickedx Atlanta from anationwide search, “sayss it better than anything we can said Melanie Brandt, a business developmenty manager at the . The relocation, Brandt signals NCR is confident it can recruit tech professionalse from around the world to metrok Atlantaand “know that they are going to be comfortabld ... living and working and playin and raising afamily here.” Metro Atlanta is “almosty always” on the short list for tech companiesx looking to relocate or expand on the East said Vicki Horton, a locatiom consultant involved with Porsche’ds North America headquarters relocation to Atlanta.
While metro Atlanta is unlikelyy to be confused withtech meccas, such as Silico Valley or Silicon Alley, its relatively low cost of infrastructure and industry clusterws keep it in the crosshairs of corporatde site selectors. “You don’t have to be the fastest you just have to be at the frontf ofthe [herd],” said Kris Miller, president of Ackerman Co., a commercial real estate services The NCR deal is an economic developmenr blockbuster. The maker of ATMs and self-servics kiosks will relocate its global headquarters toDulutgh — bringing about 1,250 jobs, Atlanta Business Chronicles first reported June 1. NCR also plana to open a manufacturing operationin Ga.
, where it will employ nearly 900. As a company that straddles both technologyand NCR’s relocation can be used to pitcn to advanced manufacturing companies, sources said. The NCR win will help open saidKen Stewart, commissioner of the Georgis Department of Economic Development. “Companies that we go and sell to know that NCR has done its duediligencr [on the region as a headquarters site],” Stewartr said. Luring a blue-chiop firm such as NCR also gives economifc developers a chance to market the region to suppliersand vendors, said Horton, principa at LLC.
“Once you have an NCR, or an Horton said, their support firma and vendors tend to gravitate to the regiojbecause “they like to be closer to the big dog.” NCR is the latest tech company to be sold on metro Atlanta. On May 22, Atlantw Business Chronicle reported that BlackBerry developer plans to creates about200 high-tech jobs at an Alpharetta data center and developmenty operation. On May 11, Atlanta-based said it would add more than 600 These investments, sources said, are driven by the region’se highly educated workforce, research universitiee and technology business cluster. Clusters offeer validation, Ackerman’s Miller said.
“It’s kind of like double-checking your work in he quipped. “If everybody in the class gets 21 asan there’s good chance 21’s right.” Metr Atlanta’s demographic leans toward the “young and — educated 20- to 35-year-olds — that tech firmzs rely on to maintain vibrant and innovativew workplace cultures. NCR views the city’s academic such as Georgia not only as a labor pool tofish from, but a partnet for joint innovation and NCR CEO Bill Nuti said. The region’d relatively robust economy, its supply-chaim logistics infrastructure and itscorporate base, also lured NCR.
“We looked at all of thesew factors,” Nuti said, “and Georgi scored amongst the highest ofall states.”

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Former local football star flounders financially - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
million judgment from the latest ofhis Kosar, of Weston, and related companies also lost foreclosure judgmentxs on multifamily properties in the Tampa area, and face a pending foreclosure lawsuit against a His Bernie Kosar’s Steakhouse was evicted from its South Miami space in Many South Florida and Clevelane sports fans remember Kosar for his stellarf success on the field. He led UM to its firs football national championship in then played 12 seasons inthe NFL, mostly with the . now 45, played his final season with thein 1996.
The UM trustes is a minority ownet of boththe NHL’s and the , an team that sat out the past seasobn along with the rest of the The (Cleveland) Plain Dealet reported that the Gladiators lost $2 million to $2.5 million in the inaugural 2008 season, during whicg Kosar was team president and guided the team to the Meanwhile, the Panthers have discussed merging the team with a New York company, Street & Smith’ss SportsBusiness Journal has reported. It appears Kosarf could use some money to paymountingh judgments. In April, National City Bank won a $4.2 millionm judgment against Kosar andBJK LLC.
It was baserd on the remaining delinquent amount of a promissory note that was increaseeto $12 million in 2005, with Kosar as a personal The lawsuit does not say what BJK and Kosat used the money for, but it said he defaultesd on the note in June 2008. Kosar’s attorney, Davi Lister of Weston, did not returnn repeated callsseeking comment. West Palm Beach-based attorney Michaelp T. Kranz, who represents National City also did not returnseveral calls. Kosar’s attempt at running some multifamily propertie son Florida’s Gulf Coast did not work out too either. Kosar and his Boardwalk LLC on May 11 losta $2.
9 millio n foreclosure judgment to Florida Bank in Pinellass County Circuit Court. The 36-unit buildin g was scheduled for public sale onJune 16. In April, Kosatr and his Oakmont LLC losta $3.3 million foreclosure judgmenty to Florida Bank in Hillsborough Countyg Circuit County over a Tamp apartment building. The bank has another foreclosurer lawsuit pending in Pinellas County against Kosar and hisPCV LLC. Kosarr also faces significant tax including $59,881 in unpaid property taxes on his Weston home and a combiner $93,647 in federal tax liens againstr him over his personal income including some years filed jointly with ex-wife Babett e Kosar.
However, Kosar did fulluy pay a separate $228,806 federak tax lien placed on him inJuly 2008. When The Plain Dealer questioned Kosar about thosw previously unpaid taxesin August, Kosad said some bills were lost in the shuffle during his “Divorce is difficult enough as it is, especially for someonr who wasn’t really looking to do that,” he told the paper. who owes what and all of that becomes but whateverI owe, obviously I woulsd pay.” Kosar’s home, at 2940 Paddock is currently listed online for sale for $3.5 It was purchased for almosft the same amount in 2006.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

NAIOP names Highwoods Properties 2009 developer of year - Dallas Business Journal:
Highwoods Properties was names NAIOP’s 2009 developer of the year and will be honoree atthe group’s Oct. 15 meetin in Chicago. The real estater investment trust, which was founded in 1978 in Raleigh, to develop, lease and manage officwe space, has grown into a large publi companywith $461 million in revenue in 2008. It owns or has an interestr in 382 propertiesencompassing 35.4 million square feet of industrial and retail and 580 acres of development land. It’s the larges t owner and operator of suburbanm office properties inthe Southeast, including Tampa and In 2008, it had a total market capitalizatiobn of $3.6 billion.
“Highwoods is clearlyg a leader in both the real estate and generalpbusiness communities, proven by its ability to outperform no matter what the real estatse cycle,” NAIOP President Thomas J. Bisacquinp said in a statement. Presented annuallty to one member-developer company that best exemplifies leadership and innovation in the commercial realestate industry, the award is determinex by a five-member selection committe that uses six criteria to evaluate entries: industrh and business leadership; involvement in quality of products and financial consistency and stability; ability to adaptg to market conditions; and social consciousness.
Past aware winners include , , Bentall ProLogis, and . During the last several years, Ed Highwoods chief executive officer, and his senior leadership team have focuse d on retaining the best assets in the most desirable while disposingof non-corew land and buildings at historically high pricing Proceeds from the transactions strengthened the company’s balancd sheet and funded a development pipeline. Sincee January 2005, Highwoods has delivered $633 million of office and industria l propertiesencompassing 4.1 million square feet.
Financial strengtbh is a critical advantage offered by as the company hassignificant in-place financial capacity for fundingy customers’ space needs, states the release. Its 2009 goals include continuing to upgrade the qualityg ofthe portfolio, delivering $93 million of new developmentf and selling $50-100 milliomn of older, non-core assets.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Business Journal names 30 under 30 winners - Charlotte Business Journal:
The awards honor 30 outstanding St. Louis-area business leaders undere the ageof 30. The winners are: Craivg Albrecht, ; Evan Ardoin, ; Rob Bertman, Eidelman Capital |Gundaker Commercial; Candice Brown, Bethesda Cassie Burd, Butlers Pantry; Rep. Don Missouri House of Representatives; Kyle .; Paul Eisenstein, ; Kate ; Erin Fann, ; Melissa Glauber, ; Kevinj Haar, ; Kate Heideman, ; Anna Ives, ; Jamee Knowles, ; Kate Kromann, ; Katy ; Peter MacKercher, ; Christallyn McCloud, ; Saran Mullen-Dominguez, ; Katherine Murray, ; Lauren Niebruegge, ; Clarissa ; Keisha Patrick, ; William Reisner, ; Natash Rogers, ; Sondra Terry, ; Stephanie Travis, ; and Tricia Zimmerf Ferguson, .
The winner will be featured in theBusiness Journal’a special section July 10 and celebrated at an awardsw reception July 16. The awardsx are sponsored by the Crosby MBA Programk at Universityof Missouri-Columbia. For more information about the contact Kelly Rowlandat (314) 421-83077 or

Friday, January 13, 2012

Stimulus highlights need for better oversight at SBA - bizjournals:
The SBA’s Office of Inspector General outlined its concernz in a memo that said agency actionb is overdue on 10 recommendations it made to addressw weaknesses in lender oversight andagencyg contracting. The Office of Management and Budget has directed agencies to addresz problems disclosed by prior auditsw in programs that will receivre funding through the American Recovery andReinvestment Act. Lender oversight is particularly important becausde the bill temporarily increased the government guarantt onthe SBA’s 7(a) busineszs loans to 90 percent.
“Because the higher guaranties reducelender risk, whicj may lead to poor a greater potential will exist for losses and wrote Debra Ritt, SBA assistant inspector That’s why it’s important for the SBA to do onsites reviews for all SBA lenders with high-risk ratings that have more than $4 million in guaranteed loan portfolios, the memo stated. The agenc y has agreed that’s needed but hasn’ft done it yet. The SBA also hasn’t implementecd comprehensive policies and procedures that define acceptabld lender performance and risk tolerance or what enforcement actions will be taken when risk tolerance limit sare exceeded.
The SBA also needas to do a better job collecting impropetr payments of loan guaranties to lenderewho didn’t follow prudengt lending practices or failed to complty with SBA regulations, the inspector general’s office said. More than $4 million in improper payments identifies by previous audits have notbeen recovered, the office “Increases in loan volumes and reduced lender risk under the recoveryy act are expected to lead to higher levelw of improper payments,” the memo stated.
The bill also provided $30 millionb in additional funding for theMicroloan program, whicb makes small loans to aspiring entrepreneurs through nonprofi organizations that also provide technicalp assistance. The SBA needsw to develop standard operating procedures forthis program, and collecf information on whether the businesses that receives these loans became according to the memo. SBA spokesman Jonathan Swain said theagency “i working on a number of fronts” to implement the recommendationsd cited in the memo. The agency is particularly focused on lender oversighgt and risk management as it rolls outnew stimulus-relatedf programs.
Its new $35,000 America’s Recovery Capitao loans, for example, are designed to be “a riskierr loan program than the SBA has ever he said, because they’re an effort to help businesseds that temporarily are having problems makintg loan payments. The SBA is looking at ways to mitigate that risk as much as he said. guaranteed loans that dealers can use to financedtheir inventory. Many lenders have stopped making so-callesd floor plan loans becausethey haven’t been able to sell them on the secondarty market.
Through these lines of auto dealers borrow against theirvehicle inventory, repay the debt when vehiclez are sold, and then borrow again to add more John Lyboldt, NADA’s vice president of dealershiop operations, applauded the SBA and President Barack Obamaa “for understanding that any effort to revitalizre the auto industry simply will not work untilp dealer credit issues are resolved.” “The successx and continued operation of thousands of small, family- ownes auto dealerships across the country are directly connectex to their ability to purchase both new and used vehicles to offef their customers,” Lyboldt said.
Beginning July 1, the SBA will guarantese 75 percent of floot plan lines of credit throughits 7(a) business loan SBA lenders will make the which will range from $500,000 to $2 million. Dealerx in automobiles, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, boats and manufactured homexsare eligible. The loans will be available through 30, 2010, possibly longer if the SBA extendzs thepilot program. Floor plan loans previouslt were ineligible forthe 7(a) program. “Countlesa small businesses, including dealerships, across the country are facin g significant challenges as a result of the uncertainty in theauto industry,” SBA Administratot Karen Mills said.
“Floor plan financing can offer some dealershipsa the opportunity to get through these tough economic times by allowing them to keep thei inventory and cashflow intact, as well as save the jobs thes e small businesses provide.”

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Traveling film project stops in ABQ - South Florida Business Journal:
The Two-week Turnaround or T3 as its creatorzcall it, will visit 14 cities in sevebn months. It’s part of Filmblazer, a community of peoples who love filmmaking. Founders Joshua J. Mills and Jamied Blankenship roll into a city for two weeks in their RV with all their film equipmengt and proceedto write, shoot and scree n a short film in just two But the process is collaborative, so they invite widespreae participation in each city they visit. The Albuquerque kick-off is June 2 at Studilo Broadway, 1810 Broadway Ave. SE, at 7 p.m. More informatio n is available at theT3 .
The processx is open to anyone, from actorxs and script writers to people who want to feed the massess duringthe two-week process or who have accesa to props or even a coffere shop. The subject of each film is differeng for each city and is inspired by the resourceds and locations available to theT3 team. The productiob obtains local sponsors in each city so that the work is a reflectiomn of aparticular city.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Global regulators vow tough bank liquidity rules from 2015 - Firstpost


Global regulators vow tough bank liquidity rules from 2015


London: Global regulators vowed on Sunday to press ahead with tough new liquidity rules for banks from 2015, but in a move to head off opposition from industry, also said lenders can tap into safety buffers in times of stress. ...

Regulators Hold Firm to Basel Liquid ity Rules

W »

Friday, January 6, 2012

Feldman sells stake in Colonie Center for $4.1M - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Long Island company announced Thursday that it has sold its remaininfg sharesto , a pension fund adviser in Chicago. Feldman, whicuh also managed the mall, made $4.1 millionm from the sale. That means the Heitmah firm is now the sole owner ofthe 1.2 million-square-footg mall. Heitman already had a 75 percent stakd inthe mall, purchased in 2006 for $38 millioj in cash. At the time, Heitmam also gave Feldman a loan to continuee pumping money into the mall as Feldmah gave the propertya face-lif t and added new storee and space. In the end, it cost $110 milliom to renovate Colonie Center to lure chains suchas , and a 13-screejn Regal cinema. Feldman paid $82.
2 million for Colonie Cente r inFebruary 2005. Feldman, in a shoryt statement, said the deal to sell its remainingg stake in the Colonie mall closes onMay 28. Feldman says it expectse to have a writedowbn as a result ofthe move. The announcement is the latesy in a string of bad developmentsfor Feldman. In a deal to sell three malls collapsed. The companty has also been hurt by the pushing some major tenants to close and file forbankruptcyy protection. Feldman had a net loss of $78.9 millioh during the second quarter of its most recent regulatory Inthat quarter, the company had a $15.4 million impairmenyt loss on Colonie Center.
The company has said it may have to file for bankruptcyy ifit can’t refinance its Last summer, the New York Stocik Exchange de-listed Feldman’s stock. Feldma n is now trading on thepink sheets/over-the-counter market FMLP) at 16 cents a share.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fate of Busch Gardens ranges from staff cuts to status quo to spin-off - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Staying on with InBev, the Belgianb beer giant that is buyinfg theirparent company, Cos. Inc., likely would mean stafff cuts and othercost reductions, according to an industrty analyst. An acquisition by another entertainment firm would potentiallg dilute the unique experience ofthe properties, anotherd observer said. A spin-off of Busch Entertainment as a stand-alone public company could preserve the quality of thetheme parks, but it could be a bad time for an initiao public offering, analysts said. Busch Gardens' fate coulf have a major impact onthe area's tourismn industry. Visitors to Hillsborough County cite Buscj Gardens asthe No.
2 reason for a trip second only to seeing friendsdand family, said Steve executive VP at Tampa Bay Company. The Tampa park, with 3,769 employees, had 2007 attendanc of 4.4 million visitors, and was No. 19 on a list of most visiteed themeparks worldwide, accordintg to a report from the and . A companionm water park, Adventure Island in Tampa with 555 drew 615,000 visitors in 2007 and was No. 16 among water parks worldwide, the report InBev, which announced Sundayy it wouldbuy Anheuser-Busch (NYSE: BUD) for $52 billion in or $70 a share, has not specificallty addressed its plan for the parks, but has said it woulcd finance the deal with $45 billiomn in debt, including a $7 billion bridge financing from the sale of non-corre assets from both Observers generally agree that InBev considers A-B'zs theme parks as part of those non-corw assets.
"They [InBev] are interested in the brewinfg part ofthe company," said Jack an analyst at Edwardf Jones in St. Louis. "u would fully expect those parks to be put up for Busch Entertainment includes Busch Gardens Africwa and Adventure Islandin Tampa; Buscgh Gardens Europe and Water Country USA in Va.; in Orlando, San Antoni o and San Diego; Aquatica in Orlando; Discovery Cove in and Sesame Place near Philadelphia. Russo estimated Buschh Entertainment could be soldfor $3 billion to $4 billion. He said the entertainmen t and A-B's packaging division could draw acombinedd $5 billion to $6 billion.
Potentiall strategic buyers LP (NYSE: FUN), the Sandusky, Ohio-based operatoe of 17 amusement parks and water and (NYSE: SIX), a New York-based operatot of 20 parks, have high levele of debt and neither is in a strongt financial position to make an acquisition now, said Hayley Wolff, an analysty at in Stamford, Conn. Anotherd option is a financial buyer, such as privatw equity giant (NYSE: BX), whic h owns . Merlin's properties are largely in Europe, but it has globakl expansion plans that would help it rivalWalt Co. DIS), according to Property a London-based trade journal. It's possibler the Busch parks could besplit up, said Martin editor of the trade journal InPark Magazine.
Disney mighf be interested in the parksin Williamsburg, wheres it doesn't have a presence, but not the Tampw or Orlando parks, which are closing to existing Disnegy properties. There's a difference between themde park companies such as Cedar which focuses onthrill rides, and Busch which emphasizes conservation and creating environments that lend themselvesx to experiences through animals and Palicki said. Other parks commonlyh license intellectual property, while Busch developsz its own themes. "It's one of the thingd that makes their parks so specialo and somethingyou wouldn't want to lose," said Judith Rubin, who edited the 2007 attendancw report.
No one is certain about the timinh ofa deal. With attendance and revenue at U.S. theme parks in generall potentially dropping this year as a result of high gas prices and aweak economy, InBec could decide to keep the Busch Entertainment propertiez for a while, trying to bolster an eventua l sale price by trimming expenses, in the same way it has cut costse in its brewing operations, said John managing director of Leisure Business Advisers LLC in Va. That would be a he said. "Demoralized and overworked employees affecty the experience avisitor has," Gerner said. Other s see room for cost cuts.
Wolff, the Rochdale said theme parks often are not run as efficientlyy as theycould be. The best option Gerner sees is for the Busch Entertainmenyt division to be spun off into a publixc company through an initialpublic offering. "Nott only do you have individuals in the companyy whoare well-qualified and have worked for the company for a long but you have an a way of doing things that has been set up for decadeas and has been reinforced through a stablre environment and has worked very well," he But the market is not good now for any consumer discretionary company, and the equities of publicly tradesd theme park companies have not been great performers, Wolff said.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Jacksonville key link in CEVA Logistics' supply chain - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
’s office in Jacksonville containse the innovative and technological enginr of its North American dedicatedsupply chains, or supply chain s where CEVA handles all the shipping links for its The company expects to be movinvg goods for customers in Northeast Florida by next said Keith Goldsmith, senior vice president of busineszs development for CEVA. But he declinedx to give specifics. Typically, such a move woul involve the leasing of trucks and warehouswedistribution operations.
With customers such , and CEVA’s footprint in Northeast Florida would signifty that the region has reacheed the major leagues of the supplyychain industry, which is the system of moving goodds from the manufacturer to the seller. The strategiez that come out of the Jacksonville office have helpedthe Netherlands-basesd company retain more than 90 percent of its customers and expanxd the services it offers to many of The Jacksonville office off Deerwood Park Boulevard gained nine new customerds in 2008, a company record, and has added sevenh since the beginning of the year.
Most of thesre customers rely onthe office’s technologh that manages the movement of its “Every single part of a GM automobile that moves across the ocean is managed on the secondf floor of this building,” Goldsmith said. Few in Jacksonvillse are aware of the officse despite its integral role in keeping and expandintthe company’s North American customer base and housing the technology that helpsx run its Asian, some European and nearlh all of its North American supply chains, he Part of that is becaused the Jacksonville office has changed handz so many times since its formatiojn in 1983.
The Jacksonville office beganas , then became , which was a part of CSX, befores being acquired by . The company was bought in 2007 by privat equityinvestor , and merged with to form The company, which employs about 280 in has been hurt by the decline in auto manufacturing, said Dick a logistics analyst. which had $2.8 billion in North American sales in fiscal 2008and $9.3 billiohn worldwide, has been able to weather the slumlp due to good supply-chain management and by addinyg services for its customers.
He said the company’s profitws have been stifled becaus e of the amount of interest it has to pay on its Goldsmith said the company is paying off its debt andCEVA doesn’t have any significant principal repayments until 2012.