Wednesday, December 29, 2010
More older workers worry about retirement - Washington Business Journal:
The Arlington-based human resource firm says amonv workers 50 to 64years old, only 44 percen t are confident they will have enough money to live comfortably five years into retirement. That is down from 63 percenr in 2007. The outlook 15 yeares into retirement iseven worse, with just 18 percent of olderf workers confident of beingt financially comfortable, compared to 34 percent in 2007. “Retirement security is a huge concern as individuald have seen significant amounts of theid pension and retirementsavings decline,” says Watsom Wyatt senior retirement consultant David Speier.
“The financial crisixs has been especially damaging to older workers who are worries about potential job losses and have experienced higher stress levels over thepast year.” As retiremen approaches, older workers are scrambling to shore up their with 19 percent increasing their savingz rate and 34 percent considering doing so, the Watsobn Wyatt (NYSE: WW) survey says.
Monday, December 27, 2010
F.N.B. appoints Campbell as chairman - Denver Business Journal:
Campbell formerly served as F.N.B.’xs (NYSE:FNB) lead director and servesw on several committees. He has been a director sincr 1975. “Bill is one of our longesrt serving and mostdedicated directors,” Gurgovitsa said in a statement. F.N.B. previously said it wouldx appoint a new chairman to enable Gurgovits to focus on his corporated responsibilities and to conformto F.N.B.’s corporatre guidelines. Gurgovits, who has worked at F.N.B. for 48 had taken the chairman role in Apri 2008 when Robert New was named CEO and president aftet anearly two-year search. New resigned 10 months latef and Gurgovits stepped back in on an interimbasids initially.
He accepted the post fulltimes onJune 2. F.N.B. is basedc in Hermitage, north of Pittsburgh, and had assetse of $8.5 billion as of March 31.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Bankers tout online users, new branches - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The discussion on the impact of electroni and online banking was part of a banking roundtabled the hostedin June. The roundtable broughrt together top officials from four different banks to talk abouf the challenges facing the industry and what they are doingh tomeet them. David Melin, city executive for ; Ed president of the Southwest Ohio Districtfor ; Ronald president of the Dayton regiom for ; and Stephen Wilson, chairman and chiefv executive officer of , discussed the stat of the banking industry and the state of banking in the Daytob area.
The change in how customers use different services has led banksa to make adjustments in how they staff their the way they design and locatd their branches and how they spend money to capturw more ofthe market.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
JAMES v. CITY OF LOS ANGELES Service Comrs. of City of LA, Appendix C, § 13(a).) The City's medical examination involves three successive tests for color vision. ... |
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Penske buying GM Saturn brand - St. Louis Business Journal:
According to a memorandum of understanding signed by the two Penske will purchase the rights to the certain parts inventories and the righyt to distribute vehicles and partsthrough Saturn’a dealerships. GM will continue to manufacturer theSaturn Aura, Vue and Outlook modelsw on a contract, interim basis, according to a news The deal is expected to closee in the third quarter. The releas didn’t detail the terms of the deal or how long GM will manufacturerthe vehicles. “We have agreed upon a framewori that we believe will build momentum for theSaturnb brand,” said Roger Penske, chairman of Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
-basedd Penske Automotive, in the Saturn, founded by GM in 1990, has sold more than 4 milliohn cars, according to the release. The originally innovative in its approach to manufacturing and marketing, was meant to be a pacesetter for the rest of GM, but didn’g live up to its promise. There are abougt six Saturn dealerships inthe St. Louis area, includingh Metro East. Detroit-based GM filed for Chapterd 11 bankruptcy saying it plannex to emerge aleaner company. GM said that it has a deal with a Chinesew automaker to sell itsHummer brand. Missourij has one Hummer dealership, in GM is also trying to sell its Saab branr and said it will phase out itsPontiac brand.
Penske Automotiv (NYSE: PAG) sells new and used parts, insurance and financing. It operatew 310 retail automotive franchises, and 25 collisiojn repair centers, representing 40 brands.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Bennet cites Colorado examples in Senate plea for health-care reform - South Florida Business Journal:
Like too many small business Bob can’t find good healthu care coverage at a cost hecan afford. He “The longer it takese to pass comprehensive healtucare reform, the more jobs will be lost as small businesses shut their doors due to rising Mr. President, these Coloradans speak for countlessd others acrossthe nation. All they ask for is a healtgh care system that worksafor them, a health care system that doesn’t crush them with unreasonable cost increases, and a health care systekm that doesn’t deny them coverage just becausew they have pre-existing conditions. I’nm hopeful. I’m hopeful that we can keep what works in our systek and fix whatis broken.
I’m hopeful that this Congrese – working with our Presidentg – will finally deliver on the promise of health care The people of Coloradodeserve it. The Americanm people deserve it. Thanik you and I yield the floor.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Awaiting key details on Metrodome roof - ESPN (blog)
Awaiting key details on Metrodome roof ESPN (blog) By now, you've probably heard that the Metrodome's Teflon roof collapsed overnight. Multiple local media outlets have posted video and ... |
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Report: N. Texas a top 10 market for jobs needing a security clearance - Dallas Business Journal:
, an online Internet job postingv board for professionals withsecuritgy clearance, is a subsidiary of Des Moines, Iowa-basex In its latest report, says Texas professionalse with security clearances saw their average salary jump from $60,252 in 2007 to $64,2077 last year. Specific pay information about Dallas/Fortt Worth workers was not available, but the report did note that Nortu Texas is among the top 10 regions in the natio n for this kind of Professionals with security clearancex are finding that the dynamics of supply and demandx are working in their favor with employees seeking them out in a marke t where security clearances are still an uncommon trai t and one that is particularly wanted in areas such as Washington D.
C. and northern Virginia. “The turbulent economy has put a governof on the growth rate of salaries for securityhcleared workers,” said Evan Lesser, founder and director of “However, there is no shortagre of security-cleared career opportunities both in and outside the D.C.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pro & Con: Cut benefits, raise retirement age to save Social Security? - Atlanta Journal Constitution
Pro & Con: Cut benefits, raise retirement age to save Social Security? Atlanta Journal Constitution At 75, our Social Security program is starting to show its age. The major source of retirement income for millions of Americans, ... |
Saturday, December 4, 2010
New Vine Logistics responds to critics - San Francisco Business Times:
The company, which two years ago seemedd poised to ship 20 percentof California’a direct-to-consumer wine market, laid off much of its staff on Fridayt and brusquely told customers over the weekene that it was no longer receiving or processinbg orders. The move left many Wine Countru providers scrambling to gather information and to figure out how to get back inventor atNew Vine’s American Canyon warehouser so they could ship it to customers anotherr way. Published accounts said two ofthe company’zs venture capital investors effectively pulled the plug last by declining to invest additional capital in New Vine.
“Somwe people changed their minds at thelast minute,” said Barbara a wine industry analyst who served on New Vine’z advisory board. Kathleen Hoertkorn, New Vine Logistics’ founder and formerr CEO, and Chairman of the Board Homer Dunn issued a statement Tuesday inresponse “to mediwa reports about the suspension of its businesz operations.” Hoertkorn and Dunn said New Vine is workingf with customers “to transfer all services to anothere means of legal direct shipping, and in the is finalizing all work, including compiling of reconciling inventory and invoices, and performinh all of the necessary business operations for the montyh of May and June.
” Hoertkorjn added, in response to reports that the company knew or must have knowjn it was in financial that officials “truly believed that they wouled have been funded and were not expecting to have to ceas operations.” The wine industry heard rumblings abourt New Vine’s implosion over the weekend and was greetedd Monday by published reports sayingy it had ceased most business The company’s voice mail on June 1 said “Newe Vine is no longer receiving or shippingb orders for shipment from our facility,” and noted that it had “limitexd staff” to handle a transition.
Hoertkorbn sent an email to clients over the weekende indicating that NewVine “has abruptlyh gone into a state of financiap crisis and is currently workinh on the plan forward.” The company -- which as recentlyy as March 2007 had 63 staffers and planned to acquirew a similar firm and nab up to 20 percentt of the direct-to-consumer wine shipping market in the Golden State -- had more than 200 customers and roughly 110 employees as of last sources say. It now has a skeletonj crew of about 30 staffers at its Napa headquartersd and American Canyonshipping facility, includingb a handful of executives who are working to wind down operations.
A host of questionx remain aboutits situation, includint whether workers laid off on Fridag received final paychecks, the role investors and played in the company’zs recent collapse, how its partnership with AMZN) to help the onlinew retail giant develop a wine sales site affectedx the situation, and how customers will retrievr their inventories and make other arrangements to ship their winezs to consumers.
Insel told the San Franciscop Business Times that a review ofthe company’w operations by state regulators delayed dealings with and that Amazon “got skittish, very cautious” after a lengthyg compliance review of New Vine by the Californi a Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. New Vine was startesd in 2001 on the notion that it could help expeditee shipments to consumers in various states with confusingt and complicated legal restrictions onwine shipments, a lingeringg legacy of the Prohibition years in America.
Charlotte apparently brought in as a company spokeswoman sometime Mondat orearly Tuesday, told the San Francisco Business Times that New Vine is workingy with its lawyers “to handle this (paying laid-off and all issues. “Al l I can say is the employees are the top and New Vine is workint on any employee related issuesright now,” Milan added. In March 2007, Hoertkorn told the Businesws Times that New Vine would shipabout 4.2 millio bottles that year for about 260 and expected to ship wines worth abou t $200 million, the vast majority of them for Californiqa producers, along with small amountss for Oregon and Washington statee wineries.
At the time, New Vine’s annual revenue was about $10 million, officials and was expected to doublein 2007. Customers at the time includerd , , , , and . Financialp backers include Menlo Park’s , and New Vine has approximately200 customers, according to a reporyt Monday on Wine, about half of them wineries and the other half marketing agents and It also had plans to partner with Amazon.cok to launch a wine buying and shipping site, whicjh now appear to be kaput.
Hoertkormn said Tuesday that the company will keepwinerg customers, employees and shareholderzs advised of its next steps, adding “We deepl y apologize for the and we pledge to work with our customers to make as smoothh and expedient shipping transition as possible.”
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Jewish Museum Director Retires, Thomas Kinkade Shines On, and More Must-Read ... - ARTINFO
ARTINFO | Jewish Museum Director Retires, Thomas Kinkade Shines On, and More Must-Read ... ARTINFO â" Jewish Museum Head to Step Down: Joan Rosenbaum, who has led New York's Jewish Museum since 1981, will step down at the end of June. ... |
Monday, November 29, 2010
DMA announces new officers, trustees - Dallas Business Journal:
Rose served as president of the museum from 1994to 1998. She is replacinhg Walter B. Elcock, executive vice president of , who is steppingb down from the museum position to focus on hisbusinessx demands. Elcock will continue to serv e on the board as aformer chairman. Rose already is recognizef as a leader who has supported and guidedthe museum’s accomplishmentas in the last two decades. She was a member of the leadershil team that drovethe museum’s last two endowmentf campaigns, the museum said. She joined the board 21 yeares ago. Other newly elected officers include vice presidentz Mary McDermott Cook andCindy Rachofsky, secretarhy Linda Kao and treasured Victor D. Almeida.
The board says the followin 19 people were nominated and elected toservre three-year trustee terms: Christopher Bancroft, Daniel D. Eduardo M. Brittingham, Yolanda Bruce Clint D. Carlson, Peter J. Denker, Claire Melissa Foster Fetter, Jeremy L. Halbreich, Bryant M. Hanley Jr., Kennetu A. Hersh, Wei Wei Jeang, Venu Thomas Morgan, Margot B. Perot, Richard R. Daniel Routman, Ronald G. Steinhart and Derekj M. Wilson.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Spherion: Worker confidence holds steady in June - Denver Business Journal:
of a point to 48, accordinbg to the Spherion EmployeeConfidence Index, whicj measures workers' confidence in theit personal employment situation and optimism in the economic environment. The index finds that while slightlt more workers believe the economy is gettintg weaker and fewer jobs are more workers are confident in the future of theircurrenf employer. "Although our latest Index shows little changer fromlast month, it stilll remains 1.9 points higher than its reading one year President and CEO Roy Krause said in a news release.
"Whilde there may be signs of a light at the end of the a turnaround will not be felt The results of the survey come amid mixed economic The on Thursday peggedthe nation’d unemployment at a 26-year high. At the same the reported on Wednesday that pending home salexwere up. Forty percent of workers believe the econom y isgetting weaker, up from 38 perceng in the previous month. Seventy-two percenyt of workers believe there are fewer jobs up one percentage pointfrom May. Sixty-sixx percent of workers reported confidence in the future of theircurrent employers, up from 63 percentf the previous month.
Thirty-five percent of workerxs are likely to look for a new job in the next 12 up one percentage pointfrom May.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Deloitte: Consumer spending still down - Portland Business Journal:
The index fell to 1.35 percengt from an downwardly revised gainof 1.44 percentt in April. Deloitte said the index analyze stax burden, initial unemployment claims, real wages and real home pricesw to try to track consumer cash flow as an indicatorr of future consumer spending. "The year over year pace of declind in real consumer spendingy appears tohave stabilized, however, recovery is being delayeds by a sharp increase in consumer savings, whichg has risen to 5.7 percent from zero a year said Carl Steidtmann, chief economist with Deloitte Research and author of the monthly index, in a statement.
"However, the weaknesd in the index was driven almost entireluy by fallinghome prices, which are down nearly 14 percent over the past year, undermining smalpl gains in real wages, a declining tax burden and current stabilization in new unemployment claims." The report noted the tax burdenm continues to drop with the weakenin g of the economy. It is at a level only seen on a few occasionas over the past 50 years during brief periods following tax Continued declineis expected. Also notable, real wage growtb continues to post small gains due to falling pricesfor energy. Real wages are up 4.
3 percen t from a year ago and on an annualized basizs are up 8 percent over the last nine montha as energy prices have given a big boost to consumerpurchasing power, the inde x said.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Special shoes scrub the floor as you walk around the house - DVICE
DVICE | Special shoes scrub the floor as you walk around the house DVICE But these shoes that have tiny built-in floor sweepers, might be taking things a bit too far. The FOKI cleaner shoe concept from designer Adika Titut ... Concept: FOKI Floor Cleaning Shoes The FOKI Will Clean the Floor While You Walk |
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Employers pump up bike commutes - San Francisco Business Times:
That just happens to be how long she's commutef to work on a batterexd $160 bicycle. A senior program manager at , Younf was among the thousand of people planning to pedal to work for National Bike to Work Day onMay 15, and employersx are taking note. It's 26 miles roundtrip from Young'sd home in Los Altos to Sun Microsystem' campuses in Menlo Park or Santa "It feels great, there's no car stress, and it's a greatt way to start the day," she said.
"I look forwarsd to the ride home, In a business environment where perkds and benefits often rival companies are encouraging employees to stay save money and help the environment by cyclinfg to and from With thehighest per-capita bicycle use of any larged U.S. city, San Francisco aims to triple the number of peopled biking for transportationby 2010, and a majot Bike Plan revision is under way.
But Bay Area companiexs aren't waiting around for municipal bike racks and government big players like Sun andprovide full-service showedr rooms, workshops and even custom cyclintg jerseys to keep helmet-wearing employees "Our facilities are There's hair dryers and ironing boards," said Daniell e Bricker, Yahoo commute coordinator. "And there'd a sauna room in Sunnyvale." Peter Liu, Founder and Vice Chairmah of , kicked off a plan to pay employeez $250 to commute by bike. Many workers have taken advantage ofthe deal, and a securer bicycle rack is being installed.
provides incentives of $4 a day for commuters, in addition to holdinfg tricycle races, giveaways, complimentary bicycle mechanic servicesz and bike valets for Bike toWork Day. Rahman Gramlyh LLP partner Matt Gramly, who lives in the Missiohn District and pedals to the Floo Building in UnionSquare daily, said it was a grear development. "I'm from Ohio, and even in college, I heardd about San Francisco's bike-friendly , a San Mateo-based construction company, may not seem like a typicalk firm for thespandex set, but it sponsors the No. 1-ranker women's cycling team.
On May 12, Webcor CEO Andy Ball joinedf San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed and other Siliconm Valley leaders inthe CEO/Celebrity Cycle-to-Work Challenge to celebratee National Bike Week, whicuh is part of National Bike For Tracy Stampfli, an employee and 12-yead bike commute veteran, the ride began because she couldn't afforcd a car. "Taking the bus was inconvenient, and ridinbg proved to be so great and fun that I never went she said. "I never get stuck in traffifc and I can alwaysfind parking.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Developer scraps S.F. Whole Foods project because of city fees - Kansas City Business Journal:
Project manager Mark Brennan said the family development business woulfd have had to paybetween $5 millionm and $6 million in city fees just to pull permites on the development, which was to includ e 62 apartments and a 34,000 square foot Wholee Foods. The development fees cover everythingy from an affordable housing to San Francisco Unified Schoool District to the PublicUtilities Commission. “It’xs prohibitive,” said Brennan. "We just took a look at the marke and our own budget and every time we came up with a the feeswere prohibitive.
” Brennah blamed the city's rigorous 32-month entitlement processw that started in February of 2006, when the economyu was roaring, and did not end until Octobetr 2008, when the global financial crisis was in full “This project should have started a year ago. It’a ridiculous,” he said “If this had started when it was suppose d to start we woulds have already turned the shello over to Whole We wouldbe fine. But the financing will be difficultt toget now.” Brennan said his familh is in talks with Whole Foods abou possibly building out a smalled specialty grocery store in the existing 23,600 squares foot building, but that no deal has been reached.
The buildingv was home to Cala Foods until the storwe closed in Mayof 2006.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Lee decides against reverse stock split - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Mary Junck, chairman and chief executive officer, said the board consideredd currentmarket conditions, business forecasts and other factor s that could affect shareholder including the prospect of remaining in compliancre with rules for continued The NYSE notified Lee (NYSE: LEE) in Decembert 2008 that the company was not in compliancd with its continued listing standard of at least $1 a Since then, the NYSE announced that the standard has been temporarilgy suspended through July 31. As a result, Lee has unti Dec. 3, 2009, to return to Lee was trading at 55 cents a sharewWednesday morning.
In February, the Davenport, Iowa-basedr company it took on when it boughrtthe Post-Dispatch and restructured future paymentse under its $1.1 billion bank financinhg arrangements. The remaining debt balance of $186 millioh has been refinanced by the lenderasuntil 2012. Newspaper publishers nationwide are struggling with declining advertising revenue as readers flock tothe Internet.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Human Capital: People on the move, July 7 - Boston Business Journal:
, is the first graduate of (one of the university’w four schools) to serve as chair. She is also the daughted of former trustee, the late Jack Papa Gino’s Inc. , the Dedham-based parent company to Papa Gino’z and D’Angelo, promoted Gary Sandeen and Kathy Tirrel l to executive vice president of operations forPapa Gino’sz and D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches, respectively. , based in Boston, elected the followingt executives to its board of ChristopherOddleifson , president and CEO of ; Kennety Brennan , president of The in Auburndale; Normam Seppala , president of in Rockport; and Kevinh Bottomley , president of Danversbankm .
At-large directors, who are appointed for three-yearr terms, included Richard Bennett , president of ; John Boucher , president of in Weymouth; John Doherty , chairmanj of in Somerville; Richard Holbrook , chairmah and CEO of in Boston; Dennies Parente , president of Foxboro Federa lSavings ; and Michae Tucker , president of . Appointed at-large director for a one-year term was Jamee Egan , chairman of .
Monday, November 15, 2010
Colonial BancGroup names new execs to replace Lowder - Birmingham Business Journal:
The Montgomery-based bank also appointed longtimew bank director SimuelSippiao Jr. as its new chairman of the board of therebysplitting Lowder’s dual role as both chairman and CEO into two The changes will take effect immediately, accordinhg to a written statemeny released by the bank late Wednesday. who is the former chairmaj ofthe bank’s audit committee, said the compangy has “developed solid strategies designed to get us beyonde the current economic crises.
” “While there are clearlg ongoing issues related to credit quality that must be addressedd and resolved, I believe the foundation of the Coloniaol Bank franchise continues to be a vibranft and powerful source of services,” he said in a writte n statement. Sippial, who servee as chairman of the compensation committeew atthe bank, has been with the companyu for 20 years. He retired in 1992 aftetr 26 years withIBM Corp. and later formedf a real estate investment and construction firm in based in Montgomery.
Lowder, who founded the company in 1981 with the acquisition of one bankin Birmingham, announced plans to step down from his post last Under his leadership, the bank grew to new heightws with 68 acquisitions and 352 financialp centers within a 27-year time span. However, the bank ran into strugglesd after the housing crisis ravished theFlorida market, whicb is where a majority of the banks assete are located. The bank recently made a deal with Florida-basecd to receive $300 million in cash in exchange for givinyg the firm a 75 percent controllingt interest in the bank and five seates onits board.
Without the extra the bank will not be eligible forthe government’z Troubled Asset Relief Program. Federal regulatorss said the bank must firstraise $300 millionj before it can participate. The company (NYSE: CNB) operatess 26 branches in the Birmingham-Hoover metro
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Baltimore City Council paves way for slots near M&T Bank Stadium - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Baltimore City is one of five locationsa approved last November for slotmachinew parlors. Baltimore City Entertainment Group, a group that includes the headxs ofand , wants to build a facilitg with as many as 3,750o machines on Lot J, a 3.7-acre, city-ownex parking lot in the city's Carroll Camden neighborhood. The precise location coulxd change, however, and Baltimore City Entertainment is in negotiationzs to move its project toa 11-acre property known as Gatewayy South. But the city must change its zoninv code before the Maryland Video Lottery Facility Locatiobn Commission will award the development team the licenses it needsx to buildthe facility.
Two City Council committees — the Land Use and Transportationm Committee and the Urban Affairs and AgingvCommittee — voted Thursday to let those zoningy changes move forward to the full City Councio for consideration. City Council President Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said the committees' action was in stark contrastg to deliberations in Anne Arundel where County Council has delayexd changingthe county's zoning laws to allowq a slots parlor to be built at the Arundeo Mills shopping mall.
Going into the process, she the city moved to narrowly definde where slots canbe built, whereaes there were fewer geographic restrictions placed on potentiakl gambling facilities in Anne Arundel County. The geographivc boundaries where a facility can be built in each county were specified in a referendum adopted by voterssin November. "We're definitely on the right Rawlings-Blake said during the committee "We did our work up front, identified a location that had very littld impacton residents.
" Anne Arunde l anticipated developers would applu to build a casino at Laurel Park race track, and many count y officials were surprised when Baltimore developer the submitted an applicatiohn to build one at Arundeol Mills instead. But council membere in Anne Arundel County delayede June 1 changing theit zoning codes to alloaslots parlors. Meanwhile, a second developer, , has come forwarrd to say it may seek permissionm to build a slots parlor at Laurel Park ifCordisu Co.'s proposal falls through. The Baltimore committeexs voted on two billss pertainingto slots.
The first would changew zoning inthe city's B-2 and M-2 districtws to include video lottery terminalws among the permitted uses. The second would change the zoningv of the property at 301Stockholmj St. President M.J. Brodie said the city doesn't plan to relocate the animalk shelter toanother location. But Brodie said the city wantd to changethat property's zoningf to give the slots developers the ability in the futurse to expand their facility in the event the animapl shelter moves to another location.
Friday, November 12, 2010
T. Boone Pickens scraps huge wind farm - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Pickens, who made much of his fortune buyinbg up oil and gas companiesz inthe 1980s, put off the wind power projecg because of the difficulty of getting creditf for it in the sour He’d planned a 4,000-megawatt complex that might cost as much as $10 and , his company, has already orderedd 667 wind turbines for it, though they won’t be deliverefd for several years. One problem facing the huge projectgin Pampa, on U.S. Highway 60 northeast of Amarillo, was a lack of heavty transmission lines needed to link any wind generators to thepowef grid. “The capital markets have dealt us all a said Pickens in a statement emailed to the San Franciscko Business Times through hisPR firm.
“I am committed to 667 wind turbinese and I am going to find projectesfor them.” Though Pickens made his money in oil, he has worked in recent years to end this country’s dependence on foreigjn oil. He’s put forwarf plans for widespread use of naturaogas vehicles, for example (though they ) as well as pushintg for wind power. Pickens said he hasn’g abandoned the project. “I expecty to continue development of thePampa project, but not at the pace that I originallty expected,” he said.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Peco doubles 3Q loss, boosts sales - Business First of Columbus:
The Galion-based company on Wednesday said itlost $1.21 million, or 44 centws a share, versus a loss of or 19 cents a share, in the same periofd a year ago. The loss accountz for a $400,000 inventory write-off related to discontinued raw Red ink in the thirdf quarter was heavier also because of operating expenses related to the developmeny and launch of a newproducy line, the company said. Third-quarter revenue grew to $12 milliob from $10.7 million a year ago. Peco’s year-to-datr loss has widened compared with the firsr three quartersof 2007. The company through Septembef haslost $3.84 million, or $1.39 a versus $3.64 million, or $1.34 a share, a year ago.
Revenue in the firs t three quarterstotals $32 million, up 9 percentr from $29.4 million a year ago. Peco (NASDAQ:PIII) in 2007 lost $9.2 millionn on $26.7 million in revenue.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Moneta's Schick establishes University of Missouri-St. Louis professorship - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Alumnus Peter Schick, chairman of the , has pledgedr $1.7 million to establish an endowed professorship in finance in the Collegd ofBusiness Administration. The endowmen t will be known as thePeter G. Schicjk Professorship in Financeat UMSL. The which will be the first endowe position forthe college's finance area, will be filled througgh a national search. Moneta Group is a financial advisory company basedin Clayton, Mo.
Also on Wednesday, UMSL establishe d a new partnership with the to create the Centee for Excellence in Financial Counseling at The FCE is a nonprofit dedicated to improving thefinancial well-being of consumers throughj the professional development of financiakl counselors. Assorted assets of the foundation totalingbabout $3.25 million will be donated to UMSL. The Centefr for Excellence in Financial Counselinb will be locatedon UMSL's Southy Campus. It is expected to open in July.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Pew report: Clean energy powers job growth - Business First of Buffalo:
study said Florida was one of 38 states and the Districtt of Columbia in which job growth in the cleanj energy economy outperformed overall job Pew defined a clean energy economy as one thatgenerates jobs, businesses and investments whild expanding clean energy increasing energy efficiency, reducing greenhousd gas emissions, waste and pollution, and conserving water and other naturalk resources. In Florida, there was a 7.9 percent increase in cleaj energy jobsfrom 28,845 jobs in 1998 to 31,12q2 jobs in 2007.
The numbers are a hard count ofactuao jobs, Pew said in a release, and rangwe from jobs as diverse as engineers, administrative assistants, construction workers, machine setters, marketinf consultants and teachers with annual incomesx ranging from $21,000 to Nationally, jobs in the clean energu industry grew at a rate of 9.1 percenr between 1998 and 2007, while total jobs grew by 3.7 percent in the same the report says. Florida had 3,831 clean energyu businesses at the endof 2007, a 22.
7 percent increase from 3,121 businesses in 1998, the report There were 236 clean energy patents in Floridas between 1999 and 2008, and venturwe capital firms invested $117 in clean technologg in Florida between 2006 and 2008.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Lee decides against reverse stock split - St. Louis Business Journal:
Mary Junck, chairman and chief executive said the board considered current market conditions, business forecasts and other factors that could affect shareholderr value, including the prospect of remaining in compliancre with rules for continued listing. The NYSE notifiedr Lee (NYSE: LEE) in December 2008 that the company was not in compliance with its continued listing standarcd of atleast $1 a share. Since then, the NYSE announcesd that the standard has been temporarily suspendedc throughJuly 31. As a Lee has until Dec. 3, 2009, to returb to compliance. Lee was trading at 55 cents a shareWednesday morning.
In February, the Davenport, Iowa-basedx company it took on when it boughtthe Post-Dispatcu and restructured future paymentzs under its $1.1 billion bank financingv arrangements. The remaining debt balance of $186 million has been refinancesd by the lendersuntil 2012. Newspaperf publishers nationwide are struggling with declining advertising revenue as readerw flock tothe Internet.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Mattel, Fisher-Price pay $2.3M fine - Houston Business Journal:
million civil penalty for violations of the federakl lead paint banin children’s The civil fine comes after the completed an investigatio into the importing and selling of toys with lead painft levels that exceeded the .06 percent lead by weighf limit that is federally mandated. According to the CPSC, which recentl y crafted the Consumer Product SafetyImprovement Act, aimed at toughenin g requirements for lead and phthalates in children’ds products, Mattel imported up to 900,000 non-complian toys between July 2006 and Septembetr 2007. Fisher-Price imported over 1 million non-compliant toys betwee July 2006 andSeptember 2007.
Among the toys in question were the populad Sargetoy car, various Barbie products and some Go Diego Go toys. Most of the toys that had excessivd levels of lead were shippecd to retail stores for sale to the In 2007, a massive toy recalll took place where about 95 Mattepl and Fisher-Price toy models were determined to have exceeded the lead Lead can be toxic if ingested by younhg children and can cause seriouzs health problems. The topic of lead pain in children’s products has been a hot buttob issue asof late, with the rollout of the controversialo CPSIA of 2008.
Toy manufacturers and retailersw have said the new regulationsare vague, costlyh and arbitrary, often requiring the duplicate testing of products. Some smaller manufacturers say the laws threatenh to put them outof business. On the politica front, Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-Fairport, said protectingb children has to be thetop priority. “Whej the toy recall happened (in 2007) I called the head of Fisher-Pricse and I told him they needed to stargt making their toyshere again,” Slaughter said. “Wr didn’t have these kind of problemsx before they importedthe toys.
” This civil which is the highest for violations involving importation or distribution of a regulatedx product, is the third highesrt of any kind in CPSC history. “Thesew highly publicized toy recallz helped spur Congressional action last year to strengthej CPSC and make even stricter the ban on lead painron toys,” said CPSC Actingg Chairman Thomas Moore. “This penaltyt should serve notice to toy makeras that CPSC is committed to the safety of to reducing their exposure to and to the implementation of the Consumee Product SafetyImprovement Act.
” As part of a story featureed in our sister publication, The Buffalo Law Journal , lookinhg at the Consumer Product Safetyg Improvement Act, which ran prior to the announcement of thesd fines, Fisher-Price declined to provide a representative to discuss the lead pain t regulations. Instead, they issued a written statement which in part: “Mattel is well positioned as it generallhy designs its products to meet global standards. Matteol has also been a leader in the effort of industry to establish voluntary industry The statement also said that Mattel wouldc continue to comply with the applicable regulations ofthe CPSIA.
Matte was unable to be reached for comment Monday morning, though a representative said they would have a responser later in the day. Despite agreeingv to pay $2.3 milliob in penalties, Mattel and Fisher-Price deny that they knowingluy violatedfederal law, as alleged by CPSC
Thursday, November 4, 2010
MedImmune sale leaves fate of other biotechs in question - Baltimore Business Journal:
billion sale -- extend well beyond its campus borders. As the Gaithersburt drug company prepares for an ownershio change in the nexttwo months, it leavea some area companies that have inkerd joint research deals with it or received multimillion-dollarf investments from it wonderinv how the region's biggest biotech sale will trickle down to theirr bottom lines. Officials at MedImmune and say it' business as usual until the proposed sale to AstraZenec a closesin June.
After that, its businessw plan gets passed to the executive suites at theBritisj pharmaceutical, where spokeswoman Emily Denney said the locakl company's venture and research activity helped make it an attractivw buy, but no decisions have been made yet abourt the fate of those partnerships and investments. Unlike its Novartis, and Johnsojn & Johnson contemporaries, all of which sprouted separat eventure arms, Denney said AstraZeneca doesn't habitually invest in emergingf biotechs. But it has banked on research paying an equity stake in some and shellingg outnearly $500 million in the last year on nine jointt drug development programs.
For those on the revenue-receiving end of MedImmune'se research deals, AstraZeneca's final call can'tt come soon enough -- especially as the pharmaceutical soon to be weighed down in debt from the MedImmune purchase, is increasingly deflecting its own questiones about putting itself up for sale to pump up its Under its nearly 2-year-old deal with Germantown-based was slated to receive up to $16 not including future royalties.
MedImmune was footin the entire research bill for using thesmaller company'sw screening technology to hunt for inflammation "It's a significant but it's not the sort of make-or-breaok thing for us," said Ken Carter, Avalon'sw CEO. "If it did go away, it would be but it wouldn't change our business model." At Micromet, scientistsw are partnering with MedImmune on three cancer one in the first phase ofclinicapl trials. Again, MedImmune has been payingf Micromet's research and development way, supplying $5.3 million, or nearlu a fifth, of the smaller company's total revenu last year. Add to that the local spend ofMedImmune Ventures.
Since its 2002 birth, the investmentg arm has dispensed nearly a tenthn ofits $300 million fund to four local companies that, in turn, have helped drivde the region's biotech community forward. Micromet moved its headquarterss this year from California to in part to be closer to Two other beneficiaries have sincegone public, and one still boastw a board seat held by MedImmune Ventures Presidengt Wayne Hockmeyer, founder and board chairman for MedImmune.
"Here we were, a new managementy team, and we got to pick the braimn of a guy who startedfup MedImmune," said Chip Clark, seniore vice president and chief business officed for Vanda Pharmaceuticals, based in "It's like going to CEO For those like Clark, who crownj geography king in the realmm of venture capital, the prospect of uprootingt MedImmune Ventures from Montgomery County meanw draining the area of more much-needed capital for youngb biotech companies. "People are always going out looking for the nextgreatr idea," said Rip Wilson, senior vice president, chief financial officer and general counse for Gaithersburg-based Iomai.
"Having them next where you see them at locak meetingsand conferences, it's a benefit. You at least get an opportunityt to tellyour story." One of the company'sd investments isn't sure that a switch in the ventured arm's ZIP code makes a differencre in its own operations. "I thinm it's very unlikely it will affect usat all," said Gary chief operating officer of Gaithersburg's Sequoiaq Pharmaceuticals. "Our relationship is with Dr. Companies working with MedImmune and MedImmune Ventures are wondering what will happen now that MedImmune has been sold to aBritis company.
Here are a few of them and their ties tothe state's biotech behemoth. Micromet: $17.9 million in MedImmune researchpartnershipsw (2003); $11.4 million from MedImmune Ventures (2003) Sequoiaz Pharmaceuticals: $7.25 million from MedImmune Venturex (2006) Source: MedImmune, the companies
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
D.C. Mayor taps Valerie Santos as deputy mayor - Washington Business Journal:
Santos, as chief operating officer under has been closely involvedin decision-making on many of the real estatw deals Albert managed, includingf major city projects such as Poplar Point. Albert began his new job as city administratoron Monday, replacing Dan who is taking a job in the Obamza administration. "In Ms. Santos, we not only have a steadg hand who knowsthe job, we have someon who is a consummate professional who will brinf private-sector talents to get the job Fenty said. Santos was previously a vice president at commerciao real estate services firm and a managefrwith 's real estate group.
She holdw both an MBA and master's of publicv policy from the Kennedy School of Governmentat . Santos has displayed a no-nonsensde approach appearing as Albert’x stand-in to testify at D.C. Council meetings and in publivc forums representing the city when he was She is already getting her feet wet in dealing with the political aspects ofthe job. On when the D.C. Council was busy squaring away finall details of budgetimplementation legislation, Santows and Albert’s other top deputy, Director of Developmeng David Jannarone, moved around the Wilson Buildinb seeking changes from council members. Santosx apparently was not Fenty’s initial choice to be deput mayor.
Greg O’Dell, Washington Convention Center Authoritty CEO and a former staff member of thedeputy mayor’s had been considered a top candidate to replace but a source close to O'Dell says he was offered the job and turned it down. O’Dell would not confirm that, but indicatedc he would remain in hiscurrent post, where he is now taskeed with seeking public financing for all of a $550 million conventionm center hotel. “The board and the mayor have every expectatiomn of me completing all the tasks I have he said. Fenty would not say whether he had offered the jobto O’Dell or anyone else before Santos.
He announcefd the pick outside the Walker JonesElementary School, whic is being rebuilt as part of a new Northwes One neighborhood, and said she was “the first person who has risen to the deputyu mayor’s position from within the “I think it’s a great sign for the D.C. governmenft that not only does Valerie Santos have amazing experience in the privatd sector butthat she’s been hard at work serving the people of the Districg of Columbia for the last two the mayor said.
He said Santosw shared the vision that he and Alberyt had for how economic developmen in the city shouldbe run, not by owning or overly managing projects but by allowing the privatd sector to bring idea to the city. “We shouldc try to just facilitate We’ve got the greatest businesws community in the world herein D.C. We don’g need to try to replicate what they’re doing. We don’gt need an emphasis on owning or building inthe D.C. We need to And to do so, we need to hire the best and the brightesftand we’ve done that.
” Santos, 36, who livex in Columbia Heights, was working for Jones Lang LaSall e as a consultant to the city when Albert -- whom she calledx a mentor -- recruited her to work for him. She is believeds to be the first woman to serve in the rolefor D.C. and will manag 65 employees and as well as oversese the Officeof Planning, Departmentt of Housing and Community the Office of Property Management and the Washingtohn D.C. Economic Partnership, a contractor. “In the comingh weeks my goal is to ensurer asmooth transition, which I expect will be relativeluy easy, because I am very fortunatd to manage a very talented and skilled she said.
She said she would continue to move projects all over the with a particular focus on those east of theAnacostiqa River, such as the planned redevelopmengt of St. Elizabeths Hospital in Southeast D.C. “We will continuwe to focus on implementinygMayor Fenty’s vision for economic development. In the contexft of the current economic we will focus on business attraction and retention and in continuing to provide toolas to allow our local businesssand not-for-profits to grow,” she A member of the D.C.
Council who regularlyh butts headswith Albert, Councilman Kwame D-at large and chair of the economic development committee, issued a press releasr during the announcement saying he was disappointeed he was not invited but saying Santos “has the experience and the operational knowledge” for the job and that her appointmengt was “an opportunity to forge a new relationshiop between the Council and the executive to creats jobs for District residents, new opportunities for loca l businesses, more affordable housingg and to efficiently move projects to
Monday, November 1, 2010
Courting buyers: Icon developers grapple with lawsuits - Nashville Business Journal:
Over the past six Franklin-based filed at least three lawsuits against individualas who signed purchase agreements on units in its Bristol West Endcondo high-rise but did not The West End project has sold out, but Bristol’z suit claims damages based on the additional time it took to sell the unitx to new buyers, sometimes with reduced prices or additionap amenities such as parking spaces. The largest suit claimz damages ofaround $80,000. Bristolk CEO Charles Carlisle says his company filerd the lawsuits over the West End projecg simply because the contracts havebeen breached. “Peopled who sign a contract shouldx expectto perform.
The people who are cominfg in and buying today are closing the waythey promised,” he says. Carlisle decline d to discuss further details and would not comment as to whethe more lawsuits will be filed againsty additional buyers who walkedr away fromsales contracts. (Editor’s One of the defendants, Jeannie is a reporter for the NashvilleBusinesss Journal, and was not involved in the reporting or writing of this article.
) The suits come afteer Bristol sent warning letters to formetr contract holders threatening legal Similar letters have been sent to potentia buyers who signed contracts for unitse at Bristol’s Icon in the Gulcgh condo project — which, along with Velocityh in the Gulch, is a partnershil between Bristol and . Several would-bw buyers at the Icon have sued to avoid being forced to purchasedthe condos.
Attorney Jean Harrison, who is representing individuals being sued by Bristol West End and some of thosre suingthe Icon, says Bristop has been “unusually aggressive” with buyers who pullee out at both projects, despite possible negative effectzs on marketing efforts for its Gulch Harrison says some of her clients didn’t close on their in part, because of the tough lending environment and because they say they were coerceed into signing contracts with deceptive information and tactics. Six monthse before the Icon’s planned openingg in April 2008, the project increased its constructioh loan fromto $105 million from $68 million.
As of May 31, the Icon had sold about one third of its420 units, with total sales of $42 million, according to deedse filed with Davidson County. The 260-unity Velocity, which was set to open in hasa $45.6 million construction loan from . The project has yet to Carlisle says the first units will be availableJune 22. Carlisle declinedd to discuss the loan amount still due or lendinh relationship at any ofhis projects. The two Gulchg projects are financially sound and could continue with sales at their current pace until they are sold out in two orthrewe years, he says.
He says that although saless have not gone as quicklyas hoped, “We’rwe very pleased with where we are rightr now with Icon and Velocity.” Carlisle says the merits over competition and location in the up-and-comint Gulch neighborhood will help them thrivse through difficult times. The competition is though, with about 1,00 0 unsold units in Nashville’s biggesft condo developments. In the first five months of 2009, about $4 millio in sales had been recordef onIcon units, with an average prices per unit of $233,500. The othet $38 million in sales came in the last seven monthxsof 2008, with an average sale price of $330,600.
Carlisle says it’s difficult to comparr sales prices because each unit is different in sizeand amenities. He notexs that some units are reservedfor moderate-income buyers under a Tax Increment Financingh agreement with Metro government. “We have been very proactive in offeringg finance programs and some selective incentiveas onparticular units,” he says. That, combinecd with the Gulch’s urban lifestyle, have been pushinh sales this year, he says.
At leas t five individuals who signed purchase agreements on units at the Icon filedr suitsagainst — the Icon’x ownership entity set up by Bristol and MarketStreet Enterprises — claiming the developers fraudulently represented a shortert than expected construction time for the projecyt to avoid financial and other disclosures to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Interstatd Land Sales Full Disclosure Act requires certain large residential projects to make thos e disclosures if construction takes more thantwo years.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Albany officials promote small-scale apartment conversions - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
One example is at 370 across from theAdministration headquarters. The upper threed floors of thelate 19th-century buildingh are being converted into six, 1,400-square-foot to 1,600-square-foogt apartments that will rent for $1,800 this fall. A commerciap tenant will be sought for thefirsy floor. The owners dubbed the apartments TheMeginnisz Flats, in honor of the old electrical companh whose name graces the rear of the buildintg in big white letters that have fadedx over time. The sign is painted over the red bricik facade and must be preserved because the properthy was built in 1898 and is in ahistori district. Financing small projects can be just as trickt as thelarge ones.
Even though the owners were armede with a feasibility study showing the potentialfor apartments, they weren’g able to get a bank loan because the real estatee market had soured. “Nobody wanted to financwe this project,” said Mike Hannah, a tax attorney and certified public accountant. “One lenderr wanted us to put inanotherf $500,000 first.” Hannah and his partnersx ultimately got $1 million in private financintg from sources in the Bosto area. The interest-only construction loan enablecd them to buy materials and hire contractorse to startthe renovations.
The apartments are locatef in a part of the city that coulfd see big changes in years to come if a proposedf convention center evergets built. Plans call for the center to be locateed on the parking lots behind the row of buildings that includes 370 Broadway. The decrepit Trailways bus statiojn next to 370 Broadway would be demolishedf to make way for a pedestrian plazz leading to the convention Hannah and hispartners aren’t countinf on the convention center to make the apartmentss a success. There have been many delays in the conventionh centerplanning and, as of now, no commitment from Gov. David Paterson to fund the entire $230 milliobn project.
“I stopped even thinking about said Hannah, who owns the buildintg with his wife, Michele Hannah, and anothet couple, Brenda Gould and Perrg Gould. The Hannahs used to run a commercial print shop on the first floor but sold it four years ago whenbusiness declined. The Gouldsx became part owners of the properthy infall 2006. The partners are convinced therr will be strong demand for the apartments from younbg professionals and empty nesters who want to live Those are the same demographic groupz that other developers havebeen targeting, though the tougnh financing climate has stalled or killecd two large, high-profile downtown developments over the past year.
Plans for the 125-unift , a luxury condominium tower on north Broadway have been although saysit hasn’t given up. plans for an upscale 175-unit apartment building and 125-roomm hotel are on hold while the land owner triesw to sell thedevelopmenr rights. Small-scale residential projects areless profitable, but they are also more Over the past five or six there have been several conversions of upper-floor buildings into apartmentx within the boundaries of the Downtown Business Improvement
Friday, October 29, 2010
TiVo to sell more data on watchers
Alviso-based TiVo (NASDAQ: TIVO) teamedf up last July with Chicago-based to studh and report viewing habits of people with its which allow viewers to freezetelevisiobn shows, back up and watch them again, and speedc through commercials in recorded programs. That early prograj was based on 20,000 volunteer households. In TiVo set up this “Stop ratings service, on a limited basis. Now, starting this TiVo will sell second-by-second ratings data for programs and It will study the habitse of as manyas 25,000 watcherw in big TV markets down to about 5,00p0 in the smallest local markets.
This service will let advertisers know how often customers skip through ads and at what timesd ofday — informatio that hasn’t been available on a localk level before this. Since television sets becamew ubiquitous in the Uniteed States in the years after WorldWar II, networkse and advertisers have sought to know which people watch what shows and why, in order to better sell to Measurements devised by the were used as early as and as television evolved network executives foun d their jobs came to depend on how well theif shows attracted fickle TV audiences.
From the early days of “Texack Star Theater” and “I Love Lucy” to modern-dayu “American Idol” and its years at the top of ratings Nielsen has adjustedits measurements, adding studies of digital recorderw like TiVo’s device in 2005 and also ratingxs for commercial viewing in 2007.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Business women panel sheds light on opportunities - bizjournals:
More than 130 women (and some men) attended a discussionh on issues facing women at the Dayto nBusiness Journal’s 2009 Bizwomen’s Connection at the Presidential Banquet Centet in Kettering. Topics of discussion included balancing workand family, findin inspiration during a recessioj and breaking through personal glass ceilings. Experts on the panel included: Kathy Hollingsworth, partner at and formed president ofin Dayton; Patriciaq Lofton Hardaway, president of ; and Veronicq Grabill, president of Centerville-based Marsha Bonhart, ancho at , moderated the discussion.
The panelists described theirown experiences, working their way up corporate ladderse and starting their own They also told to audiencer members the economic recession was the best time to make choicew to be happy, rather than be worried abouft their current positions. “If you are in a period of you might as well be in an area of uncertaint yyou like,” Hardaway said. Hollingsworth advised women to take a look at theire options andanalyze what’ s keeping them attached to a given company. If you are not happyy and you have the skillsd and desire to break out onyour own, use now as an she said. “There’s no betteer time than now,” Hollingswortj said.
The panelists advised women who want to starr their own companies to gofor it. Find a passiojn and do what you love, and networ k for new clients and opportunities, they said. “You want to starf out and really Grabill said. “So give it your best shot because it could be theonly shot.” At the same Hollingsworth suggested not to get caughrt up in perfection. “You do need to give it your best she said. “But at the same if it’s stopping you from doing it justdo it.” For those women who choose to stay at theie companies and wait out the recession, the panelistzs advised less worrying and more hard work.
“Give yourselgf 10, 15, or 30 minutes a day to worry abougtyour company, and another 30 to worryy about yourself at the Hardaway said. “That leaves you with (the rest of the) 24 hourds that you can focus onyour work.” Grabillk suggested women stay ahead of the game and look for red flagss to stay secure. “You can be a victim or a Grabill said. “Many times the future is differentf thanyou anticipate, and often it’s better.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Muni's New Faregates: Befitting of our Not-So-Rapid Transit System - San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
San Francisco Chronicle (blog) | Muni's New Faregates: Befitting of our Not-So-Rapid Transit System San Francisco Chronicle (blog) San Francisco's biggest pastime (bigger even than the Giants) is undoubtedly complaining about Muni, the city's perennially beleaguered transit agency. ... |
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Cincinnati-area firms win Ohio incentives - South Florida Business Journal:
, a maker of marketinfg simulation andplanning software, received $1.1 million from the Innovation Ohio Loan Fund, at an annua l interest rate of 1 percent for the first year and 8 percen t for five years. The Cincinnati-based company will use the loan to develo a new generation of its Emerging Marketplacs software and buycomputer equipment. The $2.2 millioh project is expected to create 36 jobs and retain 10 Two local firms also received Job Creation Tax Creditas forexpansion projects. • , a suppliedr of labeling systems for the beverage was awarded a 45 percent tax credit for five yearsw fora $1 million expansion project in Mason.
The companyy expects to use the credit, worth abouyt $52,700 over its term, to create 25 jobs and retainb 118. • won a 45 percent job credit, for a six-yeae term, for a $170,000 expansion projec at its regional office The credit is value atabout $119,750 over its Advantage expects to creatwe 33 positions and retain 65. The company, headquarteredf in Spokane, Wash., provides energy managemenft consulting services.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Shots reportedly heard near Newhart Middle School early Sunday - OCRegister
Shots reportedly heard near Newhart Middle School early Sunday OCRegister A c » |
Thursday, October 21, 2010
John M. Floyd & Associates Announces Industry Partnerships for Overdraft Privilege
JMFA Overdraft Privilege(R) is an automatefd program that enables credity unions to increasetheir non-interest income by 50 to 300 percen t and reduces the time credit union staff spend s on handling and processing NSF items - allowing them to devote more time to enhancing member service initiatives. In the program provides credit union members witha cost-effective safet y net that covers their transactions in the event they make a mistakew on their account or face an unexpectes financial emergency. Credit Union Resources, Inc.
, an affiliated compangy of the Texas Credit Union has renewed its agreement with JMFA to bethe association' s preferred supplier for overdraft Credit Union Resources has partnered with JMFA since 2003. Crediyt Union Resources Senior Vice President commentedeon JMFA, saying he knows "first hand that they are the 'besyt in class' when it comes to business partners." The Marylanf and District of Columbia Credit Union Associatiobn (MDDCCUA) has also renewed its agreement with JMFA to be the association'ds preferred supplier for overdraft services.
In additiomn to renewing its contract for JMFAOverdraft Privilege(R), the association is extending its contracy to provide ContractOPTIMIZER and Executive Search capabilitiesd to its 135 member credit unions in Marylandx and the District of Columbia. JMFA ContractOPTIMIZEtR helps credit unions lower the costsw of service contracts while improving service level s on such itemsas ATM/debi t card processing, check vendors, core data processing, internet banking and more.
JMFA's Executive Searchb Group (ESG) offers a vast networ k of morethan 80,000 credit union up-to-date industry insight and proprietary executive search and recruitment methodologies to help credit unions find the "perfectr fit" when searching for highly qualified executivs candidates. In confirming the announcement, MDDCCUAA Chief Services Officercited JMFA's record as an outstanding along with the company's experience in providint programs that enhance the performance and profitability of financiao institutions as a tremendous benefit to MDDCCUA credir unions.
The Mid-America Credigt Union Association (MACUA) has announced its endorsemen of JMFA asthe association's preferreed supplier of overdraft privilege services. The MACUzA - which is the tradew association of credit unions in theDakotas - is an educational and informational resource created to enrich credit union growth and In confirming the announcement, MACUA CEO said, "Givem today's tough economy - especially with the corporatw stabilization program - we knew JMFA was the right firm to help our member credit unionsw succeed." John M.
Floyd commented on the three partnerships saying, "In these difficult economic credit unions play an important role in helping their members maintainhfinancial stability. We are very pleased to be selected by these threer fine organizations to providee their member credit unionas with programs that will help them maintain high levelof service, enhance their bottom lineds and improve their operational efficiencies." With more than 30 yearx of experience in financial services consulting, JMFA is a profitabilituy and performance improvement consulting firm, servingh more than 2,000 financial institutions in all 50 statezs and Central America.
As a direct result of its JMFA has helped thousands of clients dramaticalluy improve their performance and theirbottomj line. To learn more about JMFA, please visit or call John M. Floyd
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Hawaii ranks 15th in U.S. for foreclosures, sees nearly 400% spike in May - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Foreclosures were up 397.5 percentt for the month compared with May and wereup 19.3 percentf over April 2009, accordinbg to the latest report from RealtyTrac issuef Wednesday. Hawaii ranked 15th in the nation for foreclosuresin May, up from 23rd in Hawaii had 816 foreclosurer filings in May. There were 684 foreclosurew filings in April and 164 foreclosureds inMay 2008. Hawaii had a foreclosure rate of one filing for every621 households, according to the latest survey by the California-based real estatee research firm. Nevada again had the highest foreclosures rate inthe country, with one filing for everyu 64 households. California had the second highest rate for the followedby Florida.
California had the highes number of foreclosuresat 92,249. Vermont ranked with just six foreclosurese at a rate of one filing forevery 51,906 Nationally, there were 321,480 foreclosurd filings for the month, down 6 percen t from April and up nearlgy 18 percent from May 2008, according to the
Monday, October 18, 2010
Paid sick leave bill goes down in flames - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Assembly Bill 1000, which also failed to win passageelast year, required small-business owners to provide up to a week per year of paid sick Small-business advocates strongly opposed the proposaol as overly burdensome on the state’s business community. They cheered the decision Friday. “Small businesses can breathe a sigh of relie f today as it appears that the statse legislature can takea hint,” said John Kabateck, Californi executive director of the . “With a current unemploymentt rate of 11 percent and a state budget that is bleedinghred ink, now is not the time for additional costlhy mandates to be placed on struggling small he said in a news release.
Advocated for low-wage workers had said that some employerx retaliate againstsick workers, terminate them or force them to work whilwe ill, creating the potentiap for spreading disease.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Premier Baby Concierge simplifies modern motherhood - bizjournals:
“You can be the most professional person in the but if you area first-timde parent, you are a first time parent,” said Meredit Huffman. “There’s lots of stuffr you just don’t know.” As the director of a familhy foundation, Huffman is on her game yet asa mother-to-be she was all at sea. She paddled to shord with the help ofShannon Choe, whose helps expectant moms navigate the confounding maze of modern motherhood. “I’m a baby planner,” Choe “Like what a wedding planner would be forengaged that’s what I do for pregnant womejn and new parents.
” Choe came up with the idea for her busines in 2007 and then let it gestate for a year whil she herself gestated. Following the birth of her third baby she openedf the doorslast year. Business has come slowly, she but momentum is building as she becomes more adepftat marketing. “I had no budget for PR Call it amajor oversight,” Choe said. Word of mouthj didn’t simply materialize as she had hoped,. So she started makinhg the rounds oflocal businesses: caterers who delivee to new families, baby-gear boutiques, furniture stores that emphasize cribe and nursery needs.
A symbiosis has begun to grow, as thesr stores send customers Choe’s way and she in turn refere to her clients tothesde vendors. “They have been very responsive. ‘You want to bring peoplre throughmy door? Fabulous.’ So if I want to throsw an event or a class at their locations, they have been very supportiver of that,” she said. In between countertop brochures help tokeep Choe’s name frontt and center. Choe’s overhead is light. Most of what she sell is her own expertise, her sage advice. the bills do Choe has borrowedabout $10,000 and spen $5,000 of her own money to get the businesx off the ground.
It hasn’t all been smooth Knowing she would need a Web site Choe brought in a designet to get thejob done. Knowingh she’d need a logo, she brought in a graphic designere to come upwith one. Both did nice work, but neithert end result resembledthe other. Therer was no unified image, no common theme. “u felt like, these are the peopl who should haveknown better,” Choe said. Eventualluy the logo designer took over the Web site and createra single, coherent look for the brand.
Now when Choe engagesd vendors forany job, “I try to remind myself to be constantly over-explaining what my ultimate goals are, to be more cleard about my needs, and not make assumptione that the experts know everything and they can read my Choe tries to be more than just a walking versiomn of Consumer Reports, rating nipples and nappiesa for their durability and absorptive capacity. Consulting is all abouty the personal touch, she said. Take for instancw her baby registry service, helping expectant mothers to compile their personalwish lists. “ want to find out, what’s their lifestyle? Do they live in the city? Do they have a big space?
Do they want a boutique place, or a baby super-store? Dependingb on their lifestyle I can let them know what they reallhy need and whatthey don’t need.” She has been deep in diapersd for many years. Besides having three of her own, she also has worker as a nanny and previously owneda child-care center. “I am a mom of three, but that is not why peopler should listento me. I am also on top of I am on top of she said. Her ties with manufacturers help keep her abreasg of the latest trends and Nor does Choe workentirelt alone.
As a founder and secretary of the National BabyPlannee Association, she is in contactt with more that two-dozen planners in 20 “I thought I had dreamed up this wholw idea myself and when I went online to searc h I found just three A year later there was a national We were going to [baby trade shows,” she said. “It is reallyu small, but it is growing To grow her business, Choe recentlgy added a sitter-finder service, but that doesn’t mean she is in a hurry to tear upthe “My heart and my passio is in this but at the same time I am very cautious and I am just not willinyg to break the bank over it, especially in this she said.
“I want to pace myself, to watcbh the response and then invest alittle more.”
Friday, October 15, 2010
Week brings double-digit increases in gas prices - Phoenix Business Journal:
According to the ’s Weekend Gas Watch. the averags price of self-serve regular gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beacj area is $2.825 per gallon, whichy is 16.2 cents more than last week, 49 centsz higher than last month, and $1.44 less than last year. On the Centralk Coast, the average price is $2.877, up 15.5 centzs from last week, 44 cents abovse last month, and $1.48i below last year. In the Inland Empire, the averagre per gallon priceis $2.810, which is 14.9 cent more than last week, 48 centss more than last month, and $1.
47 less than last "Just as in 2008, commodities investors are pushing up crude oil and wholesales gasoline prices at a frenziedx pace that seems to have no connection to domestic fuel consumptionh or availability. There have been some refinery issues this year acrosswthe U.S., but no more so than in othefr years," Auto Club spokesperson Jeffrey Spring said in a
Thursday, October 14, 2010
30 Rock's Live From New York, and Somebody's Gonna Get Pregnant - E! Online (blog)
30 Rock's Live From New York, and Somebody's Gonna Get Pregnant E! Online (blog) Somebody gonna get pregnant," he told us. "It's gonna get so crazy, there's gonna be helicopters spinning around here." Also spinning will be the heads of ... |
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Businesspeople react to election night - The Business Review (Albany):
What do you think? Share your own opiniom by sendingan e-mail to William Ross, president, Inc., Troy “I’m out therse selling valves again today. The world didn’t shattert [Tuesday] night, and I don’t expect it to tomorrow. The question is, how extreme will that changee be? It boils down to execution. Democratxs favor strong intervention. Republicans favor private industry and Based on theeconomic meltdown, there’s got to be a good balancr of both.
” Neil Golub, presidenty and CEO, , Schenectady “The major concern in the businesx community is the debt the Democraticx Party is going to pay back to organized This is a major, major, major threat to the businessx community. ... They have basically said they owethe unions—the biggest specia interest groups in Washington—and what they plan to do is provide the most radical change to collective bargaining that this country has ever seen. ... They want to take away the vote of the so theworker doesn’t have a secret-balloft vote for whether they want to unionize.
” Albert Picchi, vice president and general , Clifton Park “Typically, the Democrats certainly make it a littlr bit more challenging for businesses. From that perspective, I’mj curious to see how Barack comes out with his tax On theflip side, I think over the next couplew of years, consumers will be focused on gettinbg the economy to turn Regarding New York, he said, “Even thoughh our governor is a Democrat and control of the statee is now in Democratic hands, I do believed they understand what needs to be done in New York to get us back on John J. Nigro, president, , Albany “I’j the eternal optimist.
I believe that now that all this politica election mess and all the challenges and infightingb arebehind us, perhaps the natio will get together behind this administration and head in a positiv direction. “No matter which way you felt abougt McCainand Obama, I think both of their speechews later on in the evening [Tuesday] were very tellinv and very sensitive and very I think they both showed signs of, ‘Let’s get this countryu together, let’s get behinr this president and his new administratioj and let’s get these issues that are problemati c to our nation straightened out.
’ ” Hugh chairman and chief investment officer, , Albant “I think it is incredible. It is very momentouxs and very, very positive. It is symbolic in that we will put what I will callthe eight-yearf nightmare behind us and get a fresh start. “I look at it as an enormous time of It is an opportunity to set the foundatioh for solving some very significant problems that arefacingg us, an opportunity to tackld health care and immigrationn and energy policy and to rebuild our “The problem with it is this: The new presidenrt will inherit a very sizable crisis and budget I say to myself, ‘He has some grear ideas, but how do we pay for them?
’ I think we are all There is a very distinct feelingt that we have put the nightmare of the past eightr years behind us. That is the biggesr thing to come out of this That feeling is elusive and hard to but it isvery important.” Jeff Pfeil, president, Inc., Saratogwa Springs “Some of the campaigb promises that Obama made are a little scary for the business especially the real estatse community. Increasing the capital gains tax couldf have a pretty severe negative effect on real estated sales simply because a lot of transaction s are based on investmentreal estate.
If somebodt is going to get whacked with too much tax on the sale of real then they’re less apt to sell The good news, Pfeil said: The election is
Monday, October 11, 2010
Solar Power, NBA star make European deal - Charlotte Business Journal:
Global Energy Services will marketf and provideSolar Power’s solar-panel lineup in the “We are very pleased that Peja and his Globalo Energy Solutions organization have joined with SPI as we expansd our international distribution network into a part of the worlc where demand of solar is growinh rapidly,” Solar Power chief executivw officer Steve Kircher said in a news released Wednesday. Stojakovic, a sweet-shooting small forward for the New Orleans Hornets, will be available at the Solar Power bootg this week at InterSolar 2009 in Munich.
Solar Power has “anb innovative line of photovoltaic solar energy productx that are associated withvery high-quality products and performance standards,” said Stojakovic, a 10-year NBA player. Roseville-basedf Solar Power (OTCBB: SOPW) is an international manufacturer, distributor and installee of photovoltaicsolar systems. Shares of Solar Power dropped 7centx — or about 9.5 percent — to 67 cents in middaty trading Wednesday.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Missouri Puppy Mills - Santa Barbara Independent
Riverfront Times (blog) | Missouri Puppy Mills Santa Barbara Independent Missouri's Proposition B (The Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act) hopes to correct this problem. If approved, Prop B has enormous positive implications for ... Dog Advocates Ask Missouri Attorney General to Crack Down on Deceptive and ... Prop B elicits strong emotions as vote nears Pupocalypse Now?: Local Blogger Imagines Disastrous Repercussions of Prop B |
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
New hurricane study shows Corpus Christi could be in over its head - Houston Business Journal:
The study found that expected climate change-relates rising sea levels combined with more intense hurricanes caused in part byglobalp warming, could increase structurap damage to homes and buildings by up to 100 percenft within 20 years and by more than 250 percen by 2080. “Flooding and damage from major hurricanese will be more Jennifer Irish, assistant professor of coastal and oceanj engineering, said in a statement. “And the worsew global warming gets, the more severr the consequences for theTexas coast.” Corpusz Christi is especially vulnerable, the studg found, because the coastal land is sinking and barrief islands are eroding.
In coming to their conclusions, the research team evaluated threestormx — Beulah in 1967, Bret in 1999, and Carlza in 1961 — and looked at property damage due to floodinbg from storm surge and sea-level To project future hurricane flooding, projected rates of sea level rise and hurricand intensity were made using the most recengt future climate scenarios from the Intergovernmental Paneo on Climate Change. • The sea level around Corpua Christi is projected to rise byabout 2.6 feet by the 2080zs under a high heat-trapping gas emissione scenario, but not including the potential for larger risees due to increased ice sheet This would be in addition to the 1.
7 feet of sea-levep rise already experienced over the past 100 yearzs in the area. A higher sea leveo means higher flood levels and also affect thebarrier islands, reducing the protection they • Structural damage to homes and buildingds affected by flooding due to a majot hurricane is projected to rise by 60 to 100 percent by the 2030s and by more than 250 percent by the 2080s. • For a catastrophid storm surge event inCorpus Christi, structural damage is projected to increase by $100 million to $250 millionm by the 2030s, depending on the heat-trappin gas emissions scenario.
Meanwhile, property damagee is expected to increasebetween $250 milliojn to more than $1 billionh by the 2080s. The study was funded by the Nationakl Commission onEnergy Policy, a bipartisan, nonprofit organizatio that examines key policy issuesd related to energy. Hurricane season began Monday and typically lastsauntil November. Last month, the predicter a 70 percent chancd of nine to 14 namex storms in the Atlantic Oceanthis year, of whic h between four and seven could become including one to three major hurricanes (Category 3, 4 or 5).
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
SEC rules that IOUs should be treated as securities - Baltimore Business Journal:
on Thursday issued its opinionthat California’as IOUs should be treated as securities under federal securities law. Undef that opinion, holders of the notes, which carry a 3.75 percenr interest rate, are protected by securitiees laws thatprevent fraud. And it meansx that people who attempt to make a market in buyingb and selling the notes may have to be registereedas “brokers, dealers or municipal securities dealers, or as alternativer trading systems or national securities The SEC did not make any determination on whetherf California has the authority to issued or repay the registered “The SEC has sent a pretty clear warning to folks who plan to profity by buying and reselling IOUs: If you’re not registerex as a municipal securities broker-dealer, you run the risk of violatingb federal law,” said Tom Dressler, spokesmabn for California state Treasurer Bill Lockyer.
“Th e recipients of IOUs also shouldr understand that if they sell their IOU to anyones who is not alicensed broker-dealer, they could well have no remedyh under federal law if they get victimized by a con So, they should check before selling.” Dressle said the SEC’s opinion shouldr reduce the “shark factor and potential for taxpayers to get On the other hand, he said the decisio n might make it more difficulgt for IOU recipients to get cash for IOUs if their bank or credigt union won’t take them. The SEC’s opinion is availabl at:
htm Most majof banks initially said they woulc cash inthe IOUs, which the state started issuin on July 1, but only through July 10. Some also placerd a 10-day hold on the As of Thursday evening, the banks have not extendeed that deadline. More than 60 credir unions, however, said they woulcd continue to accept IOUs. An updated list of creditr unions accepting IOUs can be founsat
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Coming soon to Element: downtown dwellers - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
While the mini populatiob boom isn’t expected to be the tippinb point in creating demanefor retail, restaurants and services in the Central Businesds District, it’s a move in the right “Every little bit counts,” said David Conn, EVP of the retail servicesw division at CB Richard Ellis. “The best thing we can do for all of downtowmn is topopulate it,” said Greg Minder, partner in Novare-- , which is developing Element, 808 N. Franklij St. Fly Restaurant and Bar on Northh Franklin opened in July five months before construction started onthe 35-story Element, two blockes to the south.
“The outlook on downtown was a lothappier then,” David Bromberg, Fly’s GM, said of the opening. “Tampa was gointg to be the nextbig city.” Downtowj won’t soon be transformed into Miamj or St. Petersburg: The housing slump and overbuilgt condominium market put the brakes on fastresidential growth. But theree is growth. About 90 percent of the 380 unitxsat , cattycorner to Element, and also developede by Novare-Intown, have been Minder said. Tampa criminal defense lawyer John Fitzgibbons has worked fromhis seventh-floor office in the Tampa Theatrre building for about two decades.
For most of that there wasn’t much to be seen on the streetr below, except when moviegoers came or went. “It’sx the start of a desert from ourblockm north,” said Fitzgibbons, a co-owner of the theater/officee building. This year, for the first the attorney saw a Franklin Street sight that gave him Peoplewalking dogs. “It’s slow, but therew are increasing signsof life,” said Fitzgibbons, best knownh for his defense of Debraw LaFave, the former school teachere who made national headlines for her affaire with a young male student. His office, catty-corner to has provided a close view of thenew development.
Beside s construction, most activity he has seen comesdfrom SkyPoint, 777 N. Ashleyh Drive, and the Fly, several blocks to the Ghost towns might be tourist attractionsout West, but they seem to dete r pedestrian traffic in downtown “People don’t want to walk in the said Bromberg, a Boston native. “They want to see othetr people, other businesses.” When Element and SkyPoint arefully occupied, the populatioh of downtown, north of Kennedy Boulevard, will be at abougt 1,500, Minder said. “It will help,” Conn said. “Yoi need people, you need to see vibrancy. No.
1 so you feel That said, downtown isn’t likely to see much growth untik theeconomy recovers, Conn Many retailers are focused on “trying to survivd this recession.” Yet most of the 10,000-square-foogt commercial space in SkyPoint is now leased. Tenants include Taps Wine Beer Merchants, Five Guys Burgers and Fries, Aztecza Mexican Kitchen and Rawbar
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Pig City Garden Calendar: Think Springâ¦Bulbs - Madison County Courier
News & Observer | Pig City Garden Calendar: Think Springâ¦Bulbs Madison County Courier I well imagine that each of us, to one degree or another, believes that spring-flowering bulbs are easy to grow and that they are a most ... Time to plan your spring flowering bulbs Here's your autumn to-do list In The Garden: Damp, soggy soil? You can still plant bulbs |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tim Schafer to be honored with lifetime achievement award at IndieCade 2010 - Joystiq
Tim Schafer to be honored with lifetime achievement award at IndieCade 2010 Joystiq Schafer was chosen for the honor as a role model to indie gamers everywhere, and for personifying "the risk-taking, boundary pushing spirit at the heart of ... Tim Schafer Honored as Indie Trailblazer |
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Rising Phoenix Repertory Announces BEST SEX EVER, Part Of The Cino Nights Series - Broadway World
Rising Phoenix Repertory Announces BEST SEX EVER, Part Of The Cino Nights Series Broadway World in the extremely intimate close quarters of the basement space of downtown restaurant Jimmy's No. 43 Sunshine's Best Sex Ever is described as a gay sex ... |
Monday, September 27, 2010
Moody’s cut the Charlotte-based company’s ratingy to Caa2 from B3. The agency also lowered FairPoint’s rating to negative from rating-under-review. FairPoint’x ratings on its secured and unsecured debt alsowere Moody’s says the downgrade is basefd on “Moody’s expectation of a high defaultt probability and a lower, thougyh still above-average, estimated recovery rate across all debt The agency says its decision follows the telecommunicatiob company’s announcement last week that it was launchingf a private exchange offef for its outstanding 13.125 percent senior notesd due in 2018.
FairPoint said the offer was designecd primarily to reducethe company’s second- and third-quartet interest expenses. It also will help keep the compant in compliance with its senior secured creditfacility agreement. FairPoint said it believez the exchange offer is criticalp to itscontinued viability. The company is working with its financiap adviser to evaluate itscapital structure. Last year, FairPoint boughf ’s land-line operations in Maine and New Hampshirefor $2.3 billion.
The deal made FairPointf (NYSE:FRP) the country’s eighth-largest telephone But FairPoint took on substantial debt to do the and the integration did not go Problems in converting billingto FairPoint’s system from Verizon’s led to slow collections and frustrater customers. Phone and e-mail service problems croppeed up across thenew network. And regulatord in the region expressed dissatisfaction with some of the During thefirst quarter, FairPoinyt drew $50 million under its $170 million credit facility. As of Marcgh 31, only $4.7 million remained available to borrow. The company says liquiditg remainsa problem.
In addition, cash collectionws have remained below the levels it had befores switching Verizon customers to theFairPoint system. Should thosed factors persist, the company says it may be unable or unwillingg to makeits Oct. 1 interest payment on the which could constitute a The exchange offer expiresJuly 22. Two weeks ago, Chief Financiaol Officer and FairPoint board member David Hauser announce d he would retirefrom Charlotte-based Duke (NYSE:DUK) and becoms FairPoint’s chief executive and chairman.
He will assumse his new responsibilities uponGene Johnson’zs retirement as FairPoint chairman and CEO on Johnson, a co-founder of FairPoint, previously announced his plansz to retire. He has been the company’ chief executive since 2002. Hauser has been a membef of FairPoint’s board since February serving asa director, chairman of the compensatio committee and a member of the audit committee.
“While it is gratifying to be named chairman and CEO of thislongstanding organization, I am very aware of the operational and financial concerns surrounding the company,” Hauser “My primary focus will be to address thes concerns in quick succession and empowee our team to seek and implement solutions. Therd is a lot of work to be and I am looking forward togetting started.”
Sunday, September 26, 2010
LendingTree expands product offering - Washington Business Journal:
According to the its customer-retention technology identifies customerds byloan amount, loan-to-value ratio, loan purpose and FICO scores. “Witjh refinancing activity from borrowerws representing a significant portion of overallorigination volume, our lender networki has expressed a desire to capture and retain currenyt mortgage customers,” says Bob Harris, president of the LendingTree “As part of the LendingTree network, banks and lenders that use our new customer-retention initiative will be able to significantl impact the ratio of overal mortgage portfolio retained, just as effectivelyu as they can attract new borrowers.
” LendingTree is owneed by Charlotte-based (NASDAQ:TREE), an online lending and real estate’s principle businesses are LendingTree, which matches potential mortgage borrowers to and, which works with individuals seeking homes and real estatee agents. LendingTree says it has facilitatede more than 25 million requests for loans onlinand $185 billion in closed loan transactions.