Monday, November 8, 2010

Pew report: Clean energy powers job growth - Business First of Buffalo:
study said Florida was one of 38 states and the Districtt of Columbia in which job growth in the cleanj energy economy outperformed overall job Pew defined a clean energy economy as one thatgenerates jobs, businesses and investments whild expanding clean energy increasing energy efficiency, reducing greenhousd gas emissions, waste and pollution, and conserving water and other naturalk resources. In Florida, there was a 7.9 percent increase in cleaj energy jobsfrom 28,845 jobs in 1998 to 31,12q2 jobs in 2007.
The numbers are a hard count ofactuao jobs, Pew said in a release, and rangwe from jobs as diverse as engineers, administrative assistants, construction workers, machine setters, marketinf consultants and teachers with annual incomesx ranging from $21,000 to Nationally, jobs in the clean energu industry grew at a rate of 9.1 percenr between 1998 and 2007, while total jobs grew by 3.7 percent in the same the report says. Florida had 3,831 clean energyu businesses at the endof 2007, a 22.
7 percent increase from 3,121 businesses in 1998, the report There were 236 clean energy patents in Floridas between 1999 and 2008, and venturwe capital firms invested $117 in clean technologg in Florida between 2006 and 2008.

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