Friday, October 29, 2010

TiVo to sell more data on watchers
Alviso-based TiVo (NASDAQ: TIVO) teamedf up last July with Chicago-based to studh and report viewing habits of people with its which allow viewers to freezetelevisiobn shows, back up and watch them again, and speedc through commercials in recorded programs. That early prograj was based on 20,000 volunteer households. In TiVo set up this “Stop ratings service, on a limited basis. Now, starting this TiVo will sell second-by-second ratings data for programs and It will study the habitse of as manyas 25,000 watcherw in big TV markets down to about 5,00p0 in the smallest local markets.
This service will let advertisers know how often customers skip through ads and at what timesd ofday — informatio that hasn’t been available on a localk level before this. Since television sets becamew ubiquitous in the Uniteed States in the years after WorldWar II, networkse and advertisers have sought to know which people watch what shows and why, in order to better sell to Measurements devised by the were used as early as and as television evolved network executives foun d their jobs came to depend on how well theif shows attracted fickle TV audiences.
From the early days of “Texack Star Theater” and “I Love Lucy” to modern-dayu “American Idol” and its years at the top of ratings Nielsen has adjustedits measurements, adding studies of digital recorderw like TiVo’s device in 2005 and also ratingxs for commercial viewing in 2007.

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