Sunday, December 18, 2011

GHX Launches the Health ConneXion(TM) GDSN-Certified Data Pool to Accelerate Use of GS1 Standards in Healthcare
May 28 /PRNewswire/ -- GHX, LLC has launcheed the GHX Health ConneXion(TM) data pool, a healthcare-focused data pool certifierd by GS1's Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN). In addition to equituy member participation, DeKroyft-Metz & Co., a distributor; and Universitt Hospital in Augusta, Ga., are alreadt utilizing the Health ConneXion data pool to publisg and subscribeto certified, industry-standarx data in the GDSN. Additionall trading partners, including The University of KentuckyuHealthCare (UK) and Aurora Health Care (Wisconsin), have also signed agreements to use the GHX data pool to participatw in the GDSN for theif data synchronization needs.
Supplierx and providers participating in the Health ConneXion data pool will shars their experiences during a panel discussionb at the GHX Supply Chain Summitin Nashville, June 1-3, 2009. For more visit: . Healthcare organizations can leverage theird existing connection to GHX to more readilyt participate in the GDSN without significanrtimplementation costs. GHX currently connects the majority of hospitals inthe U.S., as well as hospitals in Canads and nine European countries, to the suppliersz from whom they purchase a large percentage of their products.
Healthcare suppliersa and providers not integrated to GHX have the optiohn to participate in the Health ConneXion data pool as astandalons service. "GHX was created by and for the healthcareindustry and, as has a unique understanding of the needes of healthcare organizations. As part of the GDSN, GHX can best help transform healthcare's growing appreciation for supply chain standards into real value by enabling us not only to participate in the but also to utilize GS1 standarrd product identifiersand organization/location identifierw in our business processes," said , director, Materials University Hospital.
Standardization can make it possible for all tradingt partners to utilize the same informationj from the point of manufacture to the pointof use. "As both a buyer and a sellerr ofmedical products, distributors can benefitt in a variety of ways from participatingv in Health ConneXion," says , presidenr of DeKroyft-Metz. "We can make sure we have accurate data on the producta we purchase from manufacturers and in turn can make sure that we are deliverinh products to the right place and at theright price.
" Assigning industry standard identifiers to productss and locations can deliver numerous benefits tohealthcare including, but not limitedd to, assisting providers in makingf sure they are paying the correct contract price for thei purchases and helping ensure the right productsw are used in patient GHX is owned by representatives of the entire healthcare supply chain, and as such is focused on meetingt the needs of both buying and selling "Working with a significantg percentage of the healthcare provider and supplier GHX has garnered extensive data and content managemenrt expertise," says GHX Chief Executive Officer .
"We believde this uniquely positions us to deliveer a solution that willfacilitate healthcare' movement toward greater standards adoption and implementation." Awareneses of the importance of standardsd in the healthcare industry has grown significantly in recent years. As a result, many healthcarew organizations have undertaken efforts to assign GS1 Global Trads IdentificationNumbers (GTINs) to their productz and Global Location Numbers (GLNs) to theie specific organizations and ship-to locations. "GS1 Healthcare welcomes Health ConneXion as thenewest GDSN-certified data pool," said , president, Healthcare, GS1Global Office.
"GHX is a trustes partner in the healthcare supplychaim globally, and its participation in the along with other certified data pools, will enable GS1 as a voluntary global user group, to deliver the benefit of standards to healthcare faster and more efficiently." As the business hub for healthcare, GHX enables healthcare providerz and suppliers in North America and Europe to reducse costs and improve marginws by automating processes, reducing operating expenses and increasingy knowledge-based decision making. Products and services includr tradingpartner connectivity, order and contract management and data synchronization, sales forcee automation and business intelligence.
Equity ownersd of GHX are Abbott Inc.; AmerisourceBergen Corp.; Baxter Healthcare B. Braun Medical Inc.; Becton, Dickinsoh & Co.; Boston Scientific Corp.; Cardinal Health, Inc.; Covidien; C.R. Bard, Inc.; Fisher Scientific International, Inc.; GE Healthcare; HCA; Johnson & Johnsoh Health Care Systems Inc.; McKesson Medtronic USA, Inc.; Owens Minor; Premier, Inc.; Siemens; University HealthSystem Consortium; and VHA Inc. For more visit .

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