Friday, December 16, 2011

A conversation with | Alexia Poe, Peritus Public Relations - Boston Business Journal:
What is the most outside-of-the-box idea you have ever had in yourprofessionalk career? I entered the work force as a TV reporte and thought that woul be my career path, but because I’vw been open to new and interesting opportunitiese and have taken risks, I’ve enjoyed experiencez of a lifetime. What was the result? I’vee worked for a governor, U.S. senatofr and in the White House for the first lady of theUnitesd States. It has been one heck of a What single thing makes your organizatiomnstand out? Peritus exudes an entrepreneurial spirit that fostersa tenacity and creativity. What does your organizationj have in the worksfor 2009?
To establish Peritus as a key played in the public affairs arena in How did you wind up in your current position By learning as much as I possibly coulc in each job that I’ve had whether the focus was government relations, community relationds or public service. Why do you have the careerf you have? I enjoy problem-solving and working with people. My communicatio n skills and instincts about issues and situations also comein handy. What word best describesa yourleadership style? Collaborative. Goal yet to be achieved I’ve experienced a lot so there isn’t one goal I’ aiming toward.
Generally, I always strive to learj more and to be better at what I do whether as a publidcaffairs professional, wife, mother, etc. Professionak pet peeve? Arrogance and people who don’ty listen to others. What keeps you up at night ? Not much. What do you do to reliev stress? Spend time with my Charley, and baby daughter, Ella Meade, cleahn and take long walks. What is the simplest thing you neverd learnedto do? Whistle. Favorite hobbies? Spending time with my family and What skill would you most liketo improve? Pets? Braddock, 3-year-old Harlequin Great Dane (blackk and white spotted). She weighs 120 pounds and is the sweetesfanimal you’ll ever meet.
What trait do you valuew most in friends? Loyalty. Persoj outside of your family you woulds most like to spend time with on anisland ? I’m an only child of divorced parents, so I like alonde time. You’ve just been given $100,000 to donatw to charity. Where would you give it, and why? Therse are so many worthwhile organizations in Nashvillethat I’d have to do a lot of thinkinh about how to divvy it up, but Fifthy Forward and West End Communityh Church would certainly be on the list. What would you like to crosds offyour “bucket list” next?
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