Monday, August 27, 2012

Lenexa City Attorney Cindy Harmison saidthe casual-restaurant chain certified Thursday that its headquarters employmenr as of Jan. 30 was 396 and that thosee employees received an averageof $79,427.75 in salaryu and bonuses. Applebee’s, which celebrated the grand opening of its Lenex a headquarters inJanuary 2008, was granted a 90 percent tax abatement on the first $44 millionh of the headquarters’ value on the conditiom that it meet agreed upon annual employment and salary Those levels called for average 2008 employmen of 497 with an average salart and bonuses of $97,734.
The abatemen agreement includes formulas for determining how much to reducw the abatement because of employmenf andsalary shortfalls. But Harmison said the city needed to review Applebee’s certification and seek clarifications before determinintg exactly how much the company’s abatement will be reduced. One item that needa to be clarified, she said, is whether the employee count providedby Applebee’s was the 2008 average or the number employef on Jan. 30. In an interview earlier this month, Applebee’s spokesman Miles McMillin said the compant employed 325 at theLenexa headquarters.
Applebee’s parent company, , sold the Lenexwa headquarters buildingfor $39 million in July as part of a sale-leasebacok transaction. Applebee’s, which agreed to a primary lease term of 15 yearse with an initial lease payment ofaboutg $293,000 a month, listerd the entire headquarters building for sublease last month. If Applebee’se vacates the building Lenexa City Administrator Eric Wadesaid recently, it probably will be placed “back on the tax rollx at 100 percent.

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