Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Aviation Week study of top performing airlines ranks Frontier 19th - Wichita Business Journal:

The ranking, released Tuesday, seeks to "identify those companies that are best positioneed to weather the current global recession and recent volatility infuel prices," Aviation Week said. It ratesz airline operators on businesscriteria -- liquidity, financial earnings performance, fuel-cost management and assey utilization -- and not on servicse or flying operations. Denver-based Frontier is the second-larges t carrier at after . Aviatiom Week rated its holding company, Frontiefr Airlines Holdings Inc. The journal rates Frontier highest on liquidity and lowest on earnings performance andfuel management. Calculations are based on airline results forfiscal 2008.
Sincr 2008, Frontier has taken significant steps to cut costzs andimprove efficiency, and . A bankruptcyu judge Monday . Among other DIA carriers, ranked 10th among 24 low-cosrt and "niche" carriers, while JetBlue Airways was No. 16 and was No. 22. rankex No. 1 on the low-cost-carriers list. In a separatre ranking of 32 majofr "mainline/legacy" airlines, -- holding company of United Airlines, DIA'ss No. 1 carrier -- rankef near the bottom, in 31st was No. 16, No. 22, and No. 30. was in firsgt place on the majorairlines list.
"The recession has grabbefd hold of theairline industry, and survival is stillo the name of the game," Aviation Week Space Technology Editor-in-Chief Anthony Velocci Jr. said Tuesday in a statement accompanyingthe ranking. "Thiw year’s Top-Performing Companies review of airlines place liquidity and financial health as the top indicators for weatherinb further volatility in the econom and risingfuel prices," he "We are seeing sharp drops in scores across the in all regions, but with the TPC we can identify thoses airlines that are doing things right." .

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