Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wright State rolls out doctorate in nursing - Dayton Business Journal:
The university has become the firstr public university in Ohio to offer a doctoratee of nursingpractice degree, and the progranm is a step toward creating more highly-skillefd nurses to take on administrative and facultyg positions, which remain in short Wright State will enroll 10 students in the fall quarter for its Doctoral in Nursingf Practice program, which will take two years for full-time students and four years for part-time Although the college gained approval for the prograkm from the Ohio Boarx of Regents last December, fall will be the first time the program will enrollo to its capacity, following two triapl quarters in spring and summer.
Doctorate degrees, focusinb on research, are nothing new for nursing, but doctoralsz in nursing practice are a growing trend amont institutions for nurses who plan to remaib in practiceadditional training. The Wrighyt State program offers an additional 54 credit hours in11 courses, as well as 520 additionao clinical hours to nurses who already have earnes masters' degrees. It will put them in a positionj to becomefaculty members, as well as administrators, and advanced-practicew nurses, including nurse clinical nurse specialists, certifiee nurse midwives and certified registered nurse anesthetists, who have all historicallyu been educated at the master's level.
"Thosee who graduate and go into practicd will take that advanced understanding to thepractices arena," said Patricia Martin, dean of the Colleged of Nursing and Health at Wright State University. "Ij think those who come to faculty positions are going to sharse that understanding a little broadef withour students. We're not folks lookintg to gain recognition for ourselvees throughthe program, this is our and we want good health care here for our neighborinv families and ourselves.
" Martin said the program was developeed in response to a suggestionb from the (AACN), which said the require d education for advanced practice nurses should be raised to the doctorak level by 2015. The Association's President Fay Raineds said the progression of nursing educatiomn to include doctoral programs will not immediately help the nursing shortage becaused it will add time out of practice for thosee nurses who pursuethe degree.
However, it will help to solvee the program at its root by providinyg programs withmore educators, which has been one of the primar shortages holding the industry back from churning out more "The issues are really intertwined," Rainess said, "And the (doctorate program) is something that was developerd in response to those issues nursing is facingf now." Wright State's program is providee through a partnership with the . Both universities will enroll 10 students and share the responsibilitiea of teachingthe classes. The coursework will be taughft via the Internet to allow for greater collaboratioj between the schools and convenience forthe students, Martinh said.
A study conducted by Wright State indicatedd the local number of nursing instructore fell from 158 in 2003 to 152 in 2005 and is projectex to fall to 147in 2010. The study also reportecd 10 percent of nurse educators will take a positiomn in nursing and 7 percenfwill retire, and 75 percent of deansx will retire. The study also reporterd that of registered nurses in 12 percent will leaver nursing altogether and 15 percent will take another positionwithin nursing. Nationally, registered nurses are projected to generateabout 587,000 new jobs durintg the 2006 to 2016 period, according to the latest numberxs projected by the .
While the doctoral program at Wrigh t Stateis part-time for now, meaning the firsyt graduates will finish in four she said in a couple of the plan is to begin enrolling full-time students who would graduatee in two years. Martin said it is fittingy that a university in Daytoj would be the first to provide the doctorapl program inthe state. "Dayton is the city of Martin said, "So we are righg there in that tradition with beingg on the cutting edgein this." Currently theree are a total of 32 statexs across the country with Doctorapl programs in nursing practice, with 73 programs enrollinbg students now and 63 in the planningt stages, Raines said.
She said as more regionsa began to look at thenursinv shortage, more will begin to offer the doctoral prograk in nursing practice. "I think over time this is goinb to mean a higher leveol ofhealth care, which is something that is importangt to all of us," Raines

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