Thursday, June 30, 2011

Study: More CEOs say good works boost recruiting - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
This marks a shift in corporatee philanthropy since the Roundtable released its in which noted that corporate responsibility was beginninvg to evolve from community impact to bottom line The most recent report shows thatthe indeed, has taken place. Boston strugglesd to maintain its college grads as they move into the and the Round Tables report underscores that philanthropy is a factor making some local companies more attractive toyounger workers. The Roundtablr issued the report in collaborationn with the University of Massachusettz Boston EmergingLeaders Program.
A team from the Emerging Leaders Programj started working on the reportlast summer, interviewing 20 Massachusett s companies about their corporate socia l responsibility activities -- predominantly larg e companes and representing a cross-section of “Historically CEOs would engage in philanthroph because it was the right thing to do. They wanted to be good corporatse citizens,” said J.D. Chesloff, deputh director of the MassachusettsBusiness Roundtable. “Nos there’s a good business case to incorporatingh it into theirbusiness plan. There’s a bottom line impact to it, in addition to beingy good for all the othercommunity reasons.
” Basedx on the findings from the 20 companiee included in the research, the report suggestsz five ways companies can build a cultur of social responsibility: • Create a clea link to the company’s mission and securer endorsement at the executivw level. • Engage employees at all levelxas decision-makers in relation to corporat social responsibility targets and activities. Leverage employees’ skills to make positivse contributions tothe community. • Provide opportunities for employees to develonew skills.
“A lot of it is aroundf a company being authentic about wantinhg to do something in the community and listening to what the employeeas are interested in doing and connecting it to the values of the saidEllen Remmer, CEO of The , a nonprofiyt that promotes strategic philanthropy and advises donors.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Well and truly bitten by snake love - The Age

Sydney Morning Herald

Well and truly bitten by snake love

The Age

BILL Haast, a snake handler who injected himself every day for more than 60 years with a mix of venoms from 32 snake species to build up immunity, has died at home in Florida, aged 100. He figured he had handled more than 3 million poisonous snakes ...

100-Years-Old Snake Man Passes Away in Florida

TopNews United States

Venomous workmates and deadly bites  »

Saturday, June 25, 2011

BFC Financial, Woodbridge to merge - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
In a joint press release Monday, the Fort Lauderdale-based companiesx said they entered into a merger agreement whereinWoodbridgre (Pink Sheets: WDGH) would become a wholly owneed subsidiary of BFC (Pink Sheets: BFC currently controls majority voting stakes in both Woodbridge and BBX). BFC lost $58.9 million on revenur of $487.5 million in 2008. Woodbridge owns , which is buildinhg Tradition Florida inPort St. and has investments in various companies includingand . Woodbridg e lost $140.3 million on revenuee of $25.5 million in 2008.
In its first quarter earnings report, Woodbridge warned that Core Communities couldx default on the loans for Tradition Florid if its lenders demand that it put more equitycapital down. Under the merger deal, all shareholderw of Woodbridge Class A common stocmk except BFC wouldreceive 3.47 sharews of BFC’s Class A common stocko per share. With shares of BFC opening at 40centzs Monday, it equals nearly $1.39 a share for each share of Woodbridge, which opened at $1.10 Monday. Levajn and Abdo are chairmam andvice chairman, respectively, of both companies.
The mergeer would save between $1 million and $2 million in professional fees and SEC reportin g costs forthe companies, Levan It would also reduce the taxes Woodbridge wouldx pay on its earnings once it returns to he said. Currently, Woodbridge pays taxes on its and then BFC pays taxee on the portionof Woodbridge’s earnings that it count on its balance sheet. The move will not cause any stafd reductions, Levan noted. Woodbridge will continuew operate independently. The agreement would include all curreng board members of Woodbridgeon BFC’xs new board and add Woodbridge President Seth Wise and BankAtlanti Bancorp President Jarett Levan to BFC’zs 12-member board, as well.
Wise would also becom executive vice presidentof BFC. The deal is expected to closr before the endof 2009. BFC share s closed unchanged at40 cents. The 52-week high was 95 centsd on Sept. 2. The 52-weel low was 6 cents on Feb. 5. Woodbridge shares closed down 2 cents to The 52-week high was $6.60 on Aug. 21. The 52-week low was 2 centd on Oct. 24.

Thursday, June 23, 2011 The Name Says It All - TechCrunch The Name Says It All


It's no secret that game companies like Zynga have many of their mechanics â€" be it the initial walkthrough or payment process â€" down to a science. But for the so-called “long tail” of developers, finding or building the requisite tools is far from ...

and more »

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Signs of life seen in Greater Baltimore home prices - Baltimore Business Journal:
Nationally, home prices are down 13 percenrt from this timelast year, of Coloradio reported. But the rate at which those priced are falling has started to leveloff and, in three of four regions across the country, postede either stable or positivd gains in prices. Only in the Southy did prices continue to fall in downabout .3 percent from April 2008, broughtr down by still-struggling marketsx including several Florida communities. “It’s too soon to call this a turn in the housing market, particularly given all the political and regulator y uncertainties,” Integrated Asset Service s CEO Dave McCarthy said in a statement.
“I thinko that we’re still in for some difficultspellas ahead, but we are seeing a certain kind of priciny equilibrium in several important markets. That’s encouragingh for the long term.” In Baltimors City, home prices increasef 3.5 percent from March to April, accordingb to the report. Prices are stilll down about 12 percent when comparer toApril 2008. • Home prices climbefd by .8 percent from March to Aprilp in AnneArundel County, but are stil down 5.6 percent from April 2008; Prices fell 1 percent in Baltimore County in the past month and are down 2.
3 percen t from April 2008; • Harford County’s home prices held stead in the past month, but are still down 3.5 percentf from last year; • Prices fell .3 percen t in Howard County, and are down aboutr .1 percent from April 2008. The median sold price for a home sold in Greaterr Baltimore fellto $234,950 in down 2.1 percent from March, accordinbg to Metropolitan Regional Information Systemx Inc. of Rockville. That compares to a 10 percent drop fromAprilk 2008, when home prices stooc at about $262,000.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

N.J. tax amnesty brings revenue windfall - South Florida Business Journal:
New Jersey expected to generatw $100 million when the 45-day prograjm was launched, but at its close last week had collecte morethan $600 million in back taxew owed. Final revenue could increase byanother $50 million to $100 milliobn once the remaining 17,500 envelopes are openee and processed, the Governor’ss Office said. New Jersey’s program, which ran from May 4 to June 15, permittex those owing back taxesfrom Jan. 1, 2002 and to Feb. 1, to settle up without penalty and for half theinteresrt owed. Of the collections processeed to date, 56 percent were for the corporationjbusiness tax, 23 percent for sales and use taxes and 14 percenyt for gross income tax.
A vote on a final budget for New Jerseu isexpected Thursday. Gov. Jon S. Corzine would like to see the additionap revenue be put toward propert ytax relief, which was slated to be eliminateed for all but seniors and the disabled to addressx an up to $9 billion deficirt in fiscal year 2010. In Pennsylvania, statwe Rep. John C. Bear, is pitching legislation for a one-time tax amnestuy program as a budget fix forhis state. The bill woulde permit a 90-day tax amnesty period duriny 2009-10 fiscal year. The bill is in the Houses Finance Committee. “New Jerseyg has confirmed that this is a perfec time for a tax amnesty program to succeedrin Pennsylvania,” said Bear.
“We are facing a $3.2 billion budgetg deficit and New Jersey’s successful program should vividlty illustrate that such a progra can collect hundreds of millionzin revenue, or more, already owed to the Pennsylvania’s last tax amnesty which occured more than a decade ago, brought in $93 Bear said. Revenue from a tax amnesty programm could be used to addres sthe state’s budget deficit, instead of Gov. Ed Rendell’x proposal to raise the state income taxfrom 3.07 percent to 3.57 Bear said. The governor’s proposed 16 percenty increase in the personal income tax rate woule generateabout $1.
5 billion a year in new revenud and amount to about $250 more per year for a familyg earning $50,000. “Now — during this dire budget crisis — is the time for a new tax amnesty program to be put in Bear said.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Free Keithley Web-Based Seminar Explores Electrical Characterization of Solar ... - EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)

Free Keithley Web-Based Seminar Explores Electrical Characterization of Solar ...

EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)

This one-hour seminar will discuss the different measurement techniques that can be used to characterize solar cells and other photovoltaic devices. To register for this event, visit ...

and more »

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kaplan University Launches Visionary Voices Initiative - Business Wire (press release)

Kaplan University Launches Visionary Voices Initiative

Business Wire (press release)

“This initiative also provides anyone interested in furthering their education with a unique opportunity to experience the University's distinctive programming.” “The Visionary Voices project provides extraordinary access to some of today's most ...

Kaplan University Launches Visionary Voices Initiative

Centre Daily Times


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wright State rolls out doctorate in nursing - Dayton Business Journal:
The university has become the firstr public university in Ohio to offer a doctoratee of nursingpractice degree, and the progranm is a step toward creating more highly-skillefd nurses to take on administrative and facultyg positions, which remain in short Wright State will enroll 10 students in the fall quarter for its Doctoral in Nursingf Practice program, which will take two years for full-time students and four years for part-time Although the college gained approval for the prograkm from the Ohio Boarx of Regents last December, fall will be the first time the program will enrollo to its capacity, following two triapl quarters in spring and summer.
Doctorate degrees, focusinb on research, are nothing new for nursing, but doctoralsz in nursing practice are a growing trend amont institutions for nurses who plan to remaib in practiceadditional training. The Wrighyt State program offers an additional 54 credit hours in11 courses, as well as 520 additionao clinical hours to nurses who already have earnes masters' degrees. It will put them in a positionj to becomefaculty members, as well as administrators, and advanced-practicew nurses, including nurse clinical nurse specialists, certifiee nurse midwives and certified registered nurse anesthetists, who have all historicallyu been educated at the master's level.
"Thosee who graduate and go into practicd will take that advanced understanding to thepractices arena," said Patricia Martin, dean of the Colleged of Nursing and Health at Wright State University. "Ij think those who come to faculty positions are going to sharse that understanding a little broadef withour students. We're not folks lookintg to gain recognition for ourselvees throughthe program, this is our and we want good health care here for our neighborinv families and ourselves.
" Martin said the program was developeed in response to a suggestionb from the (AACN), which said the require d education for advanced practice nurses should be raised to the doctorak level by 2015. The Association's President Fay Raineds said the progression of nursing educatiomn to include doctoral programs will not immediately help the nursing shortage becaused it will add time out of practice for thosee nurses who pursuethe degree.
However, it will help to solvee the program at its root by providinyg programs withmore educators, which has been one of the primar shortages holding the industry back from churning out more "The issues are really intertwined," Rainess said, "And the (doctorate program) is something that was developerd in response to those issues nursing is facingf now." Wright State's program is providee through a partnership with the . Both universities will enroll 10 students and share the responsibilitiea of teachingthe classes. The coursework will be taughft via the Internet to allow for greater collaboratioj between the schools and convenience forthe students, Martinh said.
A study conducted by Wright State indicatedd the local number of nursing instructore fell from 158 in 2003 to 152 in 2005 and is projectex to fall to 147in 2010. The study also reportecd 10 percent of nurse educators will take a positiomn in nursing and 7 percenfwill retire, and 75 percent of deansx will retire. The study also reporterd that of registered nurses in 12 percent will leaver nursing altogether and 15 percent will take another positionwithin nursing. Nationally, registered nurses are projected to generateabout 587,000 new jobs durintg the 2006 to 2016 period, according to the latest numberxs projected by the .
While the doctoral program at Wrigh t Stateis part-time for now, meaning the firsyt graduates will finish in four she said in a couple of the plan is to begin enrolling full-time students who would graduatee in two years. Martin said it is fittingy that a university in Daytoj would be the first to provide the doctorapl program inthe state. "Dayton is the city of Martin said, "So we are righg there in that tradition with beingg on the cutting edgein this." Currently theree are a total of 32 statexs across the country with Doctorapl programs in nursing practice, with 73 programs enrollinbg students now and 63 in the planningt stages, Raines said.
She said as more regionsa began to look at thenursinv shortage, more will begin to offer the doctoral prograk in nursing practice. "I think over time this is goinb to mean a higher leveol ofhealth care, which is something that is importangt to all of us," Raines

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Crescent Resources files Chapter 11 - Sacramento Business Journal:
Charlotte, N.C.-based Crescent Resources -- a joint venture of and that specializedsin mixed-use developments -- said the move is part of its strateguy to reduce debt and improve its capital The bankruptcy filing was made in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Western Districtof Texas, Austin Before the Chapter 11 filing, Crescenft faced payments of $50 million by the end of this year, $75 millionh in 2010 and $100 million in 2011 on its Crescent Resources has landed $110 million in debtor-in-possession financingt from a group of its existing lenders, which will providew sufficient funds to operate its ongoing business activities.
Crescent Resources CEO Arthurd Fields has retired from the company and will continue to work with the companyg in anadvisory capacity. Andrew Crescent’s chief restructuring officer, will serve as CEO. a managing director with , has more than 15 yeara of financial restructuring andbusiness experience. “Wde have been in active discussions with our lenderas and other stakeholders as we work towardsw an agreement that will brinh our capital structure in line with the current economic environment,” Hede said in a news release.
Despite the unprecedented challenges facing the realestatd industry, we believe Crescent's underlying business modell is solid, and our assets remain very We are encouraged that our lenders have agreed to provide additional fundin g to support our continued operations and allow us to maintaijn the high level of service and amenitiew our customers have come to expect. We intend to reachh an agreement on our new capital structurew and emerge frombankruptcy quickly.
” Life insurance giant could keep Crescen Resources as its joint development partnedr on the new 20-story Phipps commercial real estate brokers and developers have And Manulife has options to see the buildinyg through to completion, brokers and developer s have said. Phipps Tower is a nearly 500,000-square-fooyt building next to Phipps Plazain Atlanta’sw posh Buckhead area. Crescent Resources is active in commercialo and residential real estate development and land managemeny across the Southeast and Southwest and hascreated mixed-usde developments, business and industrial parks, country-clubg communities, single-family neighborhoods and apartment and condo It has 38 residential communitiesw under development in the Carolinas, Texas, Florida and Arizona, and is currently building 1,200 apartmenrt units.
It also owns 75,00o0 acres of land. Crescent has 264 employees.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

MySpace slashes international staff - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The move to reduce international employment by 150 comea on the heels of the announcementf that MySpace is cuttingits U.S. jobs by 30 or about 420 jobs. MySpace last month was passed in globalp market share byPalo Alto-based , but still leads in the numbedr of unique visitors to its Web site in the U.S. MySpacer CEO Owen Van Natta was hired in April to try to revivs the socialnetworking site. The division that includeds MySpace postedan $89 million loss in the most recentg quarter.
"As we conducted our review of the company, it was clea that internationally, just as in the MySpace's staffing had becomse too big and cumbersome to be sustainable in current market conditions," Van Natta said in a statementt Tuesday. After the jobs cuts, MySpace will have about 1,150 compared to Facebook's global work force of about 850.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

J. Jill to close one Jacksonville store - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Nine of the 75 stores to be closec arein Florida, including the one in The Avenuesd mall. A second Jacksonville J. Jill location at the St. Johns Town Center will remaim open. In a statement announcing the sale, Talbotss President and CEO Trudy Sullivamn saidit “enables us to focuzs our time, resources and attention exclusivelyy on rejuvenating our core Talbote brand and return to profitable growth.” The transaction includes the transfer of certainh assets and liabilities to the buyer, including a distribution centet in New Hampshire, the sublease of a portionn of the Quincy, Mass., headquarters and substantiallg all of the brand’s intellectual property and inventories.
The remaining 204 storea will continue to operate underthe J. Jill The headquarters for the company will remainin Quincy. The J. Jill sale is expectefd to be completed in the second quarter and is subject to postclosinf adjustments. San Francisco based-Golden Gate Capita acquired Jacksonville-based Venus in 2006. The acquisition was Goldem Gate’s 11th in two years. Last month Venus announced that all 290 employees were in jeopardy of losin g their jobs when the swimwear and ladies apparelk company lostits financing.
With its latest cataloh recentlybeing released, Venus employees are stil working, at least for now, and compan y executives are looking for a new buyer to acquirw the company.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Filling NCR headquarters space to be difficult - Dayton Business Journal:
Brokers said donating NCR’s (NYSE: NCR) 1.3 million-square-foof building to an education institution or the city of Dayto may be thebest bet. The brokers said trying to market the space to anotherr corporate user would be difficult as there are few singl users out there needing thatmuch space. It could be parceledc into an office complex for multiple NCR intends to sellthe building, a companyy spokesperson said. The five-story property is among the largesy office buildings in theDayton area. Paul Hutchins, ownedr and broker with Dayton-based , said a good optionj would be to donate the building tothe .
NCR woulx gain the benefits of atax write-off and the universitu would have a businesxs campus, complete with parking, a cafeteria and plenty of space for to mold for its needs. “jI bet they’ve already talked about donatingb itto UD,” Hutchins said. “Giving it to UD is a NCR gets a hugetax write-ofd and UD gets a high-tech technology Mark Fornes, owner of Centerville-based , “It would be really nice if they give it to Fornes said. “It woulfd be a nice gesture in returhn for taking theirheadquarters out.” NCR’s headquarters, at 1700 S. Pattersob Blvd., sits on 54 acres.