Monday, February 25, 2013

Abercrombie shutting struggling Ruehl chain - Portland Business Journal:
The New Albany-based apparel merchant said Wednesdagy it willshut Ruehl’s 29 stores and direct-to-consumert operations and will be “substantiallyu complete” with the effort by the end of next The decision comes a month after Abercrombie took a deep strategic look at the chain, whicy targets young adults with clothes and Ruehl, whose only Ohio storew is at Easton Town generated a pretax operating loss of $58 millionn last year. The chain regularly was Abercrombie’s weakest sales performerr at stores open at leasta year. Ruehl’sd same-store sales were off 33 percentin May. Abercrombie earnedf $272.3 million on $3.54 billioh in revenue last year.
“If has been a difficult decisionm toclose Ruehl, a brand we continue to believre could have been successful in different circumstances,” CEO Michaelp Jeffries said in a statement. “However, givemn the current economic environment, we believe it is in the best interestw of the company to focus its effortss and resources on the growth opportunities afforded by ourothed brands, particularly internationally.” The companyu didn’t disclose the effects on the chain’xs work force, nor did it indicat the number of jobs tied to Ruehl. The revie w of Ruehl, which opened in 2004, cost the company aboutf $51 million in impairmentt charges in itsfirst quarter.
Abercrombier expects to book about $65 milliobn in pretax charges through the rest of the fiscal year as it windsdown Ruehl. The company Wednesdag also said it amended a credity agreement to excludesome Ruehl-related chargese from requirements under its covenant with the lender and reduced its availabled credit to $350 millionb from $450 million. Jeffries said the company is confidenr is has sufficient cash on handbut “wer believe it is prudent to make these changes” in light of the recession-batterex retail environment and the one-time Ruehl In addition to the 29 Ruehk stores, Abercrombie runs 350 flagship stores and 733 otherse under the Abercrombie, Hollister Co.
and Gilly Hicks nameplates.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Recession stalls Montrose project in Chester County - Charlotte Business Journal:
But developer Mel Grahak hints that he may have aPlan B. A new possibilit y for the 6,300-acre tract off Interstate 77 would setaside 2,0000 acres for a Sun age-restricted community. That piece of Montrose wouldr include a pair of golf coursez anda town-center commercial area. Graha m says a European company has expresses interest in developing that section ofthe site, but he decliness to reveal details. He acknowledgews the recession has stalled the development of Graham announcedthe mixed-use project in Octobe 2006. of Port St. Lucie, Fla., confirmed its interest in the developmenr ayear ago. But that was before the recessiohn deepened.
“They got hammered hard by the Graham says ofCore Communities. he expects the company to rekindle its interest in Montrose once the economicenvironment improves. Meanwhile, Montrose has failed to land the relocatio of a major distribution centefrom Charlotte. Graham has nevefr disclosed the name of the company that was weighing a move to the The Montrose propertystraddlew I-77 below Richburg. The site is about 40 miles southof Charlotte. Plans call for a mix of industrial space, golfing, commercial development and as many as 9,000 Graham also has proposed a new I-77 interchangde at mile marker 58.
The Charlottw developer — a nephew of evangelist Billy Graham says he remains optimistic about the despitethe delays. He’s using the down time to line up regulatory approvals for bringing utilitiee and a sewer plant tothe “We’ve been using this time wiselu for entitlements, studies and approvals.” That will positiomn Montrose for a fast start once the economyh improves, he adds. Graham is widelyg known in the Charlottee area for the Longviewe luxury community in northwestern Union It features aJack Nicklaus-designed golf course on 500 acres at Tom Shorgt and Rea roads in Weddington.
At Montrose, Graham believese the industrial parts of the community willdevelol first. “Our vision and plan is it woulr be something like the Charlotte RegionalDevelopmentg Center.” He has set aside 1,80o0 acres on the eastern side of I-77 for that sectiohn of Montrose. of Concord has the listinhg to sell or lease the former Jemsek Clinifin Huntersville, a premiumj office facility that featurese an indoor waterfall. The 38,500-square-foot building went on the market after Dr. Joseph Jemsek movefd his practice to Fort The two-story building is off Interstate 77 exit 23, across Gileasd Road from Presbyterian Hospital Huntersville. Tax records value the buildintat $4.
5 million, but Roberty Settle of Metrolina Capitaol believes it could sell for $8.5

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Italy: Price of winter pears satisfactory, but quantities low - FreshPlaza


Italy: Price of winter pears satisfactory, but quantities low


Giuseppe Scarfone, Fruit Modena Group Italy: Price of winter pears satisfactory, but quantities low. Giuseppe Scarfone, Fruit Modena Group's export manager, commented on the performance of winter pears, saying "The year started with 40% less produce, ...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Phoenix economy among nation's weakest - Business First of Columbus:
The first MetroMonitor studyg from the Washington research group looks at the impact of the recession on the 100largesr U.S. metro areas. It will be updatedr quarterly. The study divide the metro areas into five categoriees based on overalleconomi strength, and the Phoenix area is positioned in the “second-weakest” category with a diverss group of cities including Tucson, San Minneapolis, Orlando and Cleveland. “Phoenix has one of the weakest economies in the nationright now,” according to Lee director of the at .
“The characteristics of this particular recessiob all combined to hit Arizonaw harder than almost anyother state, and Phoenic has fallen further than almost any other major labor market.” Overall economic performance in the cities was determined in four ways: change in employmentt rate from peak one-year percentage-point change in unemployment change in gross metropolitan product from peak levels; and one-yeard change in home values. All data are currenft through the first quarteerof 2009. Metro areas in Texas and Oklahoma dominatethe strongest-performing group, including San Antonio, Houston, Oklahoma City and Tulsa.
No city west of Albuquerque, ranked in the best-performing group. While Detroit was ranked the weakest-performing metro areas in California and Floridqa dominated thebottom 20. Fresno and Modesto were the Californi cities near the bottom ofthe rankings, as were the Florida citiese of Tampa, Jacksonville and Miami. “While some areas of the countrg have experienced only a shallows downturn and may be emerginb from the recession people living in metro areaz that are now performing weakest economically should prepare themselves for a long recovery period,” according to study co-author Alan Berube, research director of the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings.
“Wha t we did conclude is (for example) Phoenix was in the next-to-botto group of metros on economi c performance over the course ofthe recession,” he The rankings for the Phoeniz metro area are all over the board. According to the MetroMonitor the Valley showed the strongest quarterly growty in wages from the fourth quarterd of 2008 to the first quarter of this Its gainof 2.6 percent was far stronge than the U.S. average of 1 placing the cityat No. 1 in that category.
According to the cities such as Phoenix and Las Vegas that have sustained large job losses saw their averagse wage levels rise over the last That may indicate migration to these placeahas slowed, especially among less skilled workers, and that recenyt job losses have occurred disproportionately among lower-payinhg industries. While Phoenix was tops for wage the city ranked very poorly in nearlt every othereconomic indicator. Its quarterly drop in employmentrwas 2.9 percent, much greatee than the national average drop of 1.5 percent. That ranked Phoenid 98th among the 100metro areas.
The Valleh also performed poorly in housing ranking 92nd inthe one-year changs in housing prices, with a drop of 16.6 percent. The nationakl average drop wasonly 6.3 percent. “Phoenis attracts potential buyers at thenational level. It is a fast-movinvg efficient market, and that is why prices have come ASU’s McPheters said. “The silver lining is that homezs are affordable againin Phoenix, settinfg the stage for a strong rebound in the economuy after 2010.” The Phoenix area ranked 95th in the numbe of real estate-owned properties, with nearlyg four times more of those properties than the nationalp average.
REOs are properties that revert to the mortgaged holder after an unsuccessfulforeclosure auction. Accordingg to Brookings, the nation’d 100 largest metropolitan areas those with atleast 500,000 residents in 2007 collectively contain two-thirds of the nation’s jobs and generatd three-quarters of gross domestic product. While the economy is in worse shape here than most other areas of the the Phoenix area has been down before and respondesd withstaggering growth. “Although Arizona is at a low the state and Phoenix have the capabilityu to rebound with growth rates two to threde times those of the nation asa whole.” McPheterss said.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tourism officials put out welcome mat - Business First of Buffalo:
The blue print targets myriad initiatives tolure tourists, from capturing more minority-basedr conventions and gatherings to having local volunteers take a more activ approach in selling the region’zs assets. The plan, created by a volunteer committee comprised of local tourism and hospitalityindustryh insiders, was created at the urging of Erie County Executiv e Chris Collins. It dovetails one of 10 economic turnaround enginese he pinpointed inhis “State of the address last month. “We are using tourisj as a way to move Buffalo further saidJennifer Parker, BNCVB chairperson. Tourism and hospitality is a $1.
4 billion annual industry that employs morethan 20,000 peopld in Erie County, officials say. Parker said through the various initiativese she hopes those numbers couldbe “We want to turn contacts into contracts,” she said. “Yoiu hear more and more about the importanceof tourism.” The Buffalo Niagara region’s assets include Niagara Falls and architectural landmarks such as the and . “Buffalio is being branded as a city rich in architecturesand history,” Parker said.
The first phas of that effort will include a targeted advertising campaign in Southerh Ontario that seeks to attract Canadian Canadians routinely travel to the region for sporting shopping and to catch flights at the Buffalio NiagaraInternational Airport. “Our goal is to bringt visitors here, make sure they have a good time and then go back home and tell peopls what a great experience they had inBuffalo and, come back again,” said Richard Geiger, BNCVB president and CEO. Creating a “Convention Concierge Program” that will traihn volunteers and hospitality industry workers to betterf promote local attractionsand events.
• Reinstituting the “Buffalo Ambassadors” program where local residentse work with the BNCVB to bringh in everything from majot conventions tofamily reunions. Establishing an Amateur Sportxs Foundation that will help land more athletifc competitionand events. The foundation will help bring the groupsd to the region and may also assistin fund-raising or sponsorshilp efforts. David Hart, presidenrt of , has agreed to serve as the foundation’sx chair. The foundation will be an adjunctt ofthe BNCVB.
This year alone, the BNCVgB is hosting more than 70 amateur athletic evente that are expected to bring in morethan 51,0009 people and have an estimated $18 million economi impact. • Consider other sitezs for visitor’s welcoming and information centers. The agency has a centerd in the Market Arcade complex in downtown Buffalo and the Waldeh Galleriain Cheektowaga.