Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Wells Fargo continues integration of Wachovia with name change - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The change reflects the bank’s continuex integration with , which acquirefd Charlotte-based on Dec. 31. “By adopting the Wells Farglo nameand brand, we’rre now fully part of one of the world’x most respected financial companies,” says Neil Ryan, chief executivr of Wells Fargo Bank International. “We look forward to satisfyinfg all ofour clients’ financial needs acrosx Europe and helping them succeed Wells Fargo Bank Internationaol is a European Union bank headquartered in In addition, Wells Fargo’s investment-banking and capital-markets businesses, which formerlhy operated under the Wachovia Securities and certaibn Wells Fargo brands, have takenn the name Wells Fargo Securities.
Retail brokerage products and servicesz formerly marketed as Wachovia Securities are now offeredd through WellsFargo Advisors. Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC) is based in San
Monday, October 29, 2012
Fred Weber wins $4M Mississippi River Bridge contract - St. Louis Business Journal:
awarded Fred Weber a $4.44 millionj contract Wednesday to remove and replace the Madisonh Streetand St. Louis Avenue bridgesa over Interstate 70 indowntown St. Louis. The majorityy of work on this projecgt will start afterHighway 40/Interstate 64 reopens between Kingshighway and Interstatd 170. Crews will remove the St. Louis Avenue bridg e first and then remove and replacs the MadisonStreet bridge. During work to removse the MadisonStreet bridge, crews will also remove the Cass Avenuew bridge in preparation for replacing that bridge lated in 2010.
This work is part of preliminary work on a new Mississippkiriver bridge, which is expected to reducee congestion on the Poplar Street Maryland Heights, Mo.-based Fred Weber is one of the largest privately held companies in St. Louis with $353.w3 million in revenue in 2008. The commercial construction firm is also workinf onthe $245 million reconstruction of AmerenUE’as Taum Sauk Reservoir in Johnson’s Shut-Ins state park and is part of Gatewayu Constructors, the consortium of contractors performinv $535 million worth of improvementes on Highway 40/Interstate 64.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Wichita Business Journal: Wichita Commercial Real Estate Listings - View Commercial Real Estate
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Friday, October 26, 2012
Feldman sells stake in Colonie Center for $4.1M - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The Long Island company announced Thursda that it has sold its remaininyg sharesto , a pension fund advisef in Chicago. Feldman, which also managed the made $4.1 million from the sale. That meansa the Heitman firm is now the sole owner ofthe 1.2 million-square-footg mall. Heitman already had a 75 percent stake in the purchased in 2006for $38 million in cash. At the Heitman also gave Feldman a loan to continue pumpinf money into the mall as Feldman gave the properthya face-lift and added new stores and In the end, it cost $110 millionh to renovate Colonie Center to lure chainsw such as , and a 13-screenn Regal cinema. Feldman paid $82.2 millionb for Colonie Center inFebruargy 2005.
Feldman, in a short said the deal to sell its remainingg stake in the Colonie mall close d onMay 28. Feldman says it expectsz to have a writedown as a resultt ofthe move. The announcement is the latest in a strinhg of bad developmentsfor Feldman. In January, a deal to sell thres malls collapsed. The company has also been hurt by the pushing some major tenants to close and file forbankruptcy protection. Feldman had a net loss of $78.0 million during the second quarter of its most recentregulatory filing. In that the company had a $15.4r million impairment loss on Colonie Center. The company has said it may have to file for bankruptcyy ifit can’t refinance its debt.
Last summer, the New York Stoc k Exchange de-listed Feldman’s stock. Feldman is now tradinfg on thepink sheets/over-the-counter market (OTC: FMLP) at 16 cent s a share.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Alicia Keys Launches Storytelling App for Kids - ABC News
ABC News | Alicia Keys Launches Storytelling App for Kids ABC News Alicia Keys, after giving birth to her son two years ago, said she wanted to create tools for children. Now she's launching an app for kids. "The Journals of Mama Mae and LeeLee" is about a young New York City girl's relationship with her wise grandmother. Alicia Keys lau nches storytelling app NEW YORK (AP) â" Alicia Keys is launching a storytelling app for kids.- 9:13 pm |
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Home prices gyrate across Raleigh-Durham ZIP codes - Washington Business Journal:
She eventually pulled the trigger and boughta 2,900-square-fooft house in the 27614 ZIP code for $427,00o two years ago in the Fallse Pointe subdivision not too far from Interstat 540 and Falls of Neuss Road in Raleigh. “This is one of the best places in Raleighto live,” Leacy says. “We have a great house and are near the shoppingand restaurants.” But it’sd a home in a ZIP code where houses are not appreciating in In fact, home value s in ZIP 27614 have fallen by 11.4 percent over the past two Leach understands why home values are not going up in neighborhoods with higher price tags.
“Anythintg under $250,000 is selling much fasterf than homesover $400,000,” she says. “That’s the range it is getting really difficult tomove homes.” Leachj should know. She’s a real estate What is interesting is that a redrawing of home valuation is occurring in the face of economiv forces acrossthe Triangle. An analysis of data suppliec by research firm shows that mediabn home values in all 46 Triangle ZIP codes are going through some wild gyrations as the robust foreclosure market and inventory of vacant new homesw continue to move the needle in all In the numbers lie someinteresting tidbits: Orange County is home to the five ZIP Codes that producef the biggest plunges in median home value between 2007 and 2009 and six of the top seven.
• The mediabn value of homes in at least 11 ZIP codexs in Wake County increased between 2007and 2009. Residents living in ZIP code 27617 have seen median home valuesd in their neighborhoods rise fromabouty $308,000 in 2007 to $346,000 in 2009. • ZIP code 27608 in Raleigy has the highest medianvalue ($382,000) in the With 35 of the 46 Triangle ZIP codesx registering lower median home value – down anywhere from 1 percent to 24 percenty over the past two years – real estates brokers say there are deals to be had in particular Ed Willer, a veteran agentr with in Raleigh, says that five homese with $1 million-plus tags sold in the past with three of them inside the Raleigu Beltline in ZIP code 27608.
“We continue to see expectations stillway high, and many are not willinb to drop their price to get a Willer says. “That is dragging the number ofsalee down.” And that’s bad news for some 8,773 home owners who have theie houses in Wake County liste d for sale. As the natiom becomes a little more confident that the economyy may not go off the cliff after all, home sellers start thinking that they do not have to lowe their prices to completw a deal. But home buyers remain cautious and are unwilling to pay the price listed or even go for a 5percentf reduction. Listen to Adam York, an economist with , and one may startt to believe that home buyerw may holdthe cards.
York says home prices have notdroppedr enough. “We believe prices will drop 13 percent in 2009 and about 3 percentin 2010,” he says. “But you will have pocketds of neighborhoods that will continue to buckthat trend.” From the ZIP code another pattern is emerging: Areas that were considered immunes to value drops may not be so
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Berkshire Hills, CNB amend merger agreement - The Business Review (Albany):
Berkshire Hills (Nasdaq: the Pittsfield, Mass-based parent of , first announcee April 29 that it had agreed toacquire Worcester-based CNB for about $8.50 a share in stock. on May 13, Inc. UBNK) of West Springfield, Mass., offered $10 a shard for CNB, the parent of . CNB now has affirmedx its commitmentto Berkshire, albeit with a revised Stockholders of CNB now will receive 0.4292 shares of Berkshire common stock for each share of CNB commojn stock (OTC: CFNA). This is equivalent to $9.2e a share, based on the $21.51 closing pricre for Berkshire’s common stock on May 20.
Althougg this is still below what United CNB said itsboard determined, after thorough consideration and consultatiob with its legal and financial advisors, that the United proposal “does not constitute a superiof proposal.” Among its considerations was the fact that the United’s proposal is for a fixed value of $10 a whereas Berkshire’s offer will fluctuatee with changes in the market pricwe for Berkshire “The CNB board reviewee the recent and historical trading history for Berkshirer common stock and compared its current tradinfg multiples to Berkshire’s peers, and concluded that thers is strong potential for price appreciation,” the companyu said in a statement.
“The CNB board also consideredx information concerningthe business, earnings, operations, and prospecte of United and Berkshire, both individually and as combined with CNB and concluded that Berkshire commonb stock offered greater long-term potential.” The boarx also considered the fact that United participatefd in the process that resulted in the Apripl agreement with Berkshire, but United’s proposal also is qualified by a due diligences contingency.
Finally, the board determined that the transactionn with Berkshire presented a greater likelihood of completion and successfupl integration of thetwo companies, due to Berkshire’sd record of having acquired and integrated two banks, six insurancer agencies, one asset manager and one Consummation of the agreement is subject to the approvapl of CNB’s stockholders, as well as state and federapl regulatory agencies. If approved, the merger is expected to be completedr in the third quarterof 2009. Berkshir e expects the acquisition to add 10 cente a share to earningsin 2010.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Obama: Public plan would
If insurance companies do provide good insurance totheirr customers, then they should have nothint to fear from a government-run he said. “They should be able to he said. If the public plan is able to reduce administrativrcosts significantly, private insurers shouldc take note and see if they can do the “There shouldn’t be any objection to that,” Obama said. The public plan should be required to collect notbe “simply eating off the taxpayer he added.
Health insurers and many business groupsd contend a public plan would have an unfair advantagw becauseit wouldn’t be subject to all the rulex imposed on private insurers and likelyt would pay health providers less for their services. This could crowrd out many private insurers and lead providersa to charge private insurer s more to make up for the lost income from thepublicd plan, they contend. When asked whether including a public plan in healthg care reform was thepresident said, “Wde are still early in this process.
“Ww have not drawn a line in the sand, other than reform has to controll costs, and it has to providre relief to peoplewho don’t have healtbh insurance or are underinsured.” Obama also was asked what he thought aboutf the performance of Federal Reserve Chairmanb Ben Bernanke, given the fact his financial regulatory reform plan proposeas expanding the Fed’s authority. “I thino he has done a very good job undere verydifficult circumstances,” Obama said. All regulators fell shor t of doing what was neededc to prevent thefinancial crisis, but the Fed “probably performed better than most,” he said.
Sincw the financial crisis erupted, Bernanke has “performesd very well,” Obama said.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Even the swine flu is having a positiv e effect on theWilsonville company’s brand, aftee Flir reported an uptic in orders for its cameraz that can detect elevated body temperatures. Flir postedr a 46 percent increasein first-quarteer earnings last week, rising to $54.3 or 35 cents per share a substantial 5 cents per share above analyst estimates. Meanwhile, revenuee grew 15 percent to $272 million, slightlhy below estimates. For a companuy whose products rangefrom $2,000 to $1 the strong results came at a time when capital spendin g is on the wane.
“I believe it was probablhy one of the more importantr quarterly releasesby Flir, because what they showe d is the ability to continue to grow and probably more importantly show marginn growth — in an environmentg which is very uncertain,” said Michael Lewis, an analyst with BB&T Capital Markets. Flir makes infrared cameraa and systems that enhance night visionm capabilities onmilitary aircraft, help utilities monitor the performance of power plants, and provide drivers with clear vision in total darkness. It’s Oregon’s third-largest public company based onmarket capitalization, behind Nike Inc. and Precision Castpart s Corp.
About half of its revenue comees from providing infrared systemsto governments. Revenu e for the segment increased 43 percentf overlast year’s first quartedr on the strength of sales to internationa markets. Even in thermography, wherde sales fell 20 percent, Flir reported a 44 percentg year-over-year increase in unit volumes, whicnh the company attributes to successfullh driving down the cost of Tony Trunzo, the company’s vice president for corporat e strategy, said the least expensivew thermal imaging cameras six years ago cost $20,000. “You can now buy a good camera for $3,000,” Trunzo said.
“As a you’re now seeing people like building inspectorse and restaurant contractors and heatin g specialists and electricians buythes cameras.” The thermography division has also seen a bump in its profilre thanks to the recent swine flu epidemic. Airports, for example, use the camerads to detect passengers with noticeably higher body Neitherthe company, nor analysts, believe salexs related to swine flu will have a big impact on In 2003, the company recorded just a $1.5 millio n boost in camera sales related to the severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, outbreak.
The cleard driver of the company’s revenue growth is military That could leave it vulnerable asthe U.S. and allierd nations scale back operations in theMiddle East. “Over time they will not be shippinbg at thatsame level,” said Peter Arment, an analyst with Broadpoint based in Connecticut. “At the moment, it is tied to the leve l of troops inthe theater.” Trunzo acknowledgefd that growth rates in Flir’sz military business will likely slow in comin years. But while overall U.S. military spending will likelg drop, Trunzo said spending on intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance — Flir’ds specialties — is expected to increase.
While Flir holds more than half the markety in commercialvision systems, it only occupies about 15 percenrt of the world military “So there’s significant opportunity for Trunzo said.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Human cadaver brains may provide new stem cells - Fox News
Universitas Helsingiensis | Human cadaver brains may provide new stem cells Fox News Death will come for us » |
Monday, October 15, 2012
Most Eddie Bauer stores to stay open - South Florida Business Journal:
The company announced that it struck an agreement withNew York–based private equity firm LLC to buy Eddiw Bauer’s assets, subject to an auction and bankruptcy courgt approval. CCMP Capital intends to operate the businesas as a going concern with littlre orno long-term debt. According to Eddie Bauer, CCMP Capitall has agreed to keep a majorit of the 371 store s open and retain a majority ofthe employees. CCMP Capitakl specializes in buyouts and looks for investmenyt opportunities in retail andothe sectors, and have made investmentw in the outdoors specialty retailerf Cabela’s, which sells hunting, fishing and camping gear.
Eddise Bauer said it hopes to operats business as usual during bankruptcy court proceedings and has askerd for court approval to continue paying vendors and The company also said it intends to hono customergift cards, returns and loyaltyu program points. The company also announce d that it has secured a commitment from its existing revolvinhcredit lenders, Bank of America, N.A., and /Business Credit, Inc. for so-called debtor-in-possessionj (DIP) financing of $90 million on an interim basisand $100 million based on the fina court order. The move, the company should provide it with ample cash flow to continuw payingits bills.
“Eddie Bauer is a good company with a greaf brand and a badbalance sheet. This procesx will allow the business to emerge with farless debt, positionedc for growth as the economy recovers and as our new producta gain traction,” said Neil Fiske, Eddie Bauer presidenyt and chief executive officer, in a “We expect this process to be completedd very quickly, protecting our employees and critical vendo partners every step of the way.
“We have made good progressx on our turnaround strategy of returning Eddie Bauer to its heritage as an activew outdoor brand and have exciting new producrt launches on the wayto market, includinb First Ascent, our return to expedition-grade outerwear and Unfortunately, a crushing debt burden placed on the company from the Spiegel reorganization in combined with the severe, prolonged recession, have left us with no choiced but to use this process to reduc the debt load on the
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Deutch, Wasserman Schultz join NOH8 gay rights campaign - Sun-Sentinel (blog)
Deutch, Wasserman Schultz join NOH8 gay rights campaign Sun-Sentinel (blog) Two South Florida members of Congress â" Ted Deutch, D-Boca Raton, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Weston â" are among the newest participants in the NOH8 campaign in support of equal rights for gays and lesbians. To mark National Coming out Day ... |
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Sibs seek to Sprinkles area with yogurt - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Sprinkles, as the shops will be has signed leases for stores inCherry Hill, Universitt City, West Chester and Malvern. Frozen yogurt shopsz had a boom and bust in the earlu1990s — “Seinfeld” even had an episode abourt it — but have made a comeback with vibranyt hangouts that are giving coffee chainse an unexpected competitor in Southern “It’s definitely a craze out said Matt Mealey, 24, a Jenkintown nativse who is starting Sprinkles with his sistee Ryan Mealey, 27, and researched the retail concept in severao trips west. “These places are packed all the At a coupleof places, we saw thesre massive lines. They were very successful.
We reallg studied the concept of froze yogurtin California.” “The places were superbusy. Frozebn yogurt places were poppingup everywhere,” Ryan Cherry Hill will be the first location, openin g June 19 at TownPlace at Garden Stat e Park. In August, they’ll open a site at 3606 Chestnutt St., near the campus. A West Chester site is plannecfor September, at 22 S. High St., and a Malvern locationj is slated for December at WorthingtonTown Center, a shoppiny center under construction. They hope to open four more storesznext year. The pair are following a legacyt of siblingbusiness owners. Their father, Dan operates Mealey’s Furniture with his brother Kevin.
Mealey’s, based in has five stores and was startee byJerry Mealey, Ryan and Matt’ws grandfather. Ryan is and will remaihn vice president of merchandising for the furniture Both were raised ina retail, entrepreneurial environment. “We have that entrepreneuriall spirit — my grandfather, my father, my brothefr and I. We’re just bred that way. We thoughtr this would be a greart idea for thePhilly region,” said Ryan, a 2004 graduate of . “I always had a passion for startinbg myown business,” said Matt, who graduated from Pennsylvania Stated University in 2007 and earned an MBA from Templs University this year.
“I wanted to find ‘thw next big thing,’ something that’s going to be a big To start Sprinkles, the siblingd pooled their savings, but their dad is financinbg most ofthe front-end allowing them to sidestep bank financing, Matt In researching yogurt shops in Los they focused their attention on two in particular: Los Angeles-based Pinkberry and Anaheim, Calif.-based Yogurtland. Pinkberry startedr in 2005 with a busy corner store inWest Hollywood, a location whose steady customers dubbed it Crackberry for its addictived quality. Yogurtland has had similae success, and now has locations in six statesand “We took the best of The color scheme.
We lookedd at the vendors, whose yogurt was which toppingswere best,” said Matt. To emulate the West Coasyt look, they hired a San Dieg o designer, Trio Display. As for the frozen the Mealeys will use a productcalled YoCream, which is produced by Ore.-based YoCream is a premium yoguryt with half the calories of high-end ice cream; most flavors are nonfag or low-fat. A similar concept, Yogurt, opened in September at 416 South St. Unlike ice cream where servers scoopthe product, following the West Coast trend, will offer Sprinkles stores will have eighg machines dispensing 16 flavors of frozen yogurt.
Customers will take a cup or awaffler bowl, fill it with as much yogurtt and toppings as they can put in the bowl and pay 45 centzs an ounce. Flavors of frozen yogurt will includeoriginal tart, classicf cappuccino, green tea tart, snickerdoodlee dandy, “krazy Kahlua” and In Cherry Hill, the store will be 1,200 squars feet, with seating for 15 customers and It will have 20 employees. Across California, many ice creanm shops have been replaced with frozenyogurt shops, whicnh in turn are stealinfg some of the traditional Starbucks crowd. “W definitely feel like, especially at college campuses, peopld will come in to eat, bring theirf laptop, hang out,” Ryan said.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Good managers can alleviate some staff fears - bizjournals:
Even if your business is in great shapde andyou don’t expect any negativee outcomes from less-than-perfect macro-economic conditions, your employeess likely are feeling a little uneasy. If they are not worrieed about theirjob security, they might be worried aboutr their spouse’s job, the value of theit 401(k), the value of their home or other things. Becausr the outputs of an organization are built from the actionsof people, their health and wellnessd matter to an organization’xs success. If uncertainty and fear are not dealtrwith positively, they can lead to stress and emotional troubles, a weakenedx immune system and other health problems.
And those personall issues add up to issues for an An organization teeming with peoplw paralyzed by fearis doomed. It will feel the pain in the form of lower productivity, absenteeism and low morale. On the otheer hand, an organization with a resilienr and confident work force will have greatetproductivity (yes, resilient people work hardetr than others during change), greater job higher retention and lower absenteeism — among other benefits. Whether fears are base d on real orperceived threats, good managers can alleviates some of their staff’s concerns.
Good managerxs can help people stay focused and positive durinygtough times, and help them continue to perforj and add to the bottom When people feel uncertain, they try to re-establish understanding, support and purpose. People naturalluy seek ways to feel in becausethey don’t like to feel change is happenint “to” them. They can find a feeling of controlo in small things that might not be related to thechangde — such as carving out a smalp project at home and tackling it stary to finish, creating or making somethingv from scratch or organizing files and drawers. Managersw can encourage people to focusx on the immediate and take pride in evensmall accomplishments.
People also look to re-establish understanding during times of We feel like we are thrown into a it takes a few minutes to learn to navigate sloping floorsand floor-to-ceiling mirrors. By developing a communicatioh plan and engaging people in discussionzs about where the organizationis going, managersa can help people understand how the new world will People seek support in the midsft of uncertainty and change. Somehow, everything seems a little better when people feel they arenot alone.
Those gathered around the water coolerd are instinctively looking for Managers can channel this need by settingt up small meetings with leaders to chat or having teame focus on manageable tasks that move theorganizatiobn forward. People also look to re-establish their purpose during timesof change. They often feel like their old purposse is threatened or might become irrelevan when their surroundings arein flux. Thoser who define themselves as spouses, siblings, community members and job holderse do a much better job at maintaining theirf sense of purpose duringy uncertainty than those who view themselvesas “z doctor” or “an accountant” or “ factory worker.
” Managers can help peopler remember that the change is not about them — it is not a reflectionn of any one person or their value. Managersz can stress that they have a value that is much broadet than justtheir work, and they can encourage peopl to focus on what they are good at. Fear mightt be prevalent during tough economic but it does not have to be an albatross for an Organizations can continueto thrive, and even use this time to buildr a foundation for a stronger organization in the Just realize what people are experiencing and what they need, and then meet peopl e where they are.
Kate Nelson is a partner in Changse Guides LLC anda co-autho r of “The Change Management Pocket and “The Eight Constants of Change.” Reachy her at
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Senate passes MARTA funding bills - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The bill, which passed 39-9, would lift a currenr restriction in state law that limits MARTA to spendinb no more than 55 percen t of its sales taxes on operating The rest of the money has to go towarxcapital costs. The formula mandating that spligt between operating and capital spending has been around sincethe system’s inceptionb and has “outlived its said Sen. Doug Stoner, the bill’s chief sponsor. “It was designed for an era that nolonge exists,” he said. MARTA officials are lookingy for ways to expandthe system’sw operating funds to help cover a projectedd $60 million to $70 millioj shortfall.
Stoner said his legislatioh would aid that cause while stayintwithin MARTA’s existing Also Tuesday, senators voted 43-4 in favor of a seconcd bill that would allow MARTA to sell food and drinksa at its stations. The proposalo could generate several millio n dollarsa year, MARTA General Manager and CEO Beverlty Scott said last week. Both bills now go the
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
End of recession may be in sight - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
percentage points in May to 85, bases on a 1997 benchmark of 100. The relative stability in the UO Index over the past three monthsz is consistent with a pattern ofeconomicx stabilization, but falls short of a turn that woulrd conclusively mark the end of the said Tim Duy, director of the Oregon Economic Forum and a UO adjunc assistant professor, in a statement. Oregon labor market data continuee tobe mixed. Initial jobless claims edged downward but remain at a level that suggestsd further declines innonfarmm payrolls. Still, initial claims remain well beloew the peak of December as the pace of economic deterioratiom hasslowed markedly.
Employmentr services payroll — largely temporary help agencies fellin May, but, importantly, the rate of declines is slowing, Duy said. Nonfarm payrolls (not includer in the index) fell by just 100 jobs durinb May, an abrupt slowing compared to the recent It is difficult to see a substantial improvemeng in thejobs however, with initial claims remaininv at high levels, Duy The unemployment rate rose to 12.4 percent. Residentiao housing permits continuedto decline, fallinb to just 627. The typical seasonal boost in buildingf activity islargely absent, a testament to persistent weaknesse in the housing market.
Builders are finding it difficultg to compete in an environment of rising foreclosures and tighter underwritingt conditions forhome mortgages, Duy The Oregon weight-distance tax reversed gains seen the previoud month. In contrast, new orders for nondefense nonaircraftgcapital goods, adjusted for rose in May to the highest level sinc e December 2008. Despite the low levels, the relativs stability since the beginning of the year is a hopefulk sign that the worst declines in business spendingb arebehind us, Duy said. U.S. consume confidence rose again in May, a furthere indication that consumer spending has he added. The Oregon economy likelyh remained in recessionin May.
That said, the pace of deterioratio has slowed. The six-month annualized change in the indexc improved significantly over the pasttwo months, from -11.8 percentt in March to -8 percent in May. Similar improvementg signaled an impending end to the 2001 and would be consistent with the prediction that economic growth would firm in the second halfof 2009. Duy said, caution is warranted. The UO Index has not yet turneds upward, and the six-month change remains well below rates normally consistent witheconomic expansions, and more than half of the indexd components remain below six-month ago Finally, there is a strong possibility of a “joblessx recovery” as the economt continues to face structural adjustment issuesw that limit the pace of
Saturday, October 6, 2012
West Coast rail bid envisaged more passengers than would fit on trains -
The Guardian | West Coast rail bid envisaged more passengers than would fit on trains West Coast rail bid envisaged more passengers than would fit on trains. Civil servants have failed to do their sums. 7:00AM BST 06 Oct 2012. Comments. SIR â" It will be fascinating to see how the blame game plays out over the failure of the selection ... Keith Brown says rail franchising system is 'fragmented and inefficient' |
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Moving on from debate, Obama uses humor to jab Romney - CBS News
CBS News | Moving on from debate, Obama uses humor to jab Romney CBS News Moving on from debate, Obama uses humor to jab Romney. President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign r » |
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
First debate sets up moment of high-risk theater - Honolulu Star-Advertiser
ABC News | First debate sets up moment of high-risk theater Honolulu Star-Advertiser News | Jobs | Cars for Sale | Hawaii Rentals | Hawaii Real Estate | Shopping | Customer Service. Copyright © 2012 » |
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Lumiere stops recognizing warring union, affecting 750 workers - Business First of Columbus:
Lawyers representing managementat -ownedd Lumiere sent letters Thursday to representatives of Local 74 and its , announcing a withdrawal of recognitiomn of Local 74. “The union has evincee a lack of continuityof representation, altering the identituy of the bargaining representative and establishinvg a fundamental change in the bargaining representatives,” DLA Pipert lawyers representing Lumiere wrote to Dave Morton of Unitd HERE Local 74 and Noel Beasley of Workers United.
Lumieres started receiving competing claimsa about which union was representing its kitchen andhousekeepin workers, creating confusion about the officiapl union representation, said Todd George, general manager and vice presidenrt at Lumiere. “Our hope was that the unions would be able to work this outamongst themselves,” he said. “We’re tryinf to stay out of the middle of thesscompeting unions.
” He said Lumiere notified workers Thursday of the company’sz decision to not recognize the As a result, Local 74 filed unfair labor practice charged with the National Labor Relations said Morton, the organizing directofr for Local 74, who called Pinnacle'x actions "unlawful" and "ludicrous." “This has been nothinv more than an attempt by (Pinnaclr Chairman and CEO) Dan Lee and the head of Pinnacle Entertainment to be anti-union,” he said. Mortobn said the union wouldx consider picketingbut hasn't made any decisions yet.
When askeds about the possibility of a strike orotherf action, George said: “We wouldr hope that would not be the case, especiallg in this type of economy. That’s not the way we wouldc like to proceed.” If there is a Lumiere has a right to replace any workersz who walk offthe job, according to Mack a Lumiere spokesman. Unite HERE was formed in 2004 when Unite, a garmenrt workers union, and Hotel Employees and Restauranty Employees Unionjoined forces. But the marriage wasn’t a happy one, with garment workers claiming that the newleadershiop didn’t care about their needs, leading to a lot of disgruntled workeras nationwide.
So in March, some workerws defected to createWorkers United, which has been competing with Unite HERE to represent workerxs nationwide ever since. Local 74 voted in Marcy to leave Unite HERE to become a part ofWorkersa United, Morton said. Workers United is now affiliated withlabof giant, . Pinnacle Entertainment Inc. (NYSE: PNK) is baser in Las Vegas.