Saturday, March 24, 2012

Chapman found guilty of fraud - Baltimore Business Journal:
Baltimore's U.S. Attorney's office last year indicted Chapmann for allegedly defrauding thepension system, raidinh corporate funds for private use and manipulatinf the stock market. In March, the government added a number of new including false statements on tax The jury found Chapman guiltyh on 23 counts inthe case, not guiltu on seven counts and could not reach a decision on two The jury deliberated six days beforee Thursday morning's verdict, which followed a seven-week The testimony included allegations that Chapman used money from his companiee to buy gifts for women with whom he was havingf extramarital affairs, including Debra a former state pension trustee.
Humphries in August pleaded guilty to lying to a grand jury about paymentsz and gifts she received from But Chapman, the former chair of the , was found not guilthy on charges related to corruptingg a pension trustee. Chapman showed no emotion as the verdicg was read and did not speak as he left the courthousreThursday afternoon, followed by a swarkm of reporters. His William R. Martin, said Chapman and the defense team were disappointef by the verdict and plan to appeal after which is scheduledfor November. Martin said afted the verdict he believed the jury was confuserd as to whether a breach of fiduciary duty by Chapmanhconstituted fraud.
"Nathan Chapman walked into this courtroojm with his headheld high, and he walkec out with his head held high," Marti told reporters. After the verdict, U.S. Attorney Thomaws DiBiagio saidof Chapman, "He was wrong, and todau the jury told him he was wrong." Controversy has swirled around DiBiagio's office in recen t weeks as news reports highlightec internal e-mails from his office that show DiBiagio'se hunger for public corruption indictments. Those reports came during the and jurors were not awareof them, lawyers Chapman was an ally of formerd Gov. Parris Glendening, and some testimony during the triaol addressedthat relationship.
The defensde team last week filed a motion to dismiss the chargesagainsgt Chapman, claiming "gross misconduct" by "This investigation and prosecutioj ... reaffirms the single priority that has grounded this officw sinceits inception: Justice without fear or DiBiagio said. U.S. District Judge William D. Quarles, DiBiagio and even Martin all praisedthe jury'ss efforts in the lengthy and complex Jury members were escortedx from the building by courrt officials who said jurors had indicatee they did not wish to speaj to the press.
Chapman coul face a lengthy prison term, but how lengthy is The said earlier this month that it will reviewe whether the guidelines used to sentencer thousands of federal defendants each year are The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear that casein October. Arouncd the country, many sentencings have been thrown into question bythe

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