Friday, May 13, 2011

Northeast Florida businesses forecast where they are heading - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The trouble is, economists have gotten just abourt every call wrong in this atfirst soft-pedaling its severity, and later scaring people into believintg that we were going to relivs the Great Depression. So we deciderd to skip the economists and go to the businesds people running the major industries in Northeast Florida and ask for theitr calls on the second halfof 2009. As you would each industry has a slightlyh different take onthe economy, but there is a consensus that the economixc free fall is over, for now, and that we shouldx see a slow firming of the economhy in the second half of 2009, just enough for businesd to regain its footing going into 2010.
The wild cardes are consumer spending and availabilittof credit. Without improvement in these two key economic recoverycould stall, executives But for now, cautious optimism is the common denominator, with the emphasis on cautious.

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