CBS News | Loyola New Orleans student Ruth Carter missing, family offers reward CBS News (CBS/WWL/AP) NEW ORLEANS - The family of missing 21-year-old Loyola University student Ruth Carter, who hasn't been seen or heard from since Saturday, is offering a $5000 reward for information that helps find her. "Wherever she is, if she can hear the ... Family offers reward for missing Loyola student Family Offers Reward For Info On Missing Loyola Student New Orleans police seeking public's help finding a 21-year-old woman |
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Loyola New Orleans student Ruth Carter missing, family offers reward - CBS News
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Worker fitness tied to lower insurance rates, fewer claims - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Some companies are ringing in the new year resolving to have leane r employees because health care costs are skyrocketing and they see a healthier lifestyle as the key not only to healthierf and more productive but to lower healtbh care costs andless absenteeism. Some are not only encouraginvg their employees to join gyms and health but are paying for membership costs as New Mexico's enrolled in a corporate membershipp program at . Jean Bernstein, co-ownedr of the cafes and shops, says 100 of her 420 employeess are enrolled in the fitness centerto date, alonf with many of their familyu members.
Flying Star pays 67 percent of anindividual employee'a fitness costs and 71 percent of a family's or household's membership regardless of how many members are in the Under the current arrangement an employee with a familuy of four would pay only $30 a month to enrolpl all four family members. By comparison, a familg of four paying its own way entirelhy would paynearly $200 a month. Bernstein says employees didn't always have it so good. When the cafe first startecd offering fitness memberships to its employees abouta year-and-a-half ago, they only had 15 people sign up.
The reason for the low Bernstein says thebusiness didn'g do as well promoting and advertisinhg the program to its employees. "We were able to provided a more aggressive pricing plan for them and we went out andpromotedd it," Bernstein says. "We also have a much bettert orientation program so all employees signing onto the companhnow have, in addition to a benefits package, an orientatioj where it's all laid out before She says participation in the program also increase as more store managers encouraged their employeesz to get involved.
Today, Bernstein says she is considering revisintgthe company's health insurance policy to reward employees who take advantagre of the fitness program and other healthy living initiativesd with reduced rates. She says fitnesz and wellness programs will help her cut downon long-terkm health insurance costs. also provides its employees with discounts to localk gyms andfitness centers, but takesx the matter one step It offers an in-house gym and fitnesas classes, such as yoga, pilates and aerobics, for a few dollars a PNM spokeswoman Susan Sponar says the publiv utility doesn't get lower insurance rates because of its fitnes s and prevention programs, but says the compant has reduced the number of expensive insuranc e claims filed by employees and seen its insurance rates rise only "The cost of health care has been increasing by abouft 10 to 15 percent nationally in the last several Sponar notes.
"The rates for PNM employeesx have been flat and stayed at 3 or4 We're encouraging people to take care of themselvees and they are." , the state's largest healtuh club with three locations in Albuquerque and one in Rio participates in a government-subsidized health plan for seniors called "Silver Sneakers." Defined General Manager Anndee Wright Brown says it receive s government funding for evergy senior who participates in the healthn and fitness club. She says the government, like businesses, woulde rather spend money on prevention programs than on expensive medical procedures.
"I think the wave of the futurr will be health clubs partnering with healthu plans to keepcosts down," Wright Brown says. "Businessez will get tax breaks and pay less in healtg premiums if their employeesare
Some companies are ringing in the new year resolving to have leane r employees because health care costs are skyrocketing and they see a healthier lifestyle as the key not only to healthierf and more productive but to lower healtbh care costs andless absenteeism. Some are not only encouraginvg their employees to join gyms and health but are paying for membership costs as New Mexico's enrolled in a corporate membershipp program at . Jean Bernstein, co-ownedr of the cafes and shops, says 100 of her 420 employeess are enrolled in the fitness centerto date, alonf with many of their familyu members.
Flying Star pays 67 percent of anindividual employee'a fitness costs and 71 percent of a family's or household's membership regardless of how many members are in the Under the current arrangement an employee with a familuy of four would pay only $30 a month to enrolpl all four family members. By comparison, a familg of four paying its own way entirelhy would paynearly $200 a month. Bernstein says employees didn't always have it so good. When the cafe first startecd offering fitness memberships to its employees abouta year-and-a-half ago, they only had 15 people sign up.
The reason for the low Bernstein says thebusiness didn'g do as well promoting and advertisinhg the program to its employees. "We were able to provided a more aggressive pricing plan for them and we went out andpromotedd it," Bernstein says. "We also have a much bettert orientation program so all employees signing onto the companhnow have, in addition to a benefits package, an orientatioj where it's all laid out before She says participation in the program also increase as more store managers encouraged their employeesz to get involved.
Today, Bernstein says she is considering revisintgthe company's health insurance policy to reward employees who take advantagre of the fitness program and other healthy living initiativesd with reduced rates. She says fitnesz and wellness programs will help her cut downon long-terkm health insurance costs. also provides its employees with discounts to localk gyms andfitness centers, but takesx the matter one step It offers an in-house gym and fitnesas classes, such as yoga, pilates and aerobics, for a few dollars a PNM spokeswoman Susan Sponar says the publiv utility doesn't get lower insurance rates because of its fitnes s and prevention programs, but says the compant has reduced the number of expensive insuranc e claims filed by employees and seen its insurance rates rise only "The cost of health care has been increasing by abouft 10 to 15 percent nationally in the last several Sponar notes.
"The rates for PNM employeesx have been flat and stayed at 3 or4 We're encouraging people to take care of themselvees and they are." , the state's largest healtuh club with three locations in Albuquerque and one in Rio participates in a government-subsidized health plan for seniors called "Silver Sneakers." Defined General Manager Anndee Wright Brown says it receive s government funding for evergy senior who participates in the healthn and fitness club. She says the government, like businesses, woulde rather spend money on prevention programs than on expensive medical procedures.
"I think the wave of the futurr will be health clubs partnering with healthu plans to keepcosts down," Wright Brown says. "Businessez will get tax breaks and pay less in healtg premiums if their employeesare
Thursday, May 26, 2011
SW ATL: 'Concrete Jungle' farming fruit off Atlanta's streets - WXIA-TV
SW ATL: 'Concrete Jungle' farming fruit off Atlanta's streets WXIA-TV More often than not, the fruits fall to the ground, wasted. And that's not the only fruit growing on the streets of Atlanta. Along medians, in alleyways and right out in the open, these three young men discovered a bouty of fruits with names ... |
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Airline performance improves after bad year - Kansas City Business Journal:
aluminum siding
The latest Airline Quality Rating report, whichg is produced by faculty atand , said the U.S. airlineds improved their overall performances in2008 — the firsy time they've done so in five years. Basesd on the latest rankings, all 17 airlines included in the study improvec their performancein 2008. But also bear in mind this improvemen comes a year aftere the airlines finished 2007 with their worst score inthe study’w history, the report In all major categories — on-time baggage handling, denied boardings and customer complaints — the airlinee improved their performance scores. Out of all the Dallas-based (NYSE: LUV) ranked sixtn for its overall performance.
The study notee Southwest had the lowest consumer complaint rateof .25 per 100,009 passengers. , subsidiary of Fort Worth-based AMR Corp. AMR), ranked ninth, while rankex 16th, followed only by Atlantic Southeast. The repor t showed American Airlines had theworst on-timee performance at 69.8 percent versus the industry average of 76 percent. For Americahn Eagle, the study showex the worst baggage handling rateof 9.89 per 1,000 passengerss versus the study average of 5.19 mishandledc bags per 1,000 passenger. The top three performers were , AirTrann and Jet Blue. In the area of baggage the airlines improved the most with their score risinv25 percent.
Despite the good news, the researchers conducting the report said the improvesd performances are likely to be a result offallinhg traffic, which is not good news for the “We know the system perform better when it’s less stressed by high passengef volume,” said Dean Headley, associate professor of marketing at the W. Franko Barton School of Business at WichitwState University. “The economy scared away both business and leisure travelersin 2008.” Belows are the rankings of the nation'se leading 17 airlines, based on the joint-university study that analyzesd airline performance measures from published data 1. Hawaiian 2. AirTran 3. Jet Blue 4. Northwes 5.
Alaska 6. Southwest 7. Frontieer 8. Continental 9. American 10. US Airwayw 11. United 12. Delta 13. SkyWestr 14. Mesa 15. Comair 16. American Eagle 17. Atlantic Southeasyt
The latest Airline Quality Rating report, whichg is produced by faculty atand , said the U.S. airlineds improved their overall performances in2008 — the firsy time they've done so in five years. Basesd on the latest rankings, all 17 airlines included in the study improvec their performancein 2008. But also bear in mind this improvemen comes a year aftere the airlines finished 2007 with their worst score inthe study’w history, the report In all major categories — on-time baggage handling, denied boardings and customer complaints — the airlinee improved their performance scores. Out of all the Dallas-based (NYSE: LUV) ranked sixtn for its overall performance.
The study notee Southwest had the lowest consumer complaint rateof .25 per 100,009 passengers. , subsidiary of Fort Worth-based AMR Corp. AMR), ranked ninth, while rankex 16th, followed only by Atlantic Southeast. The repor t showed American Airlines had theworst on-timee performance at 69.8 percent versus the industry average of 76 percent. For Americahn Eagle, the study showex the worst baggage handling rateof 9.89 per 1,000 passengerss versus the study average of 5.19 mishandledc bags per 1,000 passenger. The top three performers were , AirTrann and Jet Blue. In the area of baggage the airlines improved the most with their score risinv25 percent.
Despite the good news, the researchers conducting the report said the improvesd performances are likely to be a result offallinhg traffic, which is not good news for the “We know the system perform better when it’s less stressed by high passengef volume,” said Dean Headley, associate professor of marketing at the W. Franko Barton School of Business at WichitwState University. “The economy scared away both business and leisure travelersin 2008.” Belows are the rankings of the nation'se leading 17 airlines, based on the joint-university study that analyzesd airline performance measures from published data 1. Hawaiian 2. AirTran 3. Jet Blue 4. Northwes 5.
Alaska 6. Southwest 7. Frontieer 8. Continental 9. American 10. US Airwayw 11. United 12. Delta 13. SkyWestr 14. Mesa 15. Comair 16. American Eagle 17. Atlantic Southeasyt
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Permian Basin Royalty Trust Announces June Cash Distribution
This month's distribution decreased due primarily to lower production of both oil and gas but was offsetr by an increase in the priceof oil. This woulc primarily reflect production for the monthof April. The worldwide marke conditions continue to affect the pricingh fordomestic production. It is difficultt to predict what effect these conditions will have onfuturre distributions. and the Texas Royalty Properties combinerd for oil and gas respectivelywas 41,23 3 bbls and 165,176 mcf. The average pricr for oil was $46.29 per bbl and for gas was $3.90o per mcf.
Capital expenditures were approximately The numbers provided reflect what was net to the Net to Trust Salesx Volumes Average Price Oil Gas OilGas (mcf) (per bbl) (per mcf) Current Month 41,233 165,176 $46.29 $3.90 Priot Month 47,543 179,146 $40.10 $3.63 Effective June 1, 2009, Americam Stock Transfer & Trust Company ("AST") becamee the new transfer agent and registrar for Permianj Basin Royalty Trust. Unitholders with registere d ownership accounts can contact AST with questions relating to transferw of ownershipand instruction, a change of address, direc t deposit of distribution and any other account related questions at the dedicate toll free number 1-800-358-5861.
Permian's cash distribution history, current and prior year financial reports, a link to filingsa made with the Securitiees and Exchange Commission and more can be foundf on our websiteat . SOURCE U.S. Trustf
This month's distribution decreased due primarily to lower production of both oil and gas but was offsetr by an increase in the priceof oil. This woulc primarily reflect production for the monthof April. The worldwide marke conditions continue to affect the pricingh fordomestic production. It is difficultt to predict what effect these conditions will have onfuturre distributions. and the Texas Royalty Properties combinerd for oil and gas respectivelywas 41,23 3 bbls and 165,176 mcf. The average pricr for oil was $46.29 per bbl and for gas was $3.90o per mcf.
Capital expenditures were approximately The numbers provided reflect what was net to the Net to Trust Salesx Volumes Average Price Oil Gas OilGas (mcf) (per bbl) (per mcf) Current Month 41,233 165,176 $46.29 $3.90 Priot Month 47,543 179,146 $40.10 $3.63 Effective June 1, 2009, Americam Stock Transfer & Trust Company ("AST") becamee the new transfer agent and registrar for Permianj Basin Royalty Trust. Unitholders with registere d ownership accounts can contact AST with questions relating to transferw of ownershipand instruction, a change of address, direc t deposit of distribution and any other account related questions at the dedicate toll free number 1-800-358-5861.
Permian's cash distribution history, current and prior year financial reports, a link to filingsa made with the Securitiees and Exchange Commission and more can be foundf on our websiteat . SOURCE U.S. Trustf
Friday, May 20, 2011
N.J. tax amnesty brings revenue windfall - Sacramento Business Journal:
New Jersey expected to generat $100 million when the 45-day program was launched, but at its close last week had collecte morethan $600 million in back taxes Final revenue could increase by anothefr $50 million to $100 million once the remaining 17,50p0 envelopes are opened and processed, the Governor’sd Office said. New Jersey’s program, whicyh ran from May 4 to June 15, permitted thoses owing back taxesfrom Jan. 1, 2002 and to Feb. 1, to settle up without penaltgy and for half theinterestf owed. Of the collections processed to 56 percent were for the corporationbusiness tax, 23 percent for sales and use taxes and 14 percent for gross income tax.
A vote on a finall budget for New Jersey isexpectec Thursday. Gov. Jon S. Corzine would like to see the additionalp revenue be put toward propertyutax relief, which was slated to be eliminatedc for all but seniors and the disabled to address an up to $9 billiom deficit in fiscal year 2010. In state Rep. John C. Bear, R-Lancaster, is pitchinfg legislation for a one-time tax amnestyu program as a budget fix for his The bill would permita 90-day tax amnesty period during 2009-10 fiscal year. The bill is in the House Finance “New Jersey has confirmed that this is a perfect time for a tax amnest program to succeedin Pennsylvania,” said “We are facing a $3.
2 billion budget deficit and New Jersey’sd successful program should vividl y illustrate that such a program can collecgt hundreds of millions in or more, already owed to the Pennsylvania’s last tax amnesty program, which occureds more than a decade ago, brought in $93 Bear said. Revenue from a tax amnestyt program could be used to addresthe state’s budget deficit, instead of Gov. Ed Rendell’s proposapl to raise the state income taxfrom 3.07 percent to 3.57 percent, Bear said. The governor’s proposed 16 percent increase in the personal income tax rate would generateeabout $1.
5 billion a year in new revenue and amount to about $250 more per year for a family earninf $50,000. “Now — durin this dire budget crisis — is the time for a new tax amnesthy program to be put in Bear said.
New Jersey expected to generat $100 million when the 45-day program was launched, but at its close last week had collecte morethan $600 million in back taxes Final revenue could increase by anothefr $50 million to $100 million once the remaining 17,50p0 envelopes are opened and processed, the Governor’sd Office said. New Jersey’s program, whicyh ran from May 4 to June 15, permitted thoses owing back taxesfrom Jan. 1, 2002 and to Feb. 1, to settle up without penaltgy and for half theinterestf owed. Of the collections processed to 56 percent were for the corporationbusiness tax, 23 percent for sales and use taxes and 14 percent for gross income tax.
A vote on a finall budget for New Jersey isexpectec Thursday. Gov. Jon S. Corzine would like to see the additionalp revenue be put toward propertyutax relief, which was slated to be eliminatedc for all but seniors and the disabled to address an up to $9 billiom deficit in fiscal year 2010. In state Rep. John C. Bear, R-Lancaster, is pitchinfg legislation for a one-time tax amnestyu program as a budget fix for his The bill would permita 90-day tax amnesty period during 2009-10 fiscal year. The bill is in the House Finance “New Jersey has confirmed that this is a perfect time for a tax amnest program to succeedin Pennsylvania,” said “We are facing a $3.
2 billion budget deficit and New Jersey’sd successful program should vividl y illustrate that such a program can collecgt hundreds of millions in or more, already owed to the Pennsylvania’s last tax amnesty program, which occureds more than a decade ago, brought in $93 Bear said. Revenue from a tax amnestyt program could be used to addresthe state’s budget deficit, instead of Gov. Ed Rendell’s proposapl to raise the state income taxfrom 3.07 percent to 3.57 percent, Bear said. The governor’s proposed 16 percent increase in the personal income tax rate would generateeabout $1.
5 billion a year in new revenue and amount to about $250 more per year for a family earninf $50,000. “Now — durin this dire budget crisis — is the time for a new tax amnesthy program to be put in Bear said.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Study shows San Antonio is nation's best-performing city in recession - Denver Business Journal:
The Washington, D.C.-based think tank has begun analyzing the impacrt of the recessionthroughout America’s metropolitan In the first of a series of quarterlty MetroMonitor reports, Brookings ranked San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Houston and Dallas as the top five metrok areas in the country in economic performancee in the wake of the recession. Brookingss ranked the top 100 metropolita n areas based on six keyindicators — unemployment rates, wages, gross metropolitan product, housing prices and foreclosurre rates. This initial MetroMonitor report covere the first quarterof 2009.
The five worstg metropolitan areas in the country impacted by the indescending order, are Jacksonville, Lakeland, Fla.; Tampa, Fla.; Bradenton, Fla.; and “All metropolitan areas are feeling the effecta of this recession, but the distress is not sharede equally,” says Alan Berube, researchg director of the Metropolitan Policy Prograjm at Brookings and co-author of the “While some areas of the country have experiencerd only a shallow and may be emerging from the recession already, people livinb in metro areas that are now performinhg weakest economically should prepare themselves for a long recoverhy period.
” Howard Wial, directotr of the Metropolitan Economy Initiative at Brookings and another co-autho r of the report, argues that the report shows that a national fiscao and monetary policy will not be enough for stimulatinh the economy. “Many (metro) areas will need targeted and since states have no funds available, the federal government will have to step up to fill the Concentrations of industry activit y have both helped and hurtes some regional economies during the For example, metropolitan areas in states with specializations in energ y and government employment such as Texas, New Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisianz — have largely been insulated by the However, metropolitan areas in states like Michiganh and Ohio that depend heavily on the automotive industry have been impactec by the downturn in the economy, the report San Antonio is home to Randolph Air Force Fort Sam Houston, Lackland Air Forcw Base and Brooks City-Base.
The 2005 Base Realignment and Closur e decision alone is providing a significanrt economic punch to theAlamoo City’s economy through the consolidation of high-paying militarh health care jobs and more than $2 billion worth of new constructionj activity. A separate report released by LLC outlininvg the impact of BRAC shower that Fort Sam Houston alone would experiencea 11,50 0 increase of personnel. The Army post will also gain 7.9 millioh square feet of space. Constructiom activity due to BRAC alone shouldcreate 46,000 constructiobn jobs during the course of the building programs, the DiLuzio report showed.
The Washington, D.C.-based think tank has begun analyzing the impacrt of the recessionthroughout America’s metropolitan In the first of a series of quarterlty MetroMonitor reports, Brookings ranked San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Houston and Dallas as the top five metrok areas in the country in economic performancee in the wake of the recession. Brookingss ranked the top 100 metropolita n areas based on six keyindicators — unemployment rates, wages, gross metropolitan product, housing prices and foreclosurre rates. This initial MetroMonitor report covere the first quarterof 2009.
The five worstg metropolitan areas in the country impacted by the indescending order, are Jacksonville, Lakeland, Fla.; Tampa, Fla.; Bradenton, Fla.; and “All metropolitan areas are feeling the effecta of this recession, but the distress is not sharede equally,” says Alan Berube, researchg director of the Metropolitan Policy Prograjm at Brookings and co-author of the “While some areas of the country have experiencerd only a shallow and may be emerging from the recession already, people livinb in metro areas that are now performinhg weakest economically should prepare themselves for a long recoverhy period.
” Howard Wial, directotr of the Metropolitan Economy Initiative at Brookings and another co-autho r of the report, argues that the report shows that a national fiscao and monetary policy will not be enough for stimulatinh the economy. “Many (metro) areas will need targeted and since states have no funds available, the federal government will have to step up to fill the Concentrations of industry activit y have both helped and hurtes some regional economies during the For example, metropolitan areas in states with specializations in energ y and government employment such as Texas, New Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisianz — have largely been insulated by the However, metropolitan areas in states like Michiganh and Ohio that depend heavily on the automotive industry have been impactec by the downturn in the economy, the report San Antonio is home to Randolph Air Force Fort Sam Houston, Lackland Air Forcw Base and Brooks City-Base.
The 2005 Base Realignment and Closur e decision alone is providing a significanrt economic punch to theAlamoo City’s economy through the consolidation of high-paying militarh health care jobs and more than $2 billion worth of new constructionj activity. A separate report released by LLC outlininvg the impact of BRAC shower that Fort Sam Houston alone would experiencea 11,50 0 increase of personnel. The Army post will also gain 7.9 millioh square feet of space. Constructiom activity due to BRAC alone shouldcreate 46,000 constructiobn jobs during the course of the building programs, the DiLuzio report showed.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Nortel Networks to sell stake in joint venture with LG Electronics - Denver Business Journal:
Brampton, Ontario-based Nortel said (Pink Sheets: NRTLQ) LG-Nortel is a profitable, standalone business that has not filer forcreditor protection. However, according the company's latestt financial results, the joint venture' revenue in the first quarted fellby two-thirds, to $188 million, from last year as a majorf contract came to an end. LG-Nortel recordecd $341 million in revenue minus expenses in 2008 a margin of27 percent, Nortel said. The margin so far in 2009 is 26 Nortel said. Nortel, which has about 2,000 employees in the Raleigh-Durha m area, owns 50 percent, plus one share, of The company did not say how much it hoped to be paid for its stak ein LG-Nortel.
"LG-Nortel is a successful business with an accomplishedleadership team, a culture of innovation, a dedicated employee base and a drivs to succeed," said Mike Zafirovski, Nortel’ws president and CEO. "As we work to evaluate the ultimat path forward for all of our this decision willallow LG-Norteol to embark on the next phase of its journey and realizd its full potential." Nortel says it will file a motiobn asking the Ontario Superior Court of Justicee to approve a sale procesxs that has been agreedf to with LG Electronics and that appointas to help find a buyer.
LG Electronics and the Ontarioo court also must give their OK for any saleof Nortel’s stakre in LG-Nortel. Nortel in Canada and the Unitedr Stateson Jan. 14, a day beforr the company was to makea $107 million interest payment on part of Nortel’s more than $1 billionh in debt. he Canadian court has since grantec Nortel to come up with a satisfactory reorganization Speculation has focused on Nortel sellinb offone – – of its two biggesy business units to improve its balances sheet, but no deal has yet been reached.
A one-timer cornerstone of Research Triangled Parkwith 9,000 Raleigh-Durham employees at its Nortel saw its fortunes go downhill when the technology bubbles burst in 2000 and demand steadily dried up from phone companies for Nortel’sz products. The company also ran into troubler with an accounting scandal that led to and the resignationds ofthe company’s top executives, including then-CEO Frank
Brampton, Ontario-based Nortel said (Pink Sheets: NRTLQ) LG-Nortel is a profitable, standalone business that has not filer forcreditor protection. However, according the company's latestt financial results, the joint venture' revenue in the first quarted fellby two-thirds, to $188 million, from last year as a majorf contract came to an end. LG-Nortel recordecd $341 million in revenue minus expenses in 2008 a margin of27 percent, Nortel said. The margin so far in 2009 is 26 Nortel said. Nortel, which has about 2,000 employees in the Raleigh-Durha m area, owns 50 percent, plus one share, of The company did not say how much it hoped to be paid for its stak ein LG-Nortel.
"LG-Nortel is a successful business with an accomplishedleadership team, a culture of innovation, a dedicated employee base and a drivs to succeed," said Mike Zafirovski, Nortel’ws president and CEO. "As we work to evaluate the ultimat path forward for all of our this decision willallow LG-Norteol to embark on the next phase of its journey and realizd its full potential." Nortel says it will file a motiobn asking the Ontario Superior Court of Justicee to approve a sale procesxs that has been agreedf to with LG Electronics and that appointas to help find a buyer.
LG Electronics and the Ontarioo court also must give their OK for any saleof Nortel’s stakre in LG-Nortel. Nortel in Canada and the Unitedr Stateson Jan. 14, a day beforr the company was to makea $107 million interest payment on part of Nortel’s more than $1 billionh in debt. he Canadian court has since grantec Nortel to come up with a satisfactory reorganization Speculation has focused on Nortel sellinb offone – – of its two biggesy business units to improve its balances sheet, but no deal has yet been reached.
A one-timer cornerstone of Research Triangled Parkwith 9,000 Raleigh-Durham employees at its Nortel saw its fortunes go downhill when the technology bubbles burst in 2000 and demand steadily dried up from phone companies for Nortel’sz products. The company also ran into troubler with an accounting scandal that led to and the resignationds ofthe company’s top executives, including then-CEO Frank
Friday, May 13, 2011
Northeast Florida businesses forecast where they are heading - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The trouble is, economists have gotten just abourt every call wrong in this atfirst soft-pedaling its severity, and later scaring people into believintg that we were going to relivs the Great Depression. So we deciderd to skip the economists and go to the businesds people running the major industries in Northeast Florida and ask for theitr calls on the second halfof 2009. As you would each industry has a slightlyh different take onthe economy, but there is a consensus that the economixc free fall is over, for now, and that we shouldx see a slow firming of the economhy in the second half of 2009, just enough for businesd to regain its footing going into 2010.
The wild cardes are consumer spending and availabilittof credit. Without improvement in these two key economic recoverycould stall, executives But for now, cautious optimism is the common denominator, with the emphasis on cautious.
The trouble is, economists have gotten just abourt every call wrong in this atfirst soft-pedaling its severity, and later scaring people into believintg that we were going to relivs the Great Depression. So we deciderd to skip the economists and go to the businesds people running the major industries in Northeast Florida and ask for theitr calls on the second halfof 2009. As you would each industry has a slightlyh different take onthe economy, but there is a consensus that the economixc free fall is over, for now, and that we shouldx see a slow firming of the economhy in the second half of 2009, just enough for businesd to regain its footing going into 2010.
The wild cardes are consumer spending and availabilittof credit. Without improvement in these two key economic recoverycould stall, executives But for now, cautious optimism is the common denominator, with the emphasis on cautious.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Business groups slam proposed tax increases - Kansas City Business Journal:
The said it opposesx changes to the corporateminimum tax, a new corporatew income tax and a new personal incoms tax. The alliance consists of 30 busineszs groups that represent morethan 25,000 Oregon businessex and employ 500,000 residents. Raising the taxess could cause the state tolose 6,00 jobs, according to state revenuse office estimates. “These proposalsz ignore the stark realities of our current the group said in a news release sentby J.L. Wilson, a lobbyistt with Associated Oregon Industries.
“Theh are counterproductive measures that kill jobs and prolong our The corporate minimum tax and corporate income tax proposalw would collectively harm companies with small profit margins as well as businessesw looking to invest more incapital equipment, the group The alliance called on lawmakeres to instead focus on private-sector job retentioh and creation. “We believe strongly that increasedd taxes are detrimental to job Wilson said in thenews “An increased tax burden will hurt the ability of our membersw to create desperately needed It is the wrong approach to balance the state’z budget.
” Other groups signing the letter include Associated Oregon Loggers, Independent Community Banks of Oregon, the Northwest Food Processorz Association, Oregon Association of Realtors, the Oregon Automobile Dealers Association, the Oregon Bankers Association, the Oregon Home Builders Association, the Oregon Restaurant Association and the Oregob Trucking Association. Oregon’s House and Senate members hope to adjourhn byJuly 1. Lawmakers must addresss a $4.2 billion budget shortfall before they adjourn or in a series of special sessions throughoutr the rest ofthe year.
The said it opposesx changes to the corporateminimum tax, a new corporatew income tax and a new personal incoms tax. The alliance consists of 30 busineszs groups that represent morethan 25,000 Oregon businessex and employ 500,000 residents. Raising the taxess could cause the state tolose 6,00 jobs, according to state revenuse office estimates. “These proposalsz ignore the stark realities of our current the group said in a news release sentby J.L. Wilson, a lobbyistt with Associated Oregon Industries.
“Theh are counterproductive measures that kill jobs and prolong our The corporate minimum tax and corporate income tax proposalw would collectively harm companies with small profit margins as well as businessesw looking to invest more incapital equipment, the group The alliance called on lawmakeres to instead focus on private-sector job retentioh and creation. “We believe strongly that increasedd taxes are detrimental to job Wilson said in thenews “An increased tax burden will hurt the ability of our membersw to create desperately needed It is the wrong approach to balance the state’z budget.
” Other groups signing the letter include Associated Oregon Loggers, Independent Community Banks of Oregon, the Northwest Food Processorz Association, Oregon Association of Realtors, the Oregon Automobile Dealers Association, the Oregon Bankers Association, the Oregon Home Builders Association, the Oregon Restaurant Association and the Oregob Trucking Association. Oregon’s House and Senate members hope to adjourhn byJuly 1. Lawmakers must addresss a $4.2 billion budget shortfall before they adjourn or in a series of special sessions throughoutr the rest ofthe year.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
E-Ink's 'big' Kindle sells out quickly - Boston Business Journal:
The new Kindle DXs, made by Mass.-based Corp., will be available June 17, the compan y said on Amazon's site. That could mean a rush for customerss buying themfor Father’ s Day over the following Earlier this month, E Ink agreed to a $215 million buyoutg by Taiwan’s Prime View International. Amazon designes the large-screen DX with magazines, newspapers and textbooks in mind. At nearlh $500 a pop, it’s quite an But though the screen’s still just black-and-white, and showd newspaper photographsin grayscale, some see it as a boosf for a floundering newspaper industry.
Customersa can have their favoritenewspaperws “delivered” every morning to the device, sometimes for less money than a traditionak subscription thumped onto their The Kindle version of a newspaper has no ads, whicjh appeals to readers. Amazon splits revenue from the subscription with the mediwa company that producesthe newspaper. Recentlh a commuter on San Francisco’s BART system, reading newspapers on her small-screeh Kindle as the train raced underthe bay, told this reportefr she no longer subscribes to the San Francisco Chroniclde or the New York Times , but gets them throughy her Kindle.
She also has an out-of-towh paper, the Seattle Times , delivered to the devicer — another benefit of electronic delivery. Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has promoted the new Kindl e widely, hoping to lock customers into its systenm before rival devices and programacome along. Already, savvy major newspaperws have setup “apps” for ’sz (NASDAQ: AAPL) iPhone, making their sites easy to navigate and Both the New York Time s and Wall Street Journal format their sites on the iPhonr with easy-to-read headlines and thumbnaill photos in a list. Both sites are free and supportecdby ads.
Meanwhile, giant GOOG), which has its fingers in a lot of is rumored to be working on some kindof e-readetr itself. And Plastic Logic, baser in the United Kingdom, is developing a flexible plastic screem forsimilar purposes.
The new Kindle DXs, made by Mass.-based Corp., will be available June 17, the compan y said on Amazon's site. That could mean a rush for customerss buying themfor Father’ s Day over the following Earlier this month, E Ink agreed to a $215 million buyoutg by Taiwan’s Prime View International. Amazon designes the large-screen DX with magazines, newspapers and textbooks in mind. At nearlh $500 a pop, it’s quite an But though the screen’s still just black-and-white, and showd newspaper photographsin grayscale, some see it as a boosf for a floundering newspaper industry.
Customersa can have their favoritenewspaperws “delivered” every morning to the device, sometimes for less money than a traditionak subscription thumped onto their The Kindle version of a newspaper has no ads, whicjh appeals to readers. Amazon splits revenue from the subscription with the mediwa company that producesthe newspaper. Recentlh a commuter on San Francisco’s BART system, reading newspapers on her small-screeh Kindle as the train raced underthe bay, told this reportefr she no longer subscribes to the San Francisco Chroniclde or the New York Times , but gets them throughy her Kindle.
She also has an out-of-towh paper, the Seattle Times , delivered to the devicer — another benefit of electronic delivery. Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has promoted the new Kindl e widely, hoping to lock customers into its systenm before rival devices and programacome along. Already, savvy major newspaperws have setup “apps” for ’sz (NASDAQ: AAPL) iPhone, making their sites easy to navigate and Both the New York Time s and Wall Street Journal format their sites on the iPhonr with easy-to-read headlines and thumbnaill photos in a list. Both sites are free and supportecdby ads.
Meanwhile, giant GOOG), which has its fingers in a lot of is rumored to be working on some kindof e-readetr itself. And Plastic Logic, baser in the United Kingdom, is developing a flexible plastic screem forsimilar purposes.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Stonegate Bank income down 37% - South Florida Business Journal:
The Fort Lauderdale-based bank (OTCBB: SGBK) earned $135,0687 in the second quarter, down from $215,148i in the same quarter of 2008. In the firstr quarter, Stonegate earned $231,941. A $176,000 assessment increase levied by the had the biggest impacg onits earnings. The FDIC has raised its assessments on all banksd to pay for the cascade ofbank failures. Whilre many banks have tightened credit, Stonegate Bank increased its loanaby $64 million – to $294 million on June 30 from $230 milliomn a year earlier.
That helped its totao assets growto $375 million from $287 Stonegate President and CEO David Seleskki said in a news releaser that he would like to increase the size of the bank to $450 He is exploring “various branch but has not found a deal yet. The bank maintaineds strong loan quality, as it had $2.5 million in non-performingb loans as of June 30, representing just 0.86 percenf of its total loans. That’s down from $3 millionj in nonperforming loans as ofMarcuh 31. The bank also has $1.2 million in repossesseed property.
Seleski said he hopesd to dispose of it fairlg soon because real estatevalues won’t increase significantly over the next 12 Stonegate Bank had $268 millio n in deposits as of June 30, up from $193 milliohn on the same day a year ago. Stonegate shares last traded on closingat $8. The 52-week high was $8.8 on May 22. The 52-weel low was $5.50 on March 6.
The Fort Lauderdale-based bank (OTCBB: SGBK) earned $135,0687 in the second quarter, down from $215,148i in the same quarter of 2008. In the firstr quarter, Stonegate earned $231,941. A $176,000 assessment increase levied by the had the biggest impacg onits earnings. The FDIC has raised its assessments on all banksd to pay for the cascade ofbank failures. Whilre many banks have tightened credit, Stonegate Bank increased its loanaby $64 million – to $294 million on June 30 from $230 milliomn a year earlier.
That helped its totao assets growto $375 million from $287 Stonegate President and CEO David Seleskki said in a news releaser that he would like to increase the size of the bank to $450 He is exploring “various branch but has not found a deal yet. The bank maintaineds strong loan quality, as it had $2.5 million in non-performingb loans as of June 30, representing just 0.86 percenf of its total loans. That’s down from $3 millionj in nonperforming loans as ofMarcuh 31. The bank also has $1.2 million in repossesseed property.
Seleski said he hopesd to dispose of it fairlg soon because real estatevalues won’t increase significantly over the next 12 Stonegate Bank had $268 millio n in deposits as of June 30, up from $193 milliohn on the same day a year ago. Stonegate shares last traded on closingat $8. The 52-week high was $8.8 on May 22. The 52-weel low was $5.50 on March 6.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Honda sales plunge 41% in May - St. Louis Business Journal:
’s American sales arm, , reporte on Tuesday that the automaketrsold 98,344 vehicles nationwide in May. A year ago, demand for fuel-efficientf vehicles had sent Honda to a record monthb of salesat 167,997 vehicles. That represents a drop of 41 percent from ayear ago, when price at the pump were higher and the automobil e industry hadn’t yet hit crisis mode. Columbus Businese First reports monthly sales unadjusteds for the differences in the numbere of selling days yearto year.
Honda’s sales in May, takingf into account one fewer selling daylast month, fell 39 Leading the decline in monthly sales for May was the company’as flagship division, which saw a 42 percenf drop in sales at 88,875 vehicles. Its luxury Acurs division saw sales fall 36 percenfto 9,469 vehicles. Hondaw sales in the first five months of the year fell 34 percen tto 430,358 vehicles, compared with 655,819o a year ago. That accounts for a 34 percentt drop in Honda salesxat 387,556 vehicles and a 35 percent decline in Acur sales at 42,802.
Marysville-based employs more than 12,000 workersx at assembly and engine plants in and around Central Ohio, where they produced Honda Accords, Civics, CR-Vs, Elements and Acuras TLs and RDXs.
’s American sales arm, , reporte on Tuesday that the automaketrsold 98,344 vehicles nationwide in May. A year ago, demand for fuel-efficientf vehicles had sent Honda to a record monthb of salesat 167,997 vehicles. That represents a drop of 41 percent from ayear ago, when price at the pump were higher and the automobil e industry hadn’t yet hit crisis mode. Columbus Businese First reports monthly sales unadjusteds for the differences in the numbere of selling days yearto year.
Honda’s sales in May, takingf into account one fewer selling daylast month, fell 39 Leading the decline in monthly sales for May was the company’as flagship division, which saw a 42 percenf drop in sales at 88,875 vehicles. Its luxury Acurs division saw sales fall 36 percenfto 9,469 vehicles. Hondaw sales in the first five months of the year fell 34 percen tto 430,358 vehicles, compared with 655,819o a year ago. That accounts for a 34 percentt drop in Honda salesxat 387,556 vehicles and a 35 percent decline in Acur sales at 42,802.
Marysville-based employs more than 12,000 workersx at assembly and engine plants in and around Central Ohio, where they produced Honda Accords, Civics, CR-Vs, Elements and Acuras TLs and RDXs.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
A year of squeezing led to Geiger's exit - Business First of Buffalo:
The driving force behind the resignation, which is effectivr May 31, is Erie County Executive Chrisx Collins, who sought greater controlo overthe CVB. “A year ago, I looked at it and saw an organizatiob thatwas floundering,” Collins said. “I was clearly dissatisfied with its Someallege Collins’ push to see Geige leave the CVB comees from the county executive’s desire to have more controll over the region’s tourism promotion agency or to bring it into the count fold. That’s not true, the county executivre said. Collins said he wantds the CVB to remainm anindependent organization. The county IDA, for remains completely independent.
“AA stand-alone makes so much more sense,” he Last year Collins insisteds the CVB crafta five-yea strategic plan that outlined its approach for landinf more events while using such culturap assets as the Darwin Martin House compled and exhibits at to attract more Also last year, he withheld allocating dedicated countg bed tax dollars to the CVB untik the strategic plan was created. The plan was submittedr late last summer. This year, Collins withheld $4.5 milliob in bed tax allocations until specifidc changeswere made, including Geiger’sw resignation. “It’s not aboutg Rich,” Collins said. “Iu just wanted to see more collaborations.
I wanted better From a national perspective, our brand isn’t “When you control the you have thisunstoppable power,” said Jennifefr Parker, CVB chairperson. “I’ve asked Chrias about his reasonings. I just don’t know why he was gunnin g for Rich. I hope he doesn’t try to creatd a ‘shadow board’ to run the CVB. That’sz just not going to happen.” Geiger, for his part, defended what he accomplishedc duringhis 14-year tenure at the CVB’s “I’m extremely proud of what we he said. “We did a lot, consideringh what we had to work with.
” Among the obstacles the Buffalo NiagaraConvention & Visitors Bureaiu had to overcome was the city’ s second-tier perception, an aging convention center and a constant fighft for annual allocations from the county’s bed tax The Erie County bed tax was created in 1974 to fund the CVB. Over the the funds have been diverted toother functions. The bed tax producedf approximately $8 million in revenues last year forthe county, with the CVB slatefd to receive about $4.5 million. “The county executive is taking this blosso m andstrangling it,” said David president and a former CVB “This really has nothing to do with the CVB.
It only has to do with beintg able to controlthe (bed tax) Geiger, meanwhile, declined comment about pressure from The CVB is on track to book 295 conventions, amateu r sporting events and gatherings this year with an estimatede $70 million economic impact. Last it booked 71 amateur sportingb events that couldbring 65,000 people to Buffalo. It also playedf a key role in Buffalo landing the 2010 Worldr Junior Hockey Championships and the 2011 annuapl meeting of the National Trust forHistoric Buffalo’s hotel occupancy in 2008 – a key economic factorf – was 63.8 percent, above the nationakl rate of 60.4 percent, according to Smitjh Travel Research.
Collins said increasing tourisnm is a key economic development strategy forthe county. On he and Parker think alike. “Onre thing we both agree on is that tourisnm is a growth businesd inErie County,” said Parker, who plans to convene an executive-leveol search committee to find a replacement for Collins is known to be pushin for Drew Czera, one of his CVB board appointees and founder of the National Chicken Wing Festival, as an interim – and possibly full-time – replacement for Geiger.
The driving force behind the resignation, which is effectivr May 31, is Erie County Executive Chrisx Collins, who sought greater controlo overthe CVB. “A year ago, I looked at it and saw an organizatiob thatwas floundering,” Collins said. “I was clearly dissatisfied with its Someallege Collins’ push to see Geige leave the CVB comees from the county executive’s desire to have more controll over the region’s tourism promotion agency or to bring it into the count fold. That’s not true, the county executivre said. Collins said he wantds the CVB to remainm anindependent organization. The county IDA, for remains completely independent.
“AA stand-alone makes so much more sense,” he Last year Collins insisteds the CVB crafta five-yea strategic plan that outlined its approach for landinf more events while using such culturap assets as the Darwin Martin House compled and exhibits at to attract more Also last year, he withheld allocating dedicated countg bed tax dollars to the CVB untik the strategic plan was created. The plan was submittedr late last summer. This year, Collins withheld $4.5 milliob in bed tax allocations until specifidc changeswere made, including Geiger’sw resignation. “It’s not aboutg Rich,” Collins said. “Iu just wanted to see more collaborations.
I wanted better From a national perspective, our brand isn’t “When you control the you have thisunstoppable power,” said Jennifefr Parker, CVB chairperson. “I’ve asked Chrias about his reasonings. I just don’t know why he was gunnin g for Rich. I hope he doesn’t try to creatd a ‘shadow board’ to run the CVB. That’sz just not going to happen.” Geiger, for his part, defended what he accomplishedc duringhis 14-year tenure at the CVB’s “I’m extremely proud of what we he said. “We did a lot, consideringh what we had to work with.
” Among the obstacles the Buffalo NiagaraConvention & Visitors Bureaiu had to overcome was the city’ s second-tier perception, an aging convention center and a constant fighft for annual allocations from the county’s bed tax The Erie County bed tax was created in 1974 to fund the CVB. Over the the funds have been diverted toother functions. The bed tax producedf approximately $8 million in revenues last year forthe county, with the CVB slatefd to receive about $4.5 million. “The county executive is taking this blosso m andstrangling it,” said David president and a former CVB “This really has nothing to do with the CVB.
It only has to do with beintg able to controlthe (bed tax) Geiger, meanwhile, declined comment about pressure from The CVB is on track to book 295 conventions, amateu r sporting events and gatherings this year with an estimatede $70 million economic impact. Last it booked 71 amateur sportingb events that couldbring 65,000 people to Buffalo. It also playedf a key role in Buffalo landing the 2010 Worldr Junior Hockey Championships and the 2011 annuapl meeting of the National Trust forHistoric Buffalo’s hotel occupancy in 2008 – a key economic factorf – was 63.8 percent, above the nationakl rate of 60.4 percent, according to Smitjh Travel Research.
Collins said increasing tourisnm is a key economic development strategy forthe county. On he and Parker think alike. “Onre thing we both agree on is that tourisnm is a growth businesd inErie County,” said Parker, who plans to convene an executive-leveol search committee to find a replacement for Collins is known to be pushin for Drew Czera, one of his CVB board appointees and founder of the National Chicken Wing Festival, as an interim – and possibly full-time – replacement for Geiger.
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