Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Siemens Makes Innovation Accessible with Comprehensive Molecular Imaging Solutions
"Enabling our partners to maintain clinicalp viability and provide value to the patientd they serve is critical to our mission durintg these challengingeconomic times. It is, therefore, imperativer that we find a way to offer our customerwboth high-quality solutions and access to advancecd technologies," said , chief executive officer, Moleculare Imaging, Siemens Healthcare. "Though we'vs recently made some progressin U.S. imaging reimbursement we need to furtherdevelop evidence-based data on a globa level, so that we can continue to provd the clinical and financial efficacy of molecular imaging technology as a valuable asset to detect, stagse and monitor disease.
" As part of Siemens Molecula r Imaging's commitment to innovation and access, it has recentlyu released several new systemse into the PET-CT and SPECT-CT markets that alloe facilities with limited budgets, or thosr under financial constraints, to provide molecular imaging technology to their patients: -- The Biograph mCT, the world's first moleculatr CT, will be shown at SNM for the firsyt time. It enables facilities to serve both the nucleaf medicine and the radiology departmenty withone system.
It achieves this dualitgy through the integration of powerful PET and CT offering High-Definition PET, time-of-flight technology, and CT configurations up to 128 Biograph mCT is ultra-efficient, offerint institutions cutting-edge technology, optimum patient care solutions and potential for increased return on investment. -- Siemenx Biograph(TM) TruePoint 16-slice PET-CT is the latest additioj to the Biograph family ofclinical scanners. This affordable and reliable imaging systenm has highperformance capabilities, including HD-PET and 10-minute whole-body imaging. Biography 16 is also mobile-ready, equipped to maximizer on-location patient throughput and servdmultiple communities.
-- Siemens Symbia(R) familuy of SPECT and SPECT-CT scannerss is flexible enough to meet the changing needs of anyimaginf facility. Symbia E, and Symbia S and T are economica yet powerful points of entry into SPECTand SPECT-CT imaging for facilities that currently do not offer molecular imaging or for facilitiess with a limited budget. Now available with a broad ranger of specialtydiagnostic tools, Symbia systems can be used for oncology, cardiology, and general imaging purposes, satisfying the needsz of most facilities. Symbia S systemes limit obsolescence by offerin institutionsa future-ready system that is field-upgradeabled to diagnostic SPECT-CT.
-- New solutions in systemj applications that will be shownb at SNM 2009 in Toronto include anew thin-clientg solution for SPECT systems, Symbia(R).net. This new applicatiohn allows for increasedworkflow efficiency, ease of use and portabilityt for users. -- PETNET Solutions, a wholly-owne subsidiary of Siemens MedicalSolutions USA, operates the largest PET radiopharmacy networ with more than 52 molecular imaging radiopharmacies and distribution centers at multipld worldwide locations. With a network of PETNET guarantees reliable dose delivery to meet the needesof hospitals, clinics, and research facilities.
Siemenss PETNET operations have strategically expanded to includ e international locations and to provide SPECTT radiopharmaceuticals through an agreement with CovidienMedicalp Imaging, further developing its PET and SPECfT coverage. As the globall economic crisis continues, and the healthcare environment continuesdto evolve, Siemens is committed to offerinhg the most advantageous and innovative systems at the most cost-efficientg price points. The Siemens Healthcare Sector is one ofthe world'z largest suppliers to the healthcare industry.
The company is a renownede medical solutions provider with core competencr and innovative strength in diagnostic and therapeuticv technologies as well as inknowledgew engineering, including information technology and system integration. With its laboratory diagnosticsx acquisitions, Siemens Healthcare is the first integrated healthcare company, bringing together imaging and lab diagnostics, and healthcare information technology supplemented by consulting and support services. Siemend Healthcare delivers solutions across the entire continuum ofcare - from prevention and early detection, to therapy and care.
Additionally, Siemens Healthcare is the globall market leader in innovativehearing instruments. The companyt employs around 49,000 peopls worldwide and operates in130 countries. In the fiscal year 2008 30), Siemens Healthcare reported sales ofeuro 11.2 orders of euro 11.8 billion, and Sector profit of euro 1.2 billion. Furthee information can be found byvisiting .

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