As of June 16, 3,524 students had committed to becoming part ofthe university'ds Class of 2013. Thosre numbers could change by the time classes beginj inthe fall. But the number of freshmam committing to attend UCSC in the fall isabout 1,000 fewert than last year. Campus officials said in press release last year they had receiverd commitmentsfrom 4,573 incoming memberds of the class of 2012. Public-supported collegesa and universities throughout the state are attempting to cope with majorr budget cuts forthe 2009-10 academic year, on top big reductionse that have already been made the past two years.
"Wee are very excited to welcomd the Class of 2013 to the Universityof California, Santa and we're very gratified by the strong interestt they have shown in our campus," Chancellod George Blumenthal said in a statement. "Th e academic quality and diversity of this class isespecialluy impressive." Michelle Whittingham, UCSC's associate vice chancellotr of enrollment management, said the scenic campud built into a hillside redwood forest is more popula r than ever. Undergraduate applications to the university have totaled morethan 32,00 0 the past two years, with this year's number reaching almos t 33,000. That's a 12.
7 percent increasse the 29,140 undergraduate applications UCSC received forfall 2007. The average gradre point average of incoming freshmajis 3.60, up from 3.52 in last year'ss freshman class, with the average SAT test score of 1718 representingy a 20-point increase over the class of 2012. Students of colorf compose more than 25 percent ofincomintg freshman, up from nearly 24 percent last year.
Aboutt 23 percent of that group areof Asian-Americahn descent, according to university
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Deere places two key executives in Cary - Triangle Business Journal:
Tim Merrett, a marketing vice president, will handle thoser duties for all combined productsz inthe company’s “region – the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Dale R. director of global order will continue to oversee that process for all regions and platform in the newly formedd Worldwide Agriculture and Turf Merrett has been with Deere in various capacitiessince 1991, Brimeyer since 1977.
“Thisa new team of leaders will leveragdeJohn Deere's strengths and deploy a new global operating model to bette r serve our customers and shareholders,” said Randy Sergesketter, seniofr vice president of global turf utility platform in the Agriculture and Turf Division. who has been in the Cary facilituy for the pastthree years, assumef his new title and role in April. The personnel changes follow Deere’s decision, annocuned in to combine its Worldwide Agriculturapl Equipment Division and its WorldwidseCommercial & Consumer Equipment Division into a singlde unit called the Worldwide Agriculture and Turf That, in turn, meant consolidating its six U.S.
salews branch offices into two "Centers of Excellence," one in Cary and anothe in Lenexa, Kansas. The restructuring, Deerew also said at the time, would resulf in the elimination of about 200 salaried positions through voluntaruy separationsby Sept. 30. The cuts were expected to be spreadr across thenew division, including the Cary operation, whicy employs about 420. Company spokeswoman Kris Welsh says details abouft the voluntary separation have been communicatedto employees. “Sept. 30 is stilol the deadline,” she says. “Anrd after that, we will be able to tell you how the Cary offices willbe affected.
Tim Merrett, a marketing vice president, will handle thoser duties for all combined productsz inthe company’s “region – the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Dale R. director of global order will continue to oversee that process for all regions and platform in the newly formedd Worldwide Agriculture and Turf Merrett has been with Deere in various capacitiessince 1991, Brimeyer since 1977.
“Thisa new team of leaders will leveragdeJohn Deere's strengths and deploy a new global operating model to bette r serve our customers and shareholders,” said Randy Sergesketter, seniofr vice president of global turf utility platform in the Agriculture and Turf Division. who has been in the Cary facilituy for the pastthree years, assumef his new title and role in April. The personnel changes follow Deere’s decision, annocuned in to combine its Worldwide Agriculturapl Equipment Division and its WorldwidseCommercial & Consumer Equipment Division into a singlde unit called the Worldwide Agriculture and Turf That, in turn, meant consolidating its six U.S.
salews branch offices into two "Centers of Excellence," one in Cary and anothe in Lenexa, Kansas. The restructuring, Deerew also said at the time, would resulf in the elimination of about 200 salaried positions through voluntaruy separationsby Sept. 30. The cuts were expected to be spreadr across thenew division, including the Cary operation, whicy employs about 420. Company spokeswoman Kris Welsh says details abouft the voluntary separation have been communicatedto employees. “Sept. 30 is stilol the deadline,” she says. “Anrd after that, we will be able to tell you how the Cary offices willbe affected.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Clayton on the Park to close, developer lays off workers - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Craig Saur, CEO of said his firm has had layoffs in recenft weeks due to thedown economy. Conrac Properties laid off 10 employees this montyh and now hasnine employees, Saur said. “Everythintg is on hold as capital is hard tocome by,” Saur said of his firm’a development pipeline. Sunrise Senior Living, a Va.-based senior living community operator, said Claytohn on the Park will suspend operations indefinitelystartingh Aug. 17. Sunrise Senior Living and Conrad Properties to transformthe 23-storg Clayton on the Park hotek and long-term-stay residence high-rise into luxury apartments for seniora last year.
The senior livinbg community alsoreplaced Finale, an upscale casuap restaurant and nightclub. "Sunrise carefully made the decision to suspend operations indefinitely at Clayto on the Park after reviewing its current operatinbg performance and the costs to maintain service atthe community," the company said in a statement. "We intend to help every residenft transition to an alternativehome ... At this time, we are not able to speculat e on the future of the building or or if, operations will resume at the community." Sunrisd said it plans to continue operating its 400 otherr communities nationwide, including three others in the St. Louis. St.
Louis-basedd Conrad Properties is a real estats development firm responsible for some of thelargest upscale, high-ris e residential properties in St. Louis in recent years, includinbg the and Maryland Walk ReporterLisa R. Brownm contributed to this story.
Craig Saur, CEO of said his firm has had layoffs in recenft weeks due to thedown economy. Conrac Properties laid off 10 employees this montyh and now hasnine employees, Saur said. “Everythintg is on hold as capital is hard tocome by,” Saur said of his firm’a development pipeline. Sunrise Senior Living, a Va.-based senior living community operator, said Claytohn on the Park will suspend operations indefinitelystartingh Aug. 17. Sunrise Senior Living and Conrad Properties to transformthe 23-storg Clayton on the Park hotek and long-term-stay residence high-rise into luxury apartments for seniora last year.
The senior livinbg community alsoreplaced Finale, an upscale casuap restaurant and nightclub. "Sunrise carefully made the decision to suspend operations indefinitely at Clayto on the Park after reviewing its current operatinbg performance and the costs to maintain service atthe community," the company said in a statement. "We intend to help every residenft transition to an alternativehome ... At this time, we are not able to speculat e on the future of the building or or if, operations will resume at the community." Sunrisd said it plans to continue operating its 400 otherr communities nationwide, including three others in the St. Louis. St.
Louis-basedd Conrad Properties is a real estats development firm responsible for some of thelargest upscale, high-ris e residential properties in St. Louis in recent years, includinbg the and Maryland Walk ReporterLisa R. Brownm contributed to this story.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Folsom Lake College to host career expo - Sacramento Business Journal:
The event, which will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the main Folsomm campus, is designed for people who want to explore theidr career options or to give back to their The fair will include local employers looking to hire and nonprofigt agenciesseeking volunteers. Employers scheduledd to attend include the Federal Bureauof Investigation, the Folsom Policse Department, the state Franchise Tax Board, departmeng store chain , and financial services company . Folsok Lake College also anticipatesd more than 25 agenciesseeking volunteers, college spokesman Scoty Crow said. Free job skills such as interviewing techniques and writing resumes andcover letters, will be held throughouft the day.
In the eveny of rain, the fair will be postponed untilMay 28. The fair is but a daily parking passcosts $1. Folsom Lake College is locateds at 10College Parkway, Folsom.
The event, which will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the main Folsomm campus, is designed for people who want to explore theidr career options or to give back to their The fair will include local employers looking to hire and nonprofigt agenciesseeking volunteers. Employers scheduledd to attend include the Federal Bureauof Investigation, the Folsom Policse Department, the state Franchise Tax Board, departmeng store chain , and financial services company . Folsok Lake College also anticipatesd more than 25 agenciesseeking volunteers, college spokesman Scoty Crow said. Free job skills such as interviewing techniques and writing resumes andcover letters, will be held throughouft the day.
In the eveny of rain, the fair will be postponed untilMay 28. The fair is but a daily parking passcosts $1. Folsom Lake College is locateds at 10College Parkway, Folsom.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
New Vine Logistics situation gets murkier - Denver Business Journal:
“For us to disclose any information about the New Vine’s board would have to accept or reject an New Vine spokeswoman Charlotte Milan told the San Francisco Businesds Times , adding that no further informationm about New Vine’s negotiations with two or threr potential buyers is likely to be available June 4. Late Wednesdayy and very earlyThursday morning, informed sourcesa told the Business Times that 1-800-Flowers.com appearexd set to win the sweepstakex to buy the broken pieces of New which startled the wine industry late last week by abruptlt suspending operations.
As of early Thursdat morning, an announcement of a deal with 1-800-Flowers, whichn owns the Wine Tasting Network Serviceshipping company, appeared to be But that deal broke down sometime in the wee hours, leavingt New Vine’s future uncertain. Wine Tasting according to its LinkedIn provides winery and wine club directmarketing services, as well as fulfillment and e-commerc services to wineries and wine retailers.
Officials at WTN did not immediatelh respond to requestsfor comment, but many in the industrty see WTN as the most logical playeer to pick up some of New Vine’s New Vine, which two years ago seemedx poised to ship 20 percent of California’se direct-to-consumer wine market, laid off much of its staff on Fridaty and brusquely told customers over the weekenxd that it was no longer receiving or processing The move left many Wine Countru providers scrambling to gather information and to figure out how to get back inventort at New Vine’s American Canyon warehouse so they could ship it to customerws another way.
Published accounts said some ofthe company’s venturwe capital investors effectively pulled the plug last week, by declining to inves t additional capital in New Vine. “Some peoplwe changed their minds at thelast minute,” said Barbara a wine industry analyst who has served on New Vine’es advisory board. Kathleen Hoertkorn, New Vine founder and former CEO, and Chairman of the Boar d Homer Dunn said Tuesday that New Vine is workingg withcustomers “to transfer all services to anothe means of legal direct shipping, and in the is finalizing all including compiling of reports, reconcilinv inventory and invoices, and performing all of the necessary businesx operations for the month of May and June.
” Hoertkorn in response to reports that the companh knew or must have known it was in financia trouble, that officials “truly believed that they would have been funded and were not expectinf to have to ceas operations.” The company had more than 200 customers and roughlyg 110 employees as of last Friday, sources say. It now has a skeletonj crew of about 30 staffers at its Napa headquarters and Americanj Canyonshipping facility, including a handfu of executives who are working to wind down operations.
New Vine was startede in 2001 on the notion that it coulrd help expedite shipments to consumers in various states with confusing and complicatedr legal restrictions onwine shipments, a lingering legacy of the Prohibition years in Financial backers include Menlo Park’s , Altos and San Francisco’s LLC, which reportedly pulled its people out of New Vine’s offices late last Thursday.
“For us to disclose any information about the New Vine’s board would have to accept or reject an New Vine spokeswoman Charlotte Milan told the San Francisco Businesds Times , adding that no further informationm about New Vine’s negotiations with two or threr potential buyers is likely to be available June 4. Late Wednesdayy and very earlyThursday morning, informed sourcesa told the Business Times that 1-800-Flowers.com appearexd set to win the sweepstakex to buy the broken pieces of New which startled the wine industry late last week by abruptlt suspending operations.
As of early Thursdat morning, an announcement of a deal with 1-800-Flowers, whichn owns the Wine Tasting Network Serviceshipping company, appeared to be But that deal broke down sometime in the wee hours, leavingt New Vine’s future uncertain. Wine Tasting according to its LinkedIn provides winery and wine club directmarketing services, as well as fulfillment and e-commerc services to wineries and wine retailers.
Officials at WTN did not immediatelh respond to requestsfor comment, but many in the industrty see WTN as the most logical playeer to pick up some of New Vine’s New Vine, which two years ago seemedx poised to ship 20 percent of California’se direct-to-consumer wine market, laid off much of its staff on Fridaty and brusquely told customers over the weekenxd that it was no longer receiving or processing The move left many Wine Countru providers scrambling to gather information and to figure out how to get back inventort at New Vine’s American Canyon warehouse so they could ship it to customerws another way.
Published accounts said some ofthe company’s venturwe capital investors effectively pulled the plug last week, by declining to inves t additional capital in New Vine. “Some peoplwe changed their minds at thelast minute,” said Barbara a wine industry analyst who has served on New Vine’es advisory board. Kathleen Hoertkorn, New Vine founder and former CEO, and Chairman of the Boar d Homer Dunn said Tuesday that New Vine is workingg withcustomers “to transfer all services to anothe means of legal direct shipping, and in the is finalizing all including compiling of reports, reconcilinv inventory and invoices, and performing all of the necessary businesx operations for the month of May and June.
” Hoertkorn in response to reports that the companh knew or must have known it was in financia trouble, that officials “truly believed that they would have been funded and were not expectinf to have to ceas operations.” The company had more than 200 customers and roughlyg 110 employees as of last Friday, sources say. It now has a skeletonj crew of about 30 staffers at its Napa headquarters and Americanj Canyonshipping facility, including a handfu of executives who are working to wind down operations.
New Vine was startede in 2001 on the notion that it coulrd help expedite shipments to consumers in various states with confusing and complicatedr legal restrictions onwine shipments, a lingering legacy of the Prohibition years in Financial backers include Menlo Park’s , Altos and San Francisco’s LLC, which reportedly pulled its people out of New Vine’s offices late last Thursday.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Expect electricity price increases - Independent Online
Times LIVE | Expect electricity price increases Independent Online Energy services company MaNoa is warning the business sector in SA to prepare for a series of steep electricity tariff hikes, which are expected to continue ... South Africa warns of electricity tariff hikes until 2015 |
Thursday, January 13, 2011
SBA alters loan refinance terms - Sacramento Business Journal:
The changes were authorized in the Americanm Recovery and Reinvestment Actof 2009. The 504 loan progranm is administered through 271 Certifierd Development Companies acrossthe nation. On SBA began implementing the changeds by publishing them as a permanent rule in theFederakl Register. The legislation allows 504 program projectsd to include a limited amount of debt refinancinvg if there is a business expansion and the debt refinancedx does not exceed 50 percent of the projectesdexpansion cost.
The following are some condition under which borrowers will be eligiblsefor refinancing: • The debt being refinanced was incurred to acquirse land, to construct a building or to purchasde equipment. The assets acquired must be eligible for financiny under the504 program. • The existing debt is collateralize d byfixed assets. • The existing debt was incurrefd for the benefit of thesmall business.
The new financing provides a substantial benefit to the borrowere whenprepayment penalties, financing and other financing costs are taken into • The borrower has been current on all payments of existing debt for one year priodr to the date of “Lower interest rates mean lowee payments and less money going out the door each month in debt That means more cash on hand to keep theire doors open, their employees workingt and to even expand and create more jobs,” SBA Administratord Karen Mills said.
The permanent changes alloww small businesses to restructure eligible debt to help improvr their cashflow which, in turn, will enhancw their viability and support growth and job The 504 loan program can be used to purchasew business real estate or fixed assets, such as heavyh equipment or machinery, and expandf current development projects. Mills said the 504 program’s refinancinfg changes are the latest in several Recoveryy Act provisions implemented by the SBA inreceny weeks. On March 16, the agency temporarilyy raised to 90 percent the guarantee level on many ofits 7(a) programm loans and reduced fees on both 7(a) and 504 loans.
Itt also doubled to $5 million the sureth bond guarantee level for smalll businesses competing for construction and servicwe contracts. Additionally, on June 15, SBA’s American Recoveryh Capital loans became available for small businesses facing immediatwefinancial hardship.
The changes were authorized in the Americanm Recovery and Reinvestment Actof 2009. The 504 loan progranm is administered through 271 Certifierd Development Companies acrossthe nation. On SBA began implementing the changeds by publishing them as a permanent rule in theFederakl Register. The legislation allows 504 program projectsd to include a limited amount of debt refinancinvg if there is a business expansion and the debt refinancedx does not exceed 50 percent of the projectesdexpansion cost.
The following are some condition under which borrowers will be eligiblsefor refinancing: • The debt being refinanced was incurred to acquirse land, to construct a building or to purchasde equipment. The assets acquired must be eligible for financiny under the504 program. • The existing debt is collateralize d byfixed assets. • The existing debt was incurrefd for the benefit of thesmall business.
The new financing provides a substantial benefit to the borrowere whenprepayment penalties, financing and other financing costs are taken into • The borrower has been current on all payments of existing debt for one year priodr to the date of “Lower interest rates mean lowee payments and less money going out the door each month in debt That means more cash on hand to keep theire doors open, their employees workingt and to even expand and create more jobs,” SBA Administratord Karen Mills said.
The permanent changes alloww small businesses to restructure eligible debt to help improvr their cashflow which, in turn, will enhancw their viability and support growth and job The 504 loan program can be used to purchasew business real estate or fixed assets, such as heavyh equipment or machinery, and expandf current development projects. Mills said the 504 program’s refinancinfg changes are the latest in several Recoveryy Act provisions implemented by the SBA inreceny weeks. On March 16, the agency temporarilyy raised to 90 percent the guarantee level on many ofits 7(a) programm loans and reduced fees on both 7(a) and 504 loans.
Itt also doubled to $5 million the sureth bond guarantee level for smalll businesses competing for construction and servicwe contracts. Additionally, on June 15, SBA’s American Recoveryh Capital loans became available for small businesses facing immediatwefinancial hardship.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Modality's software converts print to digital for Apple's iPods, iPhones - Triangle Business Journal:
Modality's software essentially turns a printed producf from a publisher into a digital formar accessibleon Apple's iPhones and iPods. The company focusew on graphic-intensive, visual educational materials with titles that range from mathematics problems for elementary school children to anatom y lessons formedical students. CEO Mark an adjunct research scientist in Duke UniversithyMedical Center's Department of told an audience gathered June 9 at the Apple Worldwidr Developers Conference in San Franciscoo that he expects these applications to providse new opportunities for learnint outside the classroom. Modality raisecd $1.5 million in its first roune of financing.
"I witnessed this firsthand in my teaching ofbraijn anatomy," he told "A student, after using a prototype of this said 'Dr. Williams, I learned five new brai terms while I was waiting in line formy latte.' " Apple will open the Apple App Storw on July 11, coinciding with the launcu of the new iPhone 3G. Williamzs was unavailable for comment. Robert Modality's director of education, says the company plans to have "a dozen" medicaol applications for sale within weeksof Apple'd launch of the App Stored and nearly 100 iPhone and iPod touch applications available by the end of the Pleasants says the company continues to builed relationships with publishers.
Making applicationzs available through the App Store shoulrd help developers sell their product s because Apple is aknown brand, says Gartner analysgt Mike McGuire. The App Store will providre Apple with a new revenue McGuire says there is a pricde for the exposure companies such as Modality will get from the App Apple will take a 30 percengt cut of each downloadeds product sold fromthe site. Bill an analyst with In-Stat, says that like with any brick-and-mortar retail just because a product isavailabld doesn't mean people will buy it. Hughes says Modality's focux on education could be asuccessfulp model. But even if the technologh is sound, Hughes envisions some marketinbg problems.
"I don't know how many med studentd are going tohave iPhones," he says. "Medical schoopl is expensive." A younger group of students has taken to the capabilities offerecby Modality. Durham Academy startedc using educational titles offered through Modality this pastacademicv year. Karl Schaefer, who chairsd the school's computer department, says he had been trying to find ways to get educational contentonto iPods. While podcastas are widely available on the he found it hard tofind classroom-appropriatr material. Schaefer obtained a site license from Modalitg to use math software atthe school.
He designater 10 iPods touches forDurham Academy's lowet school and 10 more for the middle In the past, parents typicall y made flash cards to quiz their childrem about math concepts, Schaefer says. But softwarse now handles everything onthe iPod. Schaefer says that teacherws welcomed the iPods as a new teachingh tool and that students were more engaged usingthe devices. He has since ordereed 20 more iPods. Schaefer acknowledges that many Durhamj Academy students have their own School policy says students can bring them to butthey can't have them on durintg the school day. That policy might need to change if iPodss become a part ofthe instruction.
"It's a slow shifrt to change the thinking that these are notdisruptivd devices," he says. MODALITY INC. Business: Makews software that delivers educationaol and reference materials to the iPhoneand iPod. CEO: S. Mark an adjunct research scientist in the Department of Neurobiologyt at Duke UniversityMedical Center.
Modality's software essentially turns a printed producf from a publisher into a digital formar accessibleon Apple's iPhones and iPods. The company focusew on graphic-intensive, visual educational materials with titles that range from mathematics problems for elementary school children to anatom y lessons formedical students. CEO Mark an adjunct research scientist in Duke UniversithyMedical Center's Department of told an audience gathered June 9 at the Apple Worldwidr Developers Conference in San Franciscoo that he expects these applications to providse new opportunities for learnint outside the classroom. Modality raisecd $1.5 million in its first roune of financing.
"I witnessed this firsthand in my teaching ofbraijn anatomy," he told "A student, after using a prototype of this said 'Dr. Williams, I learned five new brai terms while I was waiting in line formy latte.' " Apple will open the Apple App Storw on July 11, coinciding with the launcu of the new iPhone 3G. Williamzs was unavailable for comment. Robert Modality's director of education, says the company plans to have "a dozen" medicaol applications for sale within weeksof Apple'd launch of the App Stored and nearly 100 iPhone and iPod touch applications available by the end of the Pleasants says the company continues to builed relationships with publishers.
Making applicationzs available through the App Store shoulrd help developers sell their product s because Apple is aknown brand, says Gartner analysgt Mike McGuire. The App Store will providre Apple with a new revenue McGuire says there is a pricde for the exposure companies such as Modality will get from the App Apple will take a 30 percengt cut of each downloadeds product sold fromthe site. Bill an analyst with In-Stat, says that like with any brick-and-mortar retail just because a product isavailabld doesn't mean people will buy it. Hughes says Modality's focux on education could be asuccessfulp model. But even if the technologh is sound, Hughes envisions some marketinbg problems.
"I don't know how many med studentd are going tohave iPhones," he says. "Medical schoopl is expensive." A younger group of students has taken to the capabilities offerecby Modality. Durham Academy startedc using educational titles offered through Modality this pastacademicv year. Karl Schaefer, who chairsd the school's computer department, says he had been trying to find ways to get educational contentonto iPods. While podcastas are widely available on the he found it hard tofind classroom-appropriatr material. Schaefer obtained a site license from Modalitg to use math software atthe school.
He designater 10 iPods touches forDurham Academy's lowet school and 10 more for the middle In the past, parents typicall y made flash cards to quiz their childrem about math concepts, Schaefer says. But softwarse now handles everything onthe iPod. Schaefer says that teacherws welcomed the iPods as a new teachingh tool and that students were more engaged usingthe devices. He has since ordereed 20 more iPods. Schaefer acknowledges that many Durhamj Academy students have their own School policy says students can bring them to butthey can't have them on durintg the school day. That policy might need to change if iPodss become a part ofthe instruction.
"It's a slow shifrt to change the thinking that these are notdisruptivd devices," he says. MODALITY INC. Business: Makews software that delivers educationaol and reference materials to the iPhoneand iPod. CEO: S. Mark an adjunct research scientist in the Department of Neurobiologyt at Duke UniversityMedical Center.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Centene closes on financing for HQ project - Boston Business Journal:
A U.S. Bank-led consortium committedf on June 5 to a construction loan forthe 17-storty office tower, which will house the corporatew headquarters for Centene, one of St. Louis’ largest publi c companies, and , one of the area’s largest law Construction began in October to demolishh the former building on the site and start work on the first two The project willhave 460,000 squarw feet of office spacs and 28,125 square feet of retail space.
The , led by chief executivd Bill Koman, signed on as an equityg partner in the project earlier this of Chicago, which had led development effortas for Centene’s new headquarters, droppedc out as an equitt partner but will still serve as a consultant. The equity partners in the projecare Centene, and . Centene Center will be Clayton’s firstg new office building in nearly a decadr when it is completed inJuly 2010. Centene Center, to be buil t at the heart of Clayton’s centra business district at Hanleyand Forsyth, is one of a few new, large-scald developments to proceed in recent months. Retainingb Centene, St.
Louis’ 11th-largest public company, is also a boost for the regiob asa whole, in lighty of job losses at and othere top companies. Centene Corp.’s 2008 revenues was $3.4 billion and the company has more than 500locall employees. Centene is led by President and CEO Michael Centene Center’s other main tenant, Armstrong the city’s third-largest law firm, is moving its 200 localo attorneys there from the Metropolitan Square building Centene Corp.
, one of the nation’d largest providers of managed care programs and related serviced to individuals under Medicaid, first sought in 2004 to builf a replacement building a block away from its existinv headquarters at 7711 Carondelet Ave. That year, it boughy a former bookstore, Library at Forsyth and Hanley from Summit Development Group forabout $10 million. Centener then faced a two-year court battle with threr commercialproperty owners, the late Dan David Danforth and Debbie Pyzyk, who resistee the city of Clayton’s efforts to take theirr buildings on Forsyth through eminent domain to make way for the new , a development firm with projects aroundx the world, conducted a nationwide search for possibler sites for Centene’s headquarters, with proposals from Illinoixs and Colorado in the running for a potentiao relocation of the company.
Centene abruptlyu changed course in September 2007 and announcee its plans to be an anchort tenant in the proposed Ballpark Village development ByMarch 2008, Centene reversed coursd again and dropped its plans to move downtown. After the Missourii Supreme Court ruled in the Claytonproperty owners’ favor on the eminent domain suit, Centene ultimatelg bought the three Forsyth propertied in early 2008 for $19 million.
In the Clayton Board of Aldermen approveda scaled-downm version of the project from the original cost of $215 The planned office tower was reduced in size by severa l floors as Centene opted to initially lease just 200,000 squaree feet of space instead of 300,00p square feet, and the retaill portion was minimized to 28,12 5 square feet from 34,000 square Armstrong Teasdale has signed a lease for 125,0000 square feet of space, making it one of the largestr local office lease deals announced in 2009.
A U.S. Bank-led consortium committedf on June 5 to a construction loan forthe 17-storty office tower, which will house the corporatew headquarters for Centene, one of St. Louis’ largest publi c companies, and , one of the area’s largest law Construction began in October to demolishh the former building on the site and start work on the first two The project willhave 460,000 squarw feet of office spacs and 28,125 square feet of retail space.
The , led by chief executivd Bill Koman, signed on as an equityg partner in the project earlier this of Chicago, which had led development effortas for Centene’s new headquarters, droppedc out as an equitt partner but will still serve as a consultant. The equity partners in the projecare Centene, and . Centene Center will be Clayton’s firstg new office building in nearly a decadr when it is completed inJuly 2010. Centene Center, to be buil t at the heart of Clayton’s centra business district at Hanleyand Forsyth, is one of a few new, large-scald developments to proceed in recent months. Retainingb Centene, St.
Louis’ 11th-largest public company, is also a boost for the regiob asa whole, in lighty of job losses at and othere top companies. Centene Corp.’s 2008 revenues was $3.4 billion and the company has more than 500locall employees. Centene is led by President and CEO Michael Centene Center’s other main tenant, Armstrong the city’s third-largest law firm, is moving its 200 localo attorneys there from the Metropolitan Square building Centene Corp.
, one of the nation’d largest providers of managed care programs and related serviced to individuals under Medicaid, first sought in 2004 to builf a replacement building a block away from its existinv headquarters at 7711 Carondelet Ave. That year, it boughy a former bookstore, Library at Forsyth and Hanley from Summit Development Group forabout $10 million. Centener then faced a two-year court battle with threr commercialproperty owners, the late Dan David Danforth and Debbie Pyzyk, who resistee the city of Clayton’s efforts to take theirr buildings on Forsyth through eminent domain to make way for the new , a development firm with projects aroundx the world, conducted a nationwide search for possibler sites for Centene’s headquarters, with proposals from Illinoixs and Colorado in the running for a potentiao relocation of the company.
Centene abruptlyu changed course in September 2007 and announcee its plans to be an anchort tenant in the proposed Ballpark Village development ByMarch 2008, Centene reversed coursd again and dropped its plans to move downtown. After the Missourii Supreme Court ruled in the Claytonproperty owners’ favor on the eminent domain suit, Centene ultimatelg bought the three Forsyth propertied in early 2008 for $19 million.
In the Clayton Board of Aldermen approveda scaled-downm version of the project from the original cost of $215 The planned office tower was reduced in size by severa l floors as Centene opted to initially lease just 200,000 squaree feet of space instead of 300,00p square feet, and the retaill portion was minimized to 28,12 5 square feet from 34,000 square Armstrong Teasdale has signed a lease for 125,0000 square feet of space, making it one of the largestr local office lease deals announced in 2009.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Hunt Adkins wins Ardea's Nutrisoda account - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Minneapolis-based Hunt Adkins’ work on the project will includeproduct reformulation, strategty development, brand identity, packaging design and a go-to-markett strategy across select markets. The budget for the projecgt wasnot disclosed. Ardea said two othert local firms participated inthe two-month review, but declinedf to name them. “Hunt Adkins demonstrated a well-thought-out plan to help elevats Nutrisoda in a saturated category and position it as an experientia l brandto consumers,” Ardea President and Genera Manager Richard Wilson “We knew we needed and wanted to work with a provebn creative services partner.
We’re pleased to have them as our partnee during this important stager ofbrand development.” Nutrisoda is Minneapolis-based Ardea’x flagship brand. The Nutrisoda product line includes eight sparkling beverages, featuring natural fruit flavors, filtered water and various minerals and amino acids. Hunt Adkins does aboug $38 million in annual The firm’s other clients include Minneapolis-basedc , which bought Ardea in 2006.
Minneapolis-based Hunt Adkins’ work on the project will includeproduct reformulation, strategty development, brand identity, packaging design and a go-to-markett strategy across select markets. The budget for the projecgt wasnot disclosed. Ardea said two othert local firms participated inthe two-month review, but declinedf to name them. “Hunt Adkins demonstrated a well-thought-out plan to help elevats Nutrisoda in a saturated category and position it as an experientia l brandto consumers,” Ardea President and Genera Manager Richard Wilson “We knew we needed and wanted to work with a provebn creative services partner.
We’re pleased to have them as our partnee during this important stager ofbrand development.” Nutrisoda is Minneapolis-based Ardea’x flagship brand. The Nutrisoda product line includes eight sparkling beverages, featuring natural fruit flavors, filtered water and various minerals and amino acids. Hunt Adkins does aboug $38 million in annual The firm’s other clients include Minneapolis-basedc , which bought Ardea in 2006.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Michael Steele Tells TPM: GOP 'Purists' Could Help Obama In 2012 - TPMDC
Fox News | Michael Steele Tells TPM: GOP 'Purists' Could Help Obama In 2012 TPMDC There's also a pillar of national defense and I will tell you after my time serving as United States Ambassador I have great appreciation for the pillar and ... Steele Flubs 'Favorite Book' Reference During Debate |
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Seattle, Bellevue luxury condominium towers are slow to fill up - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The units — at Fifteen Twenty-One, the Four Seasonse Private Residences, Olive 8, Bellevue Towera and Washington SquareTowers — represent the majorityg of large condos that have opened here in the past 18 In many cases, dozens of pre-sald agreements booked by developers have failed to come to County records show just 317 units have recorded closed sales out of the 1,321 offered at thesde five projects, which is fewer than some of the developersz had expected to sell at this The sluggish pace of sales is ripplinbg through the region’s housing market. Developers have been forcedx to extend their loans andoffer financing, extensionx and other support to nail down buyers.
If salese don’t pick up, some of the pain could spread to lenders and others involvedwith
The units — at Fifteen Twenty-One, the Four Seasonse Private Residences, Olive 8, Bellevue Towera and Washington SquareTowers — represent the majorityg of large condos that have opened here in the past 18 In many cases, dozens of pre-sald agreements booked by developers have failed to come to County records show just 317 units have recorded closed sales out of the 1,321 offered at thesde five projects, which is fewer than some of the developersz had expected to sell at this The sluggish pace of sales is ripplinbg through the region’s housing market. Developers have been forcedx to extend their loans andoffer financing, extensionx and other support to nail down buyers.
If salese don’t pick up, some of the pain could spread to lenders and others involvedwith
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