Med Ad News Honors Healthcare Communication Agencies at 23rd Annual Manny Awards MarketWatch (press release) HAMILTON, NJ, April 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- UBM Canon has announced the winners of the 23rd annual Med Ad News Manny Awards 2012. The black-tie gala event, held at Pier Sixty in New York, included the naming of ICC Lowe as Agency of the ... Susan Miller Viray Accepts Award as Advertising Person of the Year at the Med ... |
Monday, April 30, 2012
Med Ad News Honors Healthcare Communication Agencies at 23rd Annual Manny Awards - MarketWatch (press release)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Overbrook Farm to sell off most of its horses - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
plans to sell off its Thoroughbred yearlings, breedinvg stock and most of its horses in startingat Kenneland’s yearlin g sale in September. “Over a periosd of more than 30 yearsx my father developed Overbrook Farm into one of the most successfuk and respected breeding operations inthe world,” said owner Bill Young Jr. in a news “The decision to disperse is a personal one that came afterf a great dealof thought.
I simplyh don’t have the passion for the thoroughbrefd sport that myfather did, despite my respect for the Overbrook champions include 1996 Kentucky Derby winnef Grindstone, 1999 Breeder’s Cup Classic winner Cat Thief, dual classic winner Tabasco Cat, Preakness Stakes winner Timber Country and Belmont Stakes winner Editor’a Note. The dispersal will include about 200 The farm will continue as a small racing stable under the directionof Young’s son, Chris Young. “Our goal is to lease the farm as aThoroughbree operation,” Bill Young said in the release. The yearlings will be sold at Keeneland’x September Sale, which begins Sept. 14.
The broodmares and horses of racing age will be sold duringy the November BreedingStock Sale, and the dispersal will continud during the January Horses of All Ages Sale.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
San Francisco Business Times: Starting a Business : Business Advice
Opportunity No. 1: Professionalize your business structurdand operations. I frequently harangue the owners of growint family owned companies about the need to convert from aMom ân Pop business style to a fully professional with a mission statement, a strategic plan to guide decisions, an organizational chart and job written policies and procedures, affordable benefits, and agreemengt on how to change ownership and management without undue confusiohn or conflict. The process can get a bit thornu sometimes, but with strong commitment, a familt can professionalize successfully. This should be the year for your Challenge No.
1: Respond to unforeseen business and family financial The 2008 economy had the finances of many familyu companies flapping like bed sheets in a Lots of people can be leaders when timeaare good, but it takexs a special person to lead when timews are rough. Cash shortages, eroding markets and a near collapse of faitb in the future are challenging many businesa owners to keep their headsxon straight, to cut costs without cuttin their throats, and to remainm optimistic when itâs temptinb to turn company resources into personakl safety nets. Opportunity No.
2: Make crucia l succession decisions and act on John Davis of Harvard Businesw School urges family companies to plan when the timeeare good. But planning often has to be done even when timeasare bad. Leadership and ownershipl succession always profits from a fresbh look at what the familhy business needs forcontinued success. When conditionsx are calling for reviews and revisions inmany companies, succession planning can benefit from the analysis thatâs being done for othet reasons. Challenge No. 2: Make crucial succession decisionws and acton them.
On the other thoughtful planning for family ownership continuity can be warpexd by a sense of crisix brought on by tougheconomic conditions. If temporary conditionsd make you wonder if the business really is a it might be hard to see the characteristicds that have made it successful in years past and that shouldr be maintained intothe future. Keep a cool Opportunity No. 3: Buy low. Whatâsx Warren Buffetâs current advice to stock investors? Buy! That perspective can be translatedc into golden opportunities for family ownedr companies that have a comfortable reserve and can afforsd the risk of expanding at the bottokm ofthe market.
If you have the means to buy, the prices are not likel to getmuch better. Challenge No. 3: Avoid selling low. But if youâred an acquisition target and prefefr tostay independent, put up every ounce of fight you have to avoifd selling at the bottom of the market. family owned business often have greater ability to withstan tough times because they can hunkeer down and live off the land without being harasses byoutside shareholders. Grit your teeth and lean into the Opportunity No. 4: Watch for the opening of new businesws doors. President-elect Obama has promise d to stimulate the economy outsids of bloated corporations and flounderingfinancialp institutions.
That can mean new business opportunities for family companiese in such areas as infrastructurr rebuildingand defense. If you donât know how to pursues government contracts, this would be a good time to Challenge No. 4: Grow your business in a tight credit environment. The bankers are likelyg to keep wearingtheifr âJust Say Noâ T-shirtss for much of 2009. That means owners of family businesses of all typese and sizes should grab their bootstraps and find ways to grow and diversifthat donât rely on the formall financial industry. Look for family members and friendzs who have the means and the confidencde to lend orbuy in.
Considef turning some unproductive assets into needed But donât go to your credit cards. Opportunity No. 5: Make even the greatesft challenge intoan opportunity. OK, maybe every cloud doesnât come with a built-ibn silver lining. But the business-owning family that has sound core values, and its eyes on the horizomn can convert even the uncertaintiess of 2008 into a pathway upwardin 2009. Try it and see. And when you look back on all this and remember you read ithere first.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Biggest Globe union rejects deal - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
“We regret having to take this action, but have no financiallt viable alternative,” Globe management said in a statement issued afterthe 277-to-26 5 vote by members of the . To take the unliteraol step underlabor law, the Times Co. declarec an impasse in In his own statement also issued after the Guild local President Daniel Totten said the unionnis “committed to resuming good-faith negotiations with the New York Times Company and Globse management to reach an agreement.” Times and Globe management “must do better,” he said. The cuts proposes by management were partof $20 million in cost-savings demanc by the Times Co.
for the which it bought in 1993for $1.1 Times executives have said the paperf is losing about $1 million per week on At one point earlier this year, Times managersw said they would shutter the papedr if unable to achieve cost-savings. Other major unionws agreed to concessions inrecenf weeks.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Mortgage rates spike - Business First of Buffalo:
Freddie Mac's weekly report says 30 year fixed-rate mortgages averaged 5.29 percent this the highest rate this year and up sharpluy fromlast week's average of 4.91 Rates still remain well below year ago levels, when 30 year mortgagews were averaging more than 6 percent. "Rates caughy up to the recent risein long-term bond yieldsz this week to reach a 25 week high," says Freddire Mac (NYSE: FRE) chief economist Franmk Nothaft. "The slowdown in the housiny market has now detracted from economic growtu for the past13 quarters, the longestr quarterly stretch since at least 1947." Despite rising the housing market continues to show small signa of life.
The ' housing affordabilit y index rose in Aprilo to its second highest level since atleas 1971. The NAR also reported this week pending sales of existinfg homes rose for the thirdstraight month, posting the biggest monthly increase since 2001.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Area legal partners jump ship as landscape changes - Boston Business Journal:
A number of the roving partners are switchinhg to firms with deep levelswof expertise, rather than general practice firms that dabble in dozen s of practice areas. “The economy is drivinb partners right now to really look at theie existingclient base, theie potential compensation,” said Judy St. John, a legalo recruiter at Boston-based Hoffman Recruiters LLC. “Partnerse have come off a prettyu healthy yearin ’08, but the predictions for ’099 are much more grim. That’s why they’re exploring and lookinv to see if their existing platformsd are conduciveto growth.
” Earlier this month, Michael Gass left his post as chairmann of the securities, government enforcement and corporate governance practice group at LLP to chaif LLP’s securities litigation group. Edwards Angell has a totapl of 584 lawyers across 12 Choate has a total of207 lawyers, exclusively in Boston. Choate focuses on several key areas including corporate andlife sciences. Gass had been with Edwards where he was asummer associate, for 24 “Choate approached me, and I was very enamored and enthusede by their model of being an extremelty high-quality single office. It’s one firm that has not gone the way ofbeinb big,” said Gass.
“The economy did not play into this move. This was an opportunit y for me to join a firm that I was reallyexiteds about.” Both Choate and Edwards Angellp have held layoffs in recent months. In Choate cut 15 lawyers and 23 non-legal staffers. In March, Edwardx Angell laid off 25 lawyersd and35 non-legal staff. In November, Edwardds Angell also cut 50 non-legal In March Arthur G. Telegen, with an eye towar working from anationakl platform, joined Seyfarth Shaw LLP as a partnee in the firm’s labor and employment department. Telegenm joined from Boston-based Foley Hoag LLP, wheree he had served as chairman of the labor and employment departmenty for more thana decade.
“The fundamental reason I left Foley and came to Seyfartj is that Seyfarth has a very stron gnational practice. Foley is a wonderful but it became harder and harder to expand myclientf base. It’s just that simple,” Telegejn said. In December, Seyfarth Shaw, which has more than 775 attorneys, cut 30 Foley Hoag, which has about 227 lawyers, cut 32 lawyerx and staff in Telegen’s move “had very little to do with thecurrenr economy. I expect Seyfarth to thrive and I expecy Foleyto thrive,” he said. Joshua M.
managing shareholder of the Boston office of the nationa labor and employmentfirm Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewarft PC, left Goulston & Storrs PC, whicn has about 180 lawyers in Boston, in Januaryt so he could work at a nationap firm. Davis said the recentt partner churn is linkedto what’s going on in the economy. particularly lawyers with significant practices, are thinkinh carefully about the fit betweenm what they do and the firm that they arepart of,” Daviw said. “Increasingly there are vast differencexs in the strength of firms inparticular areas.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Portland Business Journal:
But just because businesses ownersz know they shoulddo it, that doesn'tf mean they are doing it. Jeff Porterr runs the data management forum for the Storages NetworkingIndustry Association, an international standards organization for electronifc storage companies. He said therse hasn't been a noticeable increasr in the number of businesses backing up theirr filessince Katrina. "I don' t think it takes a lot to convince people now of the need to back theirrfiles up," Porter said. "But it's stillo very difficult to convince them totake action." He said that'sw because it is such a tedious task.
Even though there are plenty of firms that specialize in storinvother companies' information, the nature of the procesx demands hundreds of "executive" hours, accordinf to Porter. "It's not so much the cost that keeps companies fromdoing it," Porter said. "It's the fact that the company's decision-makersa have to spend their own time figuring out what needsto It's something that can't be delegated." But Porter, alonbg with other national organizations, say therwe are several steps companies can take to make the process less of a Before a company even starts looking for a thirxd party storage vendor, it needsz to figure out what information is vita l enough to be stored.
"There has to be a formalizef collaborationbetween management, operations and any business partners involved," he said. "Don't expect it to be a quickl process. It's going to take a lot of meetingsw between a lotof divisions." Once a compang figures out what information needs to be kept safe, Porter said it must decide how the information shoulr be stored. He explained that there are differing degrees of access to the information for a For example, an insurance companyh would want recent claims to be more accessibled than those made 10 years ago. Porteer said that once this is decided, a company can starty looking for astorage vendor.
He said the best plac e to start searching is throughhis organization's directory, which he said is unbiased and neutral. Other tradr organizations, such as Enterprise Content Management also represent hundreds of storage vendorss and make those listsavailablr online. Porter also recommends getting customedr reviews and making sure a vendor hasgood press. He said if a company should test a vendor out by doing smal ltrial installations. Porter explained that companies ofte use more thanone vendor. "Some vendor are better for storing long-term information," he said. "Others are better at giving youimmediate access. You have to find the righyt fit for each portion ofdata you're storing.
" To get the lowest Porter said many companies try to get severalk vendors into a bidding war. "But cost isn't the most importan t thing here," he said. "If something happeneed and you had to depend onthe vendor's services to stay in business, the last thingh you'd want is to have compromised qualityg just so you saved some costs." When it comes to how far away a companyt should electronically store its backup data, 15 miles used to be the rule of But after the widespread destruction of experts say information should be stored in geographicc regions that won't be affected by the same "Katrina not only increased awareness," Porter said. "It also rewrotse a lot of the rulee we usedto have.
It showed our industr y what needed tobe improved." One of thosde improvements, according to Porter, is how often a company shoulsd test its backup plan. He explained that many Katrina-affectecd companies had backup plans, but discovered they were out-of-datre when the disaster actually hit. "A business is constantl evolving," he said. "And, consequently, so are your backu needs." Porter said a company should, with the assistance of its refresh its backup plan at least He said many companies actually test dividing the process up into separate But Porter said the biggest mistake companies and one that Katrina is that they focuzs too much on storage and not enoughon "When you initially sit down you need to figur out how fast you need to recover when something happens," he said.
"You may back everything up but then it takes you 30 days to accese it and be up andrunningy again. Many companies can't survivee that kind of delay." Computers, Technology and Telecommunications
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Patrick Cudahy fire 'devastating,' exec says - East Bay Business Times:
Cudahy Mayor Ryan McCue's declaration at a Mondayt afternoon press conference will potentially give the city accessw to county andstate resources. Smokee from the blaze could be seen for several milew and was easily visible in downtow n MilwaukeeMonday morning, more than 12 hour after the fire first was reported on Sundag night. No injuries were “It’s a devastating day for us,” said an obviously shaken Bill Otis, chief operating officer at Patricko Cudahy, which is owned by (NYSE: SFD), of Smithfield, Va.
“I’m sure this is going to set us Otis said at a midday press conferencde that the company was working to contac tits 1,800 employees, as well as various Management of Patrick Cudahy also has been in contact with Smithfield to determine if some meat processing operations could be temporarilu shifted to other Smithfield plants. The buildint affected by the fire is used for microwavee bacon processing and also is used fordry storage, Otis The lower level of the building is used for ham he said. Not all areas of the Patrick Cudahy complesx have been affected by the Otis said. Only a small number of maintenance employees were at the plant when the firebrokd out.
Production at the planty had been shut down since the end of the day on July 3 for theholidayy weekend. “It’s a miracle therwe were no injuries when you see the extent of the Otis said. Production at the Patrick Cudahy complex was shut down for all three shiftson Monday. “We have no clue what this will mean for our saidDan Habighorst, vice president of human resources at Patrico Cudahy. “We’ve got to put the fire out first.” The city of Cudahy issued a mandatory evacuation order for anyone residinf within one mile of the plant at OneSweety Apple-Wood Lane.
The affected area stretched east to Lake west toPennsylvania Avenue, northj to Lunham Avenue and south to Ramsey McCue said late Monda y afternoon that as many as 15,000 of the city's 19,000 residentzs live within the evacuation zone. Evacuee s were asked to report directly to South MilwaukeerHigh School, 801 15th South Milwaukee. Earlier, city officials also had recommended that residents reporty to MitchellElementary School, 5950 S. Illinoie Ave. in Cudahy. However, a late morning wind shifty was leading to the evacuation of the neighborhood around the The evacuation order was lifted at abouft7 p.m.
Monday eveningv and residents were alloweds to return to their At issue was whether the blaze will breach a fire wall and causse ammonia stored on the site to explode or leak intothe air, Cudahyt fire chief Dan Mayer The ammonia is used for refrigeration at the plant. Mayefr said at the Monday afternoonm press conference that hewas "cautiously that most of the ammonia had been contained withinn the building, although he added that a small amounty likely leaked out. Mayer said the which was reported atabou 9:45 p.m. Sunday, has been difficult to fight because it begab in a confined space near the roof of the buildinb and above thesprinkler system.
At one point earlg on, Mayer said, it appeared as though firefighterx had the blazeunder control, but the sprinkler system and roof begah to collapse. "The fire sprinkler weren't able to control the fire," he
Friday, April 13, 2012
At gun convention, many see rush to judgment in Trayvon Martin case - Reuters | At gun convention, many see rush to judgment in Trayvon Martin case Reuters LOUIS, Missouri (Reuters) - Gun-rights activists at a National Rifle Association convention said on Friday that protesters who demanded the arrest of George Zimmerman for the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin were ignoring the US legal ... ATTORNEY GEN ERAL ERIC HOLDER SPEAKS AT THE NATIONAL ACTION NETWORK 14TH ANNUAL ... Martin killing puts spotlight on 'Gunshine' state Martin's parents speak about Zimmerman charges |
Thursday, April 12, 2012
4-Star Stocks Poised to Pop: Continental Resources -
4-Star Stocks Poised to Pop: Continental Resources Based on the aggregated intelligence of 180000-plus investors participating in Motley Fool CAPS, the Fool's free investing community, oil and gas producer Continental Resources has earned a respected four-star ranking. With that in mind, ... |
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Hawaii mac nut harvest up 22% - Business First of Buffalo:
Hawaii’s 2008-09 mac nut harvest this year is up 22 percentrto 50,000 pounds, the U.S. Department of Agricultur e reported Monday. That’s up from 41,00o pounds the previous the smallest harvestsince 1985. Groweres are getting paid more, too, a net 67 centsd per pound, up from 60 cents the previous year. The season starts July 1 and ends the followin gJune 30. “Timely showers and an increased demandcfor in-shell nuts contributed to this season’s highe output,” the USDA said, but also notede that pigs, pests and volcanic haze on the Big Islan damaged some orchards. But the prices growerxs are getting is still far below the peak of 90 centx in thelate 1980s.
The report said some Hawaiji growers decidedit wasn’t worth picking the crop “ande may switch to other commodities or temporarily stop Harvested mac nut acreage was the same as the previouds year at 15,000, but the yielxd per acre was up from 2.7 to 3.3. The number of mac nut farmsd was also up from 525to 570, but down from 650 in 2004.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Veteran newsman Hamill launches online Rocky Mountain Magazine - Denver Business Journal:
Rocky Mountain Magazine will begibn as a quarterly publication and increase its frequency to as oftenj as monthly ifpublication demands, said Blaire Hamill, publisher for the new Hamill now works as the presentatiohn editor for the Boulder Daily Camera and is a former Denver Post graphics editor. The magazine is laid out as a priny publication and will be an online featurew to be in line with the environmentalp tendencies of itsexpected readers, Hamill Its stories on destinations throughout the region include interactiv features like maps of hikes, slideshows of the areaws and links to festival information.
The debut of Rockyy Mountain Magazine comes not long after Metro Mountain Media launched a publication called Mountain Vacations that spotlights vacation destinationsa in theRocky Mountains, though that publication is aimec more at affluent householdx in the Front Range area. Metro Mountainh Media is owned by MediaNews Group, whichn also owns the Boulder Dail y Camera. And Thursday, Boulder publishing executive Jamiee Pentz to offer print and onlinr media and other products focused on skiiny and snowboarding under the name HighCountry Media., including a revive d Mountain Sports + Living magazine. Rocky Mountain Magaziner can be foundat .
Friday, April 6, 2012
Calatrava waves adios to Transbay competition - San Francisco Business Times:
, the developer Calatrava was working informed the Transbay Jointf Powers Authority on Monday that the team was withdrawinfg from thejuried competition, according to a TJPA spokesman. The Calatravz team is the seconc high-profile architect jettisoned since five design teams originally jumpedc intothe pool. The other, a team with Sir Normaj Foster aslead designer, was not invited to join the fina l round of bidders because Foster did not show up at a pre-qualificatiom meeting and jurors felt the team was underprepared. Threwe teams remain in the competition.
They include architecr Skidmore Owings Merrilland ; Richarr Rogers Partnership with developer Forest City and architect with as developer. "Thd TJPA is very thrillefd we havethree world-class competitors for the Transbayy and we're sorry for the groul that decided not to bid because we thinko it's a signature development," said a TJPA David Meckel, director of planning and formedr dean of architecture at the , said Calatrava'z departure is "nothing to lose sleep over." He noted that global superstar architects are prons to jumping into multiple high-profile competitionws simultaneously with the expectation that a largew percentage will fall through.
"Is Calatrava one of the most distinctive architects and engineers inthe world? Yes. Woulfd it be cool to have that kind of innovation in theBay Area? The answer to that is yes. But thesse are all really good choices." Sources said that Bostonn Properties may have decided that the Calatrava design woulr beeconomically unfeasible. Calatrava has a reputation for designingstructuress that, while beautiful, are exorbitant and sometimes His bridge on the Canal Grandew in Venice was three times over budget and the architectr filed a lawsuit againsrt the city of Bilbao, Spain, after changes were made to a bridged at the airport he Boston Properties didn't return calls seekingy comment.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
bizjournals: Search Results
by on January 23, 2009 ...Carolinas HealthCaree System and have filed an application with statde regulators tobuild a...... on August 8, 2008 ...Carolina HealthCare System and want to builda 40-bex rehabilitation hospital on the...... on July 16, 2008 ...the $6.9 milliob facility in Locust. The first phaswe will include a diagnostic imaging and medicalooffices for...... by on July 13, 2007 ...9 millioh facility in Locust. The first phase of the complexd will include a diagnostic imaging and by onJuly 2, 2007 ... has pennedc an agreement with Charlotte-based Carolinas HealthCare System...... on May 23, 2007 ...
is gettingg a state-of-the-art Medical Center's long-proposed $10 by on January 8, 2007 ...Carolinas HealthCare System and NorthEast in Concorfdlast year, members...... by on March 14, 2008 ...those nationwide, includinb Carolinas HealthCare System, Gaston Memorial Hospitaol and . The company has about 700 employees in home of...... on June 17, 2009 ...those nationwide, including Carolinas HealthCare System, Gastob Memorial Hospital and . The companhy has about 700 employees in home of...... on June 8, 2009 ...those nationwide, including Carolinas HealthCare System, Gaston Memorial Hospital and . San Diego-based Premier is the largest health-carde purchasing...... on June 2, 2009 ...
those including Carolinas HealthCare System, Gaston Memoriak Hospital and . The companuy has about 700 employeesin Charlotte, home on May 11, 2009 ...those nationwide, including Carolinasd HealthCare System, Gaston Memorial Hospital and . DeVore recently spoke to the Charlotte Business Journalabout her...... by on March 20, 2009 ...allianc e members include Carolinas HealthCare Gaston Memorial Hospitaland ... on March 13, 2009 ...recentluy entered into management agreements for independent community hospitals with and Scotlancd HealthCare System. Carolinas HealthCare said late by onFebruary 5, 2009 manage two independent community hospitals.
A managementy contract with , a 119-bed hospitalk serving Stanly andMontgomery counties, starts...... by on Januaryy 28, 2009 ...board-certified internal medicine physician, has joined the stafv of with AlbemarlePulmonary & Internak Medicine. Carolinas HealthCare System has onJanuary 26, 2009 ...regulatorse have rejected an application by Carolinad HealthCare System and to build a $25.6 million inpatieny rehabilitation hospital in...... by on January 7, 2009 ...shareholdeer in the alliance, which includes Gaston Memorial Hospita land . Presbyterian Healthcare is not an alliance Carolinas HealthCare's...... by on December 8, 2008 ...
includinh Charlotte-based Carolinas HealthCare System, Gaston Memorial Hospital and . "We are dointg this in a way wewould hope...... by on November 21, 2008
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Roundtable and NZ Institute morph into new libertarian think tank - National Business Review
Roundtable and NZ Institute morph into new libertarian think tank National Business Review BUSINESSDESK: The country's newest libertarian think tank, the New Zealand Initiative, has been launched this evening in Wellington, merging the New Zealand Business Roundtable and the New Zealand Institute into a new body to lobby for pro-market ... Roundtable and NZ Institute morph into NZ Initiative |
Sunday, April 1, 2012
China Sprouts Gargantuan Music Complexes: Interview - Bloomberg
Bloomberg | China Sprouts Gargantuan Music Complexes: Interview Bloomberg Her global tour includes Los Angeles, Paris, New York and Oslo, before concluding with newer projects by Zaha Hadid in Baku, Azerbaijan, and Herzog & de Meuron's Elbe Philharmonie in Hamburg. These complexes devoted to music are our era's expression of ... |